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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 18, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti meets KFOR commander: Demands increase at border with Serbia, ‘where threat to Kosovo comes from’ (media)
  • Osmani and Guler talk about cooperation in the field of defence (RTK)
  • Five draft resolutions submitted to EP, demand sanctioning of Serbia for attack in Banjska (media)
  • Sarrazin: Germany against a new dialogue conference (media)
  • Russia shares the same concern with Serbia about Kosovo, says Putin (Albanian Post)
  • Szunyog on non-decree of chief prosecutor: Merit selection process is needed (Koha)
  • Croatian president: Serbia was not punished for attack in north, Vucic owes us some answers (Reporteri)
  • Djukanovic: Policy of internationals instigated the terrorist act in Banjska (media)
  • New Special Prosecutor, Kimberly West signs the solemn declaration (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Bilcik: Dialogue is the only way (KiM radio, FoNet)
  • Petkovic: Kurti undermines dialogue on daily basis before eyes of international community (Tanjug, media)
  • After more than three weeks Jarinje crossing point fully opened (media)
  • KSF member who wounded two Serb boys released pending trial (Kosovo Online)
  • Petkovic reacts to decision to release Azem Kurtaj pending trial (Tanjug)
  • Jevtic says release of Azem Kurtaj pending trial sends bad message, lawyer appalled by decision (media)
  • Dacic: FTA with China historic, to be greatly beneficial (Tanjug)
  • Starovic: In the coming period, Serbia can count on an even stronger role of China in preserving its territorial integrity (RTS)
  • Demostat: Serbs from the north of Kosovo trust KFOR the most (NMagazin, Beta)
  • AP: NATO equips KFOR with heavier armament to have “combat power” (N1)
  • Behind high politics: He extended KM licence plates, then was left without vehicle and paid fines (KoSSev)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti meets KFOR commander: Demands increase at border with Serbia, ‘where threat to Kosovo comes from’ (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, met today with the new commander of KFOR, General Ozkan Ultutas, to discuss the security situation in Kosovo. He emphasised that he is interested in strong cooperation, frequent meetings and regular communication with the KFOR Command.

The central topic of the meeting, according to the announcement by the Prime Minister’s Office, was the security situation after the September 24 terrorist attack in Kosovo. The Prime Minister emphasised that this terrorist attack highlighted the need for increased security on the border between Kosovo and Serbia.

"The large amount of confiscated military weaponry and ammunition was produced in Serbia. Even the combat exercises of the paramilitaries who committed terror and murder in Banjska of Zvecan were carried out in Serbia. Kosovo has no jurisdiction there, therefore an international investigation is needed in Serbia on the preparations, supply and orchestration of this attack," he said.

Kurti welcomed the increase in the number of KFOR troops, in response to the terrorist attack by Serbia in Kosovo, stressing that this increased presence should be concentrated in maintaining the border between Kosovo and Serbia, from where the weapons entered from Serbia and where the threat to Kosovo comes from. Guarding the border also means closing illegal roads, which is why greater cooperation with the Kosovo Police is necessary.

Prime Minister Kurti also emphasised the need to provide regular services of Kosovo's institutions to citizens in the north, therefore freedom of movement must be guaranteed.

Osmani and Guler talk about cooperation in the field of defence (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met the Minister of National Defense of Turkiye, Yasar Guler, with whom she discussed cooperation in the field of defence with special emphasis on the training of the KSF and the intensified exchange with the aim of advancing general cooperation in the field of security.

In the announcement from the Presidency of Kosovo, it is said that Osmani congratulated him on his position as a minister in the Republic of Turkiye, as well as thanked Turkiye and in particular President Erdogan for the continuous support to Kosovo.

"The minister confirmed the unwavering support for Kosovo", the announcement states.

Furthermore, Minister Guler expressed his gratitude to Kosovo, especially for the solidarity and assistance that it offered to Turkiye after the devastating earthquake in this country.

“At the meeting, President Osmani also spoke about the current security situation in Kosovo, as well as the act of aggression and the terrorist attack by Serbia that occurred on September 24 in the Republic of Kosovo, in which case she emphasised that the guarantee and protection of security in the country are priority,” the communique reads.

Osmani also confirmed the readiness and importance of cooperation with allies in this direction.

Five draft resolutions submitted to EP, demand sanctioning of Serbia for attack in Banjska (media)

Five draft resolutions have been sent to the European Parliament for the events of September 24 in the north of Kosovo.

The draft resolution proposed by the "S&D Group", which consists of socialists and democrats, calls on the European Union to "urgently change its mellow policy towards Serbia". Likewise, point 13 of the draft resolution of the "S&D Group" calls for the measures taken by the EU towards Kosovo to be removed immediately.

"To emphasise the importance of holding Serbia responsible for its role in the attack of September 24, 2023 and the need to impose negative measures against Serbia".

"To express regret for the fact that the Belgrade court rejected the call of the Belgrade Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for the detention of Milan Radoicic, due to the risk of his escape, considering that Radoicic took responsibility for organising the attack on September 24, 2023" , it is said in the draft resolution of the socialists and democrats.

The pro-European political group also submitted a draft resolution to the European Parliament, which called on the EU and its member states to prepare sanctions against the organisers, financiers and perpetrators of the September 24 attack in Banjska based on the findings of the investigation.

"We regret that Serbia has resumed the campaign of derecognition towards Kosovo; we call on Serbia to refrain from efforts to isolate Kosovo from the international community by campaigning against its recognition or by excluding the country from international organisations", states, among other things, the draft resolution of this group.

A draft resolution submitted by the "Greens/European Free Alliance" group contains 24 points. Point 2 requests that all the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in Banjska be brought to justice, as it also mentioned the attacks during the month of May against members of KFOR, the Police of Kosovo and journalists.

It has also called on the European Commission and the Council of Europe to take action against the Government of Serbia if the investigations reveal that the Serbian state was directly involved in the terrorist attack in Banjska or the May 2023 attacks, or even if the Serbian authorities are not ready to cooperate with the Kosovo authorities.

"We call on the Commission, in this context, to freeze the funds given to Serbia under the IPA program, if the findings of the investigation show that the Serbian state was directly involved in these attacks," says the draft resolution. Furthermore, this political group in the European Parliament, has expressed concern on the evidence linking criminal groups in the north of Kosovo with the state of Serbia.

"We express deep concern, in this context, that all those who are responsible for the clashes in Banjska may not be brought to justice," the draft resolution says.

On the other hand, Kosovo has been requested to establish the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority "without further delay, in accordance with the Brussels Agreements of 2013 and 2015, the Constitution of Kosovo and the judgement of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo of 2015".

The aggression in Banjska has also been condemned by the group of European Conservatives and Reformists who come from the centre right. In the draft resolution, which consists of nine points, they have requested that Serbia be investigated and held responsible for the actions of the terrorist group.

This group has expressed that it supports the calls for elections in the north of Kosovo "and encourages the authorities to implement all necessary policies to ensure fair, democratic and peaceful elections".

Meanwhile, the fifth draft resolution was sent to the European Parliament by the largest and oldest group in the parliament called "EPP", which is a centre-right group.

The EPP has strongly condemned the terrorist incursion in Kosovo and the attack against the Kosovo policemen in Banjska, as it has asked the Kosovar authorities to redouble their efforts "to prevent the smuggling of weapons into the country, which is being done using ambulances and church facilities belonging to the Serbian Orthodox Church in the north of Kosovo".

We condemn the harbouring of the perpetrators of the armed incursion in the north of Kosovo, as well as any propaganda about them, glorification of their actions or political support for them".

"We condemn the ongoing Russian efforts to exert influence over the Western Balkans, and especially in Serbia and Kosovo, exploiting cultural, ethnic and religious divisions and destabilising pro-democratic forces; we condemn, in this regard, the possible Russian involvement in the Banjska attacks", says the draft resolution of the EPP.

Sarrazin: Germany against a new dialogue conference (Media)

Germany's special representative for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, said that Germany does not support the idea of a regional conference or a new approach to dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

In an interview with Euroaktiv, when asked what he thought of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama's idea of raising the dialogue supported by the EU to the status of a "conference" where the main players are included, Sarrazin said that such an idea does not make sense.

"I don't think it makes sense to invent something new since we have a good deal," he said

Sarrazin said that both sides have made it very clear, at least in their words, that they stand by the agreements reached so far, in particular the Ohrid Agreement and its 2023 annex.

"I think it is important that we try to start the implementation and bring out a positive balance step by step in order to make the agreement work," he stressed.

Sarrazin said that the federal government was determined to support the EU-sponsored dialogue and the so-called French-German plan that is currently on the table. Furthermore, the federal government would "strongly" support the work of EU commissioner Miroslav Lajčak, even if there were criticisms and concerns about his allegedly one-sided approach.

"There is no alternative but to continue the dialogue and try to resume the implementation of the agreement," said Sarrazin, who called on both sides "to engage positively and constructively in this process."

Sarrazin added that everyone he knows in Kosovo wants to adhere to the Ohrid agreements, including the Association of Serb Municipalities.

"Escalation should not be a tool to destroy dialogue too easily. The parties must return to the agreed path and will not be allowed to simply walk away from the dialogue," he said.

As for eventual sanctions against Kosovo and Serbia, Sarrazin has made it clear that sanctions are the last resort.

"Sanctions are never a way forward, but sometimes when we ask for something clear, as we did with Kosovo and as the European Union is now doing with Serbia, it should also be clear that there will be consequences if people do not follow us. "

He added that the EU must remain firm in its policies and expectations and that progress is needed from both sides.

Asked if Kosovo and other countries in the region can expect to be part of the EU by 2030, the date proposed by European Council President Charles Michel, Sarrazin said the Western Balkans should be the same, an equal part of the EU.

"It makes no sense to treat the region as a second-rate group. There should be more flexibility along the way, with the possibility of benefits up front. However, there should be no flexibility when "standards for respecting EU values" are in question, he said

Asked if he believed the EU was really serious about enlargement and if the momentum had reached the right level to make meaningful progress, Sarrazin was very clear.

"I believe that the EU is serious. Germany is very serious. But such seriousness must exist in parallel in the countries of the region", he emphasised.

Russia shares the same concern with Serbia about Kosovo, says Putin (Albanian Post)

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, at the end of his visit to China as part of the third "Belt and Road" forum, in a press conference, spoke briefly about the meeting he held with the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic in Beijing.

"By the way, I also spoke with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, who is concerned about the situation in his region, in Serbia. We share his concern," Putin was quoted as saying.

Otherwise, the meeting with President Putin was initially announced by Vucic himself.

"I saw Putin bursting with self-confidence, he had long talks with Chinese President Xi and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán", he declared from Beijing, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic and the Minister of Defense, Milos Vucevic.

Szunyog on non-decree of chief prosecutor: Merit selection process is needed (Koha)

Tomas Szunyog, head of the Office of the European Union in Kosovo, has reacted after the decision of the president Vjosa Osmani to not decree Blerim Isufaj, as chief prosecutor of the state, due to the violations that were found during the selection process.

Szunyog has said that a selection process based on meritocracy and transparency is needed.

"Taking into account the president's statement on the Chief State Prosecutor, I emphasise the critical need for a merit-based, transparent and fair selection process for positions within the justice system," he wrote on the X platform.

A year and a half after the Prosecutorial Council chose Blerim Isufaj as the next chief prosecutor of the state, president Vjosa Osmani, has announced that she will not decree this name.

In a media conference on Tuesday, Osmani said that there were "10 violations in the selection procedure" and that "she is obliged, given the violations, not to decree" Isufaj as chief prosecutor.

Croatian president: Serbia was not punished for attack in north, Vucic owes us some answers (Reporteri)

The President of the Republic of Albania, Bajram Begaj, held a press conference together with his Croatian counterpart, Zoran Milanovic, who is on an official visit to Albania.

From there, Milanovic said that Serbia supported the terrorist attack of September 24 in the north of Kosovo, but despite this, it did not receive the right response.

"The fact is that I am one of the only ones who am not Albanian, and I made the call in New York to accept Kosovo. This is the topic that Mr. President also spoke about. All of Europe knows this fact, but will not mention it. This is not very good and honest. This is useless and even harmful to us. We have been hearing the same arguments for 12 years, and as time passes, the obstacles become more difficult. Very few things are being done", Milanovic said.

He added that Serbia and Serbian President Vucic owe Kosovo and the international community some answers regarding the case and their reaction to it.

On the other hand, President Begaj also appreciated the Croatian support towards Kosovo, stressing that the EU and NATO should stop the provocative positions of Serbia.

"I underlined that after the act of Hamas against Israel, it becomes necessary for the EU and NATO to discourage Serbia's provocative approach to Kosovo. I appreciated the support that Croatia gives to Kosovo. Since the September 24 attack, things are no longer the same as before and the negotiators must have a new approach to dialogue," Begaj said.

Djukanovic: Policy of internationals instigated the terrorist act in Banjska (media)

The former president of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, has said that the terrorist attack in Banjska on September 24 was expected. Djukanovic said in an interview for "Federalna TV" that this was Russia's policy and the aim was to create a frozen conflict, with the aim of dividing Kosovo.

"What was expected happened. It was expected and it was certainly an attempt to open a frozen conflict in the Western Balkans and it is completely clear whose policy it was. It was Russia's policy. So, the idea of that terrorist act in Kosovo was to cause riots, which would lead to a conflict of limited intensity and the end of which would be the definition of the demarcation lines between the north of Kosovo and the other parts of Kosovo. Determining a frozen conflict that would last 5, 15 or 35 years, where the local and international public would slowly get used to becoming the border of Kosovo's division. This was the idea", Djukanovic said.

He noted that with the frozen conflict, Serbia wanted to divide Kosovo. He said that the policy of the "international community created the atmosphere in which the terrorist act was born".

"That was the basic idea. But what is more important is to know who is the author of this adventure. I believe it is important to determine whose policy created an atmosphere in which the terrorist act was born. I believe it was the policy of the international community. Read the policy of the Western partners, read even more precisely the policy of the State Department, that is, the people of the State Department for the direction of the Balkan policy. That policy, the policy of surrender to Serbia, of making concessions to Serbia in exchange for Serbia leaving Vladimir Putin, but that did not happen. They thought that it would stop Serbia from obstructing the international recognition of Kosovo, but it did not. What happened is that Serbia used those concessions and instead of doing its own internal politics, it started doing politics of taking care of the Serbs in the region. When you make politics to take care of the people in the region, wherever they live, then you destroy the sovereignty of your neighbours. When you destroy the sovereignty of your neighbours, you worsen the stability of that region and directly encourage an atmosphere of conflict", Djukanovic said.

Djukanovic said that what happened in Kosovo is the final expression of a wrong international policy.

New Special Prosecutor, Kimberly West signs the solemn declaration (media)

Specialist Prosecutor Kimberly West today signed a solemn declaration that she would exercise her functions independently, impartially and conscientiously.

The press release issued by the Specialized Chambers of The Hague informs that this is in accordance with Article 36 of the Law on Specialized Chambers and the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor.

West was selected for the post of Specialized Prosecutor in June 2023 after a procedure organised by the European Union. She is an American prosecutor with extensive experience in both domestic and international criminal investigations.

West is the third Special Prosecutor, following Jack Smith, who served as Special Prosecutor from 2018 to 2022, and David Schwendiman, who served from 2016 to 2018.




Serbian Language Media


Bilcik: Dialogue is the only way (KiM radio, FoNet)

No clear connection has been established between the official Belgrade and what happened in Banjska so far, therefore calling for the introduction of sanctions before the end of the investigation is not a constructive way forward, just like criticising the rapporteurs of the European Union (EU), said the European Parliament's Rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik.

"We must continue the dialogue. There is no plan B. We have always said that the only way forward in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina is dialogue, and that all other alternatives are tragic," emphasised Bilcik.

According to him, we must return to dialogue, everyone must be serious and commit to dialogue, it is in the interest of everyone, especially the people who are in Kosovo, everyone who is there, both Serbs and Albanians.

"Otherwise, we will have a very different picture, which none of us will like. Dialogue is the only way," said Bilcik.

Regarding the events in Banjska, he considers it crucial that we know all the facts and that we need a clear and credible investigation into what happened, delivering justice, and learning lessons.

"The events in Banjska are an example of what can happen if politics, dialogue and communication fail us. And that is potentially very explosive, especially in the Western Balkans and especially when we talk about the relations between Belgrade and Pristina," he warned.

He emphasised that before the events in Banjska, many who closely followed the dialogue were very frustrated with Pristina and the fact that it was not dedicated, especially when it comes to the Community of Serbian Municipalities.

"After Banjska, all eyes are also on Belgrade and we will pay attention to that in the resolution of the European Parliament," said Bilcik and added that he does not know what the final version will be.

He announced that restrictive measures will be addressed in the resolution, of which there is no doubt, but he explained that his political group is in favour of adopting restrictive measures against Serbia and Belgrade only if a clear connection between the events in Banjska and the leadership in Belgrade was established. 

"Until now, this has not been established," Bilcik emphasised and reminded that the EP will have a political resolution, but that the decision on any measures against Belgrade is in the hands of the EU members and the EU Council.

"It is too early to say what will happen. We should get all the facts, justice, and the investigation should be done in the best possible way. Also, time is of crucial importance," noted Bilcik.

Petkovic: Kurti undermines dialogue on daily basis before eyes of international community (Tanjug, media)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said today that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti by his statements and acts on a daily basis makes a fatal blows to the process of normalisation of relations with Belgrade and before the eyes of international community says that he has no intention of forming Community of Serb Municipalities that guarantees important collective rights and security of Serbian people in Kosovo.

“After the Berlin Process, meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, clear message by French President Emmanuel Macron and their joint messages about importance of restoring the dialogue and respect for the previous agreements, and ahead of the visit of “big five” where everybody requests establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, (Albin) Kurti says there is nothing from it”, Petkovic added.

Petkovic also said Kurti did a similar thing last year as well when after the Berlin Process Summitt, he illegally and unilaterally dismissed police commander of the region North, Nenad Djuric, in violation of the existing agreements from Brussels dialogue, adding it was a prelude to violence Pristina started exerting against Serbs in northern Kosovo.  

After more than three weeks Jarinje crossing point fully opened (media)

The crossing point of Jarinje in northern Kosovo, after being closed to enter from central Serbia for more than three weeks, opened this morning at 8.40, Serbian media reported.

Pristina authorities closed two crossing points, Jarinje and Brnjak, in northern Kosovo on September 24, after the events in Banjska.

It was possible to use those crossings to exit Kosovo, but not use them to enter Kosovo from central Serbia, with both vehicle traffic and pedestrians being unable to enter.

Brnjak was fully opened on October 4, and Jarinje was fully opened today, media recalled. 

KSF member who wounded two Serb boys released pending trial (Kosovo Online)

Member of Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) Azem Kurtaj who on January 6 this year wounded two young Serbs in the village of Gotovusa, Strpce municipality with a firearm,  by decision of the court has been released pending trial, Kosovo Online portal reported.

His case is at the moment at the Court of Appeals, where also dismissal of the indictment is being considered, according to the portal.

Kurtaj is accused of using a firearm and causing general danger, and the lawyer of two wounded Serb boys, Milos Delevic commenting on the qualification of the act by the prosecutor said it was, to put it mildly, scandalous.

Two young Serbs were wounded in the village of Gotovusa on January 6, while carrying a Christmas tree on their way home. Azem Kurtaj shot at them from his vehicle and wounded both of them, 11-year old Stefan suffered perforating shoulder injury, while 21-year old Milos sustained hand injury, Kosovo Online portal reported.

Kurtaj fled the scene, and was arrested afterwards.  

Petkovic reacts to decision to release Azem Kurtaj pending trial (Tanjug)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said today that by “mindlessness decision” of the court in Urosevac, to release KSF member Azem Kurtaj pending trial “makes (Albin) Kurti’s policy of hunting Serbs official and once again demonstrated that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija can not hope for any justice”.

“Member of so-called KSF, Azem Kurtaj who savagely and in cold blood shot Serbian children Milos (21) and Stefan (11) on the Christmas Eve has been released to defend from freedom and Pristina considers abolishing indictment! Obviously, no one will be held responsible for shedded blood of the Serbian children”, Petkovic wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

He also asked EULEX Head Giovanni Barbano, German Ambassador in Pristina, Jorn Rohde, EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak, US Ambassador in Pristina, Jeffery Hovenier and Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Michael Davenport “if lives of Serbian children in Kosovo and Metohija have no value”, Tanjug news agency reported.    

Jevtic says release of Azem Kurtaj pending trial sends bad message, lawyer appalled by decision (media)

Legal representative of Milos Stojanovic from Gotovusa village in Strpce municipality wounded on January 6, Veljko Radic told Kosovo Online portal he is appalled by decision of the Basic Court in Urosevac to release defendant Azem Kurtaj pending trial.

“As a legal representative of affected Milos Stojanovic I am appealed by the fact and decision that Azem Kurtaj is released pending trial. Neither me nor my colleague representing affected parties in this criminal proceedings received any information, nor written decision about this decision of the Basic Court in Urosevac, for which I consider that the court is obliged by the law to deliver to us (…)”, Radic said.

Strpce mayor Dalibor Jevtic said he expected that Kosovo institutions will treat this issue differently, adding release of Azem Kurtaj pending trial sends a bad message.

“I must say I expected that institutions would approach this problem differently that was created by the very decision of Azem Kurtaj to shoot at Serbian children on Christmas Eve. Such a decision sends a very bad message because when you want to act preventively and stop someone else from doing similar things, then in cases when something like this happens you must be efficient and make decisions that would ensure something like that will not happen again (…)”, Jevtic said.

From this aspect, he added, I am very concerned because my expectations and expectations of Strpce residents were that institutions would do their utmost to protect not only the rule of law and justice, Stefan and Milos, but also some other children.

He also voiced particular concern that Azem Kurtaj is still an active member of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) and that as far as he is aware nothing was done in relation to his status following the shooting. 

Dacic: FTA with China historic, to be greatly beneficial (Tanjug)

Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in Beijing on Tuesday a Serbia-China FTA signed earlier in the day was historic and would be greatly beneficial to the people of Serbia in the decades to come.

"Today's event completes everything that has been done in the past 10-11 years and this is really a historic event for Serbia, not only economically, but also when it comes to our foreign policy position," Dacic told reporters yesterday.

He said that, at the beginning of a meeting with Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, Chinese President Xi Jinping had said China and Serbia would be supporting each other.

"China's support when it comes to our key issues, such as territorial integrity and sovereignty in Kosovo and Metohija, is vital to us. The great friendship that exists between our two presidents was visible and, irrespective of the fact we are talking about the economy, trade and agriculture, it is very important to say China will stand with us firmly also in very difficult international circumstances when it comes to our issues", Dacic said, noting that Beijing's support was also vital ahead of next week's UN Security Council session on Kosovo as China is a permanent UN SC member.

Starovic: In the coming period, Serbia can count on an even stronger role of China in preserving its territorial integrity (RTS)

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense, Nemanja Starovic, told RTS this morning that yesterday was a very big and important day for Serbia and all its citizens, and that the full effects of the signed agreements with China will only be visible in the months and years ahead.

He said, among other things, that in the coming period, Serbia can count on an even more intense, strong, and active role of China in preserving its territorial integrity.

"I believe that we will witness that in the months ahead," Starovic points out.

He emphasises that the economic dimension was very much represented in Beijing and that the most important news from China is the signing of the free trade agreement.

Demostat: Serbs from the north of Kosovo trust KFOR the most (NMagazin, Beta)

Serbs from the north of Kosovo have the most confidence in the KFOR Mission, which was particularly evident after the recent escalation in Banjska, according to the findings of Demostat's focus groups, reported portal NMagazin. 

As Demostat learns, KFOR members are perceived by the Serbian community as "professional, independent", unlike some other international factors, which are often perceived as "pro-Albanian".

Some residents of the municipalities in the north of Kosovo even state that KFOR is "the only factor" they trust, which is explained by the loss of faith in the Government of Serbia, as well as the Serbian List, loyal to the official Belgrade, while they never had high expectations from Pristina.

Those, already low expectations from the Pristina authorities, completely "disappeared" after the stubborn Albin Kurti came to the head of the government again, who refused to form the Community of Serbian Municipalities, an obligation undertaken by the Brussels Agreement from 2013.

At the same time, part of the Serbs who live in the northern part of Kosovo believe that the action of the armed group, which ended with the death of a Kosovo policeman and three Serbian men, "caused enormous damage to the Serbian community".

AP: NATO equips KFOR with heavier armament to have “combat power” (N1)

A NATO top commander said the alliance equipped its peacekeeping force in Kosovo with weapons of “combat power” following a “recent shootout between masked Serb gunmen and Kosovo police that left four people dead and sent tensions soaring in the region,” the American news agency Associated Press (AP) reported from Pristina.

Admiral Stuart B. Munsch of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples, Italy said that a battalion of some 200 troops from the United Kingdom and 100 others from Romania “is bringing heavier armament in order to have combat power to” the NATO-led Kosovo Force, or KFOR, “but didn’t elaborate further,” added the AP.

The KFOR peacekeepers — made up of around 4,500 troops from 27 nations — have been in Kosovo since June 1999, basically with light armament and vehicles. “The 1998-1999 war between Serbia and Kosovo ended after a 78-day NATO bombing campaign forced Serbian forces to withdraw from Kosovo. More than 10,000 people died, mostly Kosovo Albanians,” the agency noted.

The AP reported that “on Sept. 24, around 30 Serb gunmen killed a Kosovar police officer and then set up barricades in northern Kosovo before launching an hours-long gun battle with Kosovo police. Three gunmen were killed.”

NATO had first increased its troops with some 600 Turkish ones after the May 29 clashes with ethnic Serbs, it said.

Munsch said the alliance was ready to add more troops and armaments to preserve peace; “NATO is maintaining further forces equipped with even heavier armament capable of further combat power on a high state of readiness that is deployable should the nations of NATO decide to do so.”

Outgoing KFOR commander Maj. Gen. Angelo Michele Ristuccia said KFOR fully supported the EU-facilitated dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade for the normalisation of their ties.

“The situation remains volatile and can easily escalate. Only a political solution can bring lasting peace and stability in the area,” he said.

The AP noted that “in February, the European Union put forward a 10-point plan to end months of political crises. Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic gave their approval at the time, but with some reservations that haven’t been resolved.”

The EU-facilitated dialogue, which began in 2011, has yielded few results, reported the AP, adding that “Kosovo, a former province of Serbia, declared independence in 2008 — a move that Belgrade refuses to recognize.”

Behind high politics: He extended KM licence plates, then was left without vehicle and paid fines (KoSSev)

Amid heated crisis in northern Kosovo, the issue that had started it all back in the fall of 2021 - licence plates - has been put on the back burner for the public. The issue that has not yet been resolved, however, continues to affect people on the ground with undiminished impact, KoSSev portal reports today.

Dzafce Bekim from Mitrovica was left without licence plates because he decided to extend his registration to KM. In an uproar between Belgrade and Pristina, in the absence of a confirmed joint agreement, the Kosovo police at the same time seized his vehicle with the explanation that it was illegal, and that Bekim himself entered Kosovo illegally. The vehicle was then returned to him, but in central Serbia, with a ban on driving it inside Kosovo territory.

Paid for a registration extension, had his car confiscated and paid a fine

Dzafce Bekim told the Kossev portal that he was stopped on Friday by members of Kosovo special police at the Bistrica bridge checkpoint in Zvecan municipality.

They soon let him go, however, as he claims, 10 kilometres down the Leposavic-Mitrovica highway, a regular police patrol caught up with him. They conducted a search, and then, he says, told him that his registration was "not valid".

The interlocutor of KoSSev claims that he extended the registration of this car with KM licence plates on January 16 of this year, that is, almost two months after the agreement in Brussels on licence plates.

"If I hadn't registered in January, I would have been unregistered", Bekim said, adding it was not possible to re-register the vehicle during that period.

He claims that the officers then drove him to the police station in Zvecan, that inspectors came there and he was told that he "wasn't allowed to register the car on KM plates", that his licence plates were invalid and that they would be confiscated. In addition to licence plates, his car was also confiscated.

"At the terminal they told me - 'for us, these are illegal licence plates, I don't know who registered your car, but you weren't allowed, it should have been at ‘RKS'", he added.

He also claimed that he was fined 150 euros for "illegal" licence plates. In the misdemeanour decision handed to him, it is stated that "he was driving an unregistered vehicle, and that the licence plates were confiscated".

In addition to “illegal licence plates”, Kosovo police accused him of illegal entry in Kosovo, Bekim said, explaining further inconveniences and confusion he faced, that he allegedly had recorded exit but not entry, although he claimed he entered Kosovo legally. 

In an attempt to find out what will happen to his vehicle he said he was touring the police stations both south and north of the Ibar River.

“They asked me why they confiscated your vehicle”, and I told them “I do not know” and “neither they knew why they confiscated it from me”, he said. He was then told to go and pay a fine of 150 euros.

“On a fine it was written – licence plates confiscated from a driver who drove without authorization”, he said, adding why does he need an authorization to drive the vehicle, if that very same vehicle is registered under his name.

Finally, upon having his case ending up in Pristina, he further told KoSSev portal, his vehicle had been returned to him, but also a new fine in the amount of 500 euros was issued. His licence plates were confiscated for good, and he was told the vehicle must not remain in Kosovo.

“We called towing service, the vehicle is in central Serbia now, near Ribarice”, he said, adding he does not know what to do.

Could crossing points be crossed or not?

As far as accusations of illegal entry are concerned, Bekim told KoSSev that he was told a regular proceeding at the court is initiated against him.

In his defence, he claims that since he extended the registration in January this year, he at least eight times went to central Serbia, via Brnjak and Jarinje crossing points and returned back using the same crossings, without any problems. The last time he entered Kosovo was via Brnjak three months ago. 

 For police, the act is illegal

The police, however, presented different allegations, KoSSev portal further reports.

"He crossed the border illegally. He left, but there is no information in the records as to how he entered the territory of Kosovo, so it is assumed that he entered illegally", Kosovo police deputy commander for the region North, Veton Elshani told KoSSev.

Elshani also confirmed that Bekim registered the car in January, i.e. after the conclusion of the November licence plate agreement, and that this vehicle was confiscated on Friday.

He emphasised that several cases were recorded in the previous period - that people who extended their registration on KM plates after November had their cars confiscated.

The full article in Serbian is available at: