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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 19, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • European Parliament adopts resolution condemning attack in Banjska (media)
  • Opposition criticises government for boycotting assembly session on police (media)
  • Osmani to UNSC, calls for justice for survivors of sexual violence in conflict (media)
  • Berlin Process Summit: Recent developments threaten peace and security (media)
  • Bislimi travels to France, will meet Boone, diplomats and MPs (media)
  • Minister calls on opposition to vote in favour of international agreements (Kallxo)
  • Haradinaj meets Rama: I asked him to help Kosovo with challenges we’re facing (EO)
  • Haxhiu: Serbian army, police, were ready to help the attack, Rama knew (Express)
  • SPRK new case, confiscate weapons, vehicles and properties worth €20 mil (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Bilcik: Message of Resolution is that both sides have same responsibility (Kosovo online, Politika, Tanjug)
  • Petkovic tells Konrad Pristina did not take necessary measures to calm situation in north (Radio KIM)
  • European Parliament adopted a resolution on dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo (Beta, NMagazin)
  • The Western Five come to Pristina and Belgrade to achieve 'tangible progress' (NMagazin, Beta)
  • Detention of Elezovic, Kostic and Milovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online)
  • An explosive device thrown into the yard of a Serbian house in Ranilug village (RTS) 
  • Travellers at Jarinje: Let them agree, to lift burden off people (Radio KIM, KoSSev)
  • Elshani: There were searches, and there will be more (Radio KIM)
  • Joint protests of Serbs and Albanians over quarry in Straza (Radio KIM)
  • After Banjska, the "reformatting" of the Serbian List at the party assembly on October 24? (KoSSev)
  • Milatovic: Serbia-Montenegro relations must be the best possible (N1)


  • Lost in Translation: A Statement by French President on Visas Causes Confusion in Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)
  • The EU Has Failed in Serbia and Kosovo (Foreign Policy)
  • EP adopts Resolution on Banjska, calls for measures against Serbian government if its involvement is proven (EWB)



Albanian Language Media  


European Parliament adopts resolution on condemning attack in Banjska (media)

All news websites report that the European Parliament adopted today a resolution on developments in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue and developments in the north of Kosovo. Most media highlight the condemning of the attack against Kosovo Police in Banjska in the north of Kosovo.

Below is the press release issued by the Parliament titled “Serbia and Kosovo must work to de-escalate the situation in northern Kosovo”. 

MEPs say the Serbian Government is pursuing a very dangerous policy with regard to Kosovo and its Western partners, in a resolution adopted on Thursday.

The text, adopted by show of hands, condemns in the strongest possible terms “the hideous and cowardly terrorist attack on Kosovan police officers by well-organised Serbian paramilitaries” in Banjska/Banjskë on 24 September 2023, and urges all sides to de-escalate the situation in northern Kosovo.

MEPs are closely following the ongoing investigations by the Kosovan authorities and urge Serbia to fully cooperate and to bring those responsible for the attack who are currently residing in Serbia to justice, including facilitating their extradition to Kosovo.

Dangerous policy of Serbia with regard to Kosovo and its Western partners.

Aggressive military behaviour, together with radicalised political messaging in Serbia and strong indications of the Serbian state’s involvement in the recent political violence in the north of Kosovo, indicates that the Serbian government is pursuing a very dangerous but coherent policy with regard to Kosovo and its Western partners.) MEPs are also concerned by evidence linking violent criminal groups in the north of Kosovo and in Serbia with the Serbian state.

If the investigation finds direct Serbian state involvement in the 24 September attacks, the Commission should freeze the funding provided to Serbia under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance III, MEPs say. They also call on the Council to adopt targeted restrictive measures, including but not limited to asset freezes and travel bans, against destabilising actors in the north of Kosovo and the leaders of major organised crime networks.

Work towards a peaceful resolution of disputes through dialogue

Parliament calls on Serbia and Kosovo to denounce all forms of violence and acts of provocation, urging them to halt any actions that may further escalate tensions and to actively work towards a peaceful resolution of disputes through EU-facilitated dialogue .

The Commission should, MEPs say, act as an honest broker in the normalisation process and avoid appeasement towards Serbia, and they demand the Council lift the negative measures it has taken against Kosovo and to resume their high-level contacts with its President and the Kosovo government. The resolution calls on the Commission to draw up and present a transparent and ambitious roadmap for Kosovo’s path to integration by the end of 2023.

Opposition criticises government for boycotting assembly session on police (media)

Opposition MPs have criticised MPs from the ruling party for boycotting an extraordinary session of the Kosovo Assembly today which is discussing a PDK-sponsored draft resolution to provide urgent financial support to Kosovo Police. Another session on the same matter was called on October 12 but it failed due to lack of quorum as Vetevendosje MPs boycotted it.

MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Rashit Qalaj, said that Kosovo Police officers are working in difficult conditions and that this must not be allowed.

PDK MP Blerta Deliu-Kodra said that the most elite unit of Kosovo Police – FIT – is considering leaving the police force because of dissatisfactions. “They are the members that took part in the September 24th operation. FIR is considering temporary withdrawal. This is the same unit that refused to attend the ‘Lama Dinner’ hosted by President Osmani,” she said.

PDK MP Hisen Berisha argued that “the same way that the government boycotted the police today, they [the police] boycotted the invitation of the President for the ‘Lama Dinner’.”

MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Anton Quni, said that although there was unity among the political parties after the September 24th attack in the north of Kosovo, the same is not happening today. “When we are discussing the basic and essential requirements of police officers, the majority is not here. They supported them with statements but today they were not ready to listen to the opposition on how their requirements can be met,” he said.

MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Beke Berisha, suggested a special fund for police officers that die on the line of duty, “so that we can take care of their families”. “There is also the category of invalids at work in the police, the wounded, and there should be a special fund for them too,” he argued.

Osmani to UNSC, calls for justice for survivors of sexual violence in conflict (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani addressed the United Nations Security Council about survivors of sexual violence in conflict saying that the perpetrators remain free and unpunished and that sexual violence during the war in Kosovo was used “as a brutal tactic by the Milosevic regime for demoralization, ethnic cleansing and genocide”.

“None of the words and none of the delivered speeches do horror to the justice and trauma experienced by the survivors … I am always in awe when I witness the unwavering determination of these survivors to refuse to be defined by the past. In their eyes one sees a fierce resolve, a determination to create a world where their suffering would be drowned out by resilience and hope. These survivors stand as a testament to the unconquerable human spirit, inspiring us all to stand together and work tirelessly to build a future where no one else has to endure ever again such horrors,” Osmani said.

Full address at:

Berlin Process Summit: Recent developments threaten peace and security (media)

In some of the conclusions of the Berlin Process Summit which was held in Tirana, Albania, “participants expressed concern over the recent rise of tensions between Serbia and Kosovo leading to and in the aftermath of the attack on Kosovo police and the killing of a Kosovo police sergeant and the wounding of three others, on 24 September. They stressed that the recent developments threaten peace, security, and cooperation in the region, and they push back the reconciliation efforts of the EU, and other strategic partners, in the Western Balkans.”

Read all conclusions here:

Bislimi travels to France, will meet Boone, diplomats and MPs (media)

Kosovo’s First Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue, Besnik Bislimi, travelled to Paris today. During his stay he will meet the Secretary of State for European Affairs, Laurence Boone, diplomats and MPs.

Minister calls on opposition to vote in favour of international agreements (Kallxo)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, today called on opposition MPs, who don’t take part in voting, to vote in favour of international agreements. He said that one of the excuses why one part of the opposition does not vote on international agreements is the claim that “because of the [EU] measures, the funds of the agreements are blocked, therefore, it is useless to ratify them as the funds cannot be used”. Murati however said this is not true. “In the last two weeks I had meetings with almost all development partners and donors, and one of the issues raised in these meetings was the claim of the opposition. In all the meetings our international partners confirmed to me that the agreements that have already been signed and are awaiting ratification, there is no obstacle or blockade of funds. Therefore I once again call on opposition MPs who are not taking part in the voting, to change their position and vote in favour of these agreements,” he argued.

Haradinaj meets Rama: I asked him to help Kosovo with challenges we’re facing (EO)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said in a Facebook post today that he met Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama in Tirana. “We discussed the developments in Kosovo, Albania, and the region and the processes ahead of us, especially about Kosovo’s challenges with issues related to the dialogue, security and the perspective of Euro-Atlantic integration. I asked the Albanian Prime Minister in his meetings with the international and national factor to help overcome the challenges that Kosovo is facing and to accelerate its integration. I thanked him wholeheartedly for his and Albania’s care in this uneasy period that Kosovo is going through,” Haradinaj said.

Haxhiu: Serbian army, police, were ready to help the attack, Rama knew (Express)

Reporter Baton Haxhiu said in a debate on T7 on Wednesday evening that the Serbian army and police were reportedly ready to help in “the aggression in September with its forces and to make the north a fait accompli”. According to him, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama had accurate information about what was happening at the border with Kosovo. “Because he is part of NATO, Rama had accurate information on what was happening at the border with Kosovo and warned about this since June. There were warnings that an aggression would happen in Banjska, where the Serbian army and police were ready to help the aggression on September 28-29, with its forces and make the north a fait accompli. This will certainly be made public meanwhile,” he said. “And it was the international community that threatened Serbia that it will enter a war with NATO if this happens … Rama was concerned about these reports since June. Albin Kurti’s relation with the international community was the main problem.”

SPRK new case, confiscate weapons, vehicles and properties worth €20 mil (media) 

The Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution of Kosovo, Blerim Isufaj, held a meeting with the joint team for targeting serious crimes, and after the meeting the Special Prosecution issued a press release saying that have targeted a new case of money laundering and other criminal acts, resulting in the confiscation of a large amounts of weapons, around 30 vehicles, and real estate worth around €20 million. Three people have been arrested and sent to detention.



Serbian Language Media


Bilcik: Message of Resolution is that both sides have same responsibility (Kosovo online, Politika, Tanjug)

European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcík, said that the EP Resolution on the events in Kosovo, which was adopted today in the European Parliament, is not only a message for one side, but that it sends a message that the past must be overcome so that it does not repeat itself and it emphasises the equal responsibility of Belgrade and Pristina, reported Kosovo Online, citing Tanjug.

“On one hand, the Resolution says what the Serbian side, Belgrade, should do, and that is the main message, but we also expect Pristina to show a serious commitment to dialogue, negotiations, issues to which the dialogue refers, such as the establishment of the CSM, reduction of tensions, conducting a full investigation about all violent incidents, including attacks on Serbs, such as the one on Christmas Eve this year. That is all written in the resolution and that is important,” Bilcík told Tanjug.

He said that the Resolution also mentions a clear message regarding measures, which he says will be considered or introduced after the full investigation is completed and only if it is clarified what happened in Banjska.

“That is why we need facts. We also have clear messages about escalation from all sides, and that is very important,” Bilcík said.

He emphasised that he was not happy at first about the passing of the Resolution because it is happening at a very sensitive time.

He emphasises that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s invitation to the Kosovo Serbs to take part in the elections and the decision of the Serbian List to return to the elections is a very important moment.

“Everyone must do their part to return to reconciliation and dialogue. We need peace in the Western Balkans, progress on the European path of the Western Balkans, and I think that is also the message clearly highlighted in this Resolution,” he said.

He added that the text of the Resolution should be read carefully, because in addition to critical and political messages, there are also messages “between the lines”, and one of them is that an understanding of what happened in Banjska on September 24 is needed.

“Banjska on September 24 is perceived as something that changed the game, dialogue and dynamics, as well as understanding the complexity of the problem and the main message is that we need “facts, facts and facts”, a full investigation, a credible investigation and justice regarding the case in Banjska when the Kosovo police officer was killed, but also all those killed in Banjska,” Bilcík stated.

According to him, it is necessary to find out what exactly happened in Banjska, why those people were there and what kind of operation it was, and what their intentions were.

“I think we have learned our lesson, namely that the relations between Belgrade and Pristina are under extreme tension, that this entails consequences for the people who were there, as well as for illegal operations, illegal trade, illegal exchange of goods, illegal movement of people and I think it needs to stop,” he says.

He concludes that it is necessary to better understand and determine all the facts of the complete investigation in Banjska, but he also emphasises that dialogue is important and that both sides must return to dialogue.

Petkovic tells Konrad Pristina did not take necessary measures to calm situation in north (Radio KIM)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic met with the German Ambassador to Serbia, Anke Konrad, with whom he discussed the situation in Kosovo and emphasised that Belgrade is in favour of a peaceful resolution of open issues within dialogue on normalisation of relations with Pristina, Radio KIM reports.

Petkovic in particular underlined all the steps Belgrade undertook aiming at normalisation of the situation in the north, stressing that Pristina did not undertake necessary measures that would lead to calming the tensions and de-escalation. On the contrary, he added, Pristina on a daily basis makes additional escalatory steps aiming at provoking new crises.

Petkovic also said that Pristina uses tragic events in Banjska from September 24 for additional terror and conflict with the Serbian people, adding it is for this reason that the Serbian population is leaving Kosovo.

He also informed the German Ambassador that Azem Kurtaj, member of KSF, who wounded two Serb boys in Gotovusa village, Strpce municipality, on Christmas Eve had his house arrest measure suspended.   

European Parliament adopted a resolution on dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo (Beta, NMagazin)

Portal NMagazin reported that today the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the recent developments in the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, including the situation in the northern municipalities of Kosovo, in which the Serbian authorities are called to fully cooperate in the investigation of the attack in Banjska, and the European Commission and the Council to take measures against of Belgrade if it is established that the state of Serbia was directly involved in the attack.

The resolution "condemns in the strongest terms the terrible and cowardly terrorist attack by well-organised Serbian paramilitary formations" in Banjska on Kosovo policemen on September 24 and calls on all EU member states that have not yet done so to also condemn the attack.

All parties are invited to work on de-escalating the situation in the north of Kosovo and avoid any rhetoric or action that would further increase tensions.

The Kosovo authorities are called upon to disclose all evidence related to the incident, the international institutions in Kosovo, including EULEX, to assess the evidence and Serbia to cooperate fully in the investigations and to bring those responsible for the attack to the justice in accordance with the law, who are currently residing in Serbia, including their extradition to Kosovo, reported the portal.

The European Commission and the Council are urged to take measures against the Government of Serbia if the investigations reveal that the State of Serbia was directly involved in ''the terrorist attack'' in Banjska or the attacks that took place in the north of Kosovo in May 2023, or if the Serbian authorities are not ready to fully cooperate.

The Commission is called upon to freeze the funds provided to Serbia under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance III if the results of the investigation show that the Serbian state was directly involved in these attacks.

The Western Five come to Pristina and Belgrade to achieve 'tangible progress' (NMagazin, Beta)

EU and US envoys, as well as the security advisors of the leaders of France, Germany and Italy, are coming to Pristina and Belgrade on Saturday with the aim of "making tangible progress" in implementing the Ohrid Agreement and reducing tensions, especially after the events in Banjska in the north of Kosovo, European Commission spokesman Peter Stano told Beta agency in Brussels, reported NMagazin. 

At the same time, European diplomatic sources told Betty that high-ranking officials of key Western countries are going to Pristina and Belgrade with a request not only to stop the escalation in Kosovo, but also "literally, as soon as possible, to organize municipal elections in the north with the participation of Kosovo Serbs, and concretely start implementing of the Brussels Agreement on the Establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (CSM)", reported NMagazin. 

Stano told Beta agency that Miroslav Lajcak, Gabriel Escobar and the security advisers of the President of France, the Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Minister of Italy, Emmanuel Bonne, Jens Ploetner and Francesco Talo, are going to talks with Kosovo PM Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic "with clear expectations that both parties will continue the process of normalizing relations and implement their obligations without delay and without conditions".

At the same time, the Serbian authorities should do everything to shed light on the background, perpetrators, and organizers of the violence in Banjska on September 24, said the spokesperson of the EU High Representative, Josep Borrell.

Because, according to him, Pristina and Belgrade must keep in mind that the EU, its members, and the USA continue to provide strong support for the settlement of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and the European future of the entire region.

Diplomats at the EU headquarters particularly emphasized that the five high-ranking Western officials are asking Kosovo PM Kurti to organize new municipal elections in the north of Kosovo as soon as possible, the easiest way with the resignation of the current mayors, and to unconditionally accept Pristina's obligation to establish the CSM. 

Kurti must see that, as indicated by these officials, this way only the calming of the tension could happen, stopping the constant crises, the culprit of which was the Prime Minister in Pristina.

"Kurti is running out of time" and, otherwise, he will be even more isolated, and thus the whole of Kosovo.

Belgrade, at the same time, must prove that it was not involved directly or indirectly in the events in Banjska, "and so far, there is no evidence that the Serbian authorities were, but also that they did not know what was being prepared there", sources in Brussels said, reported NMagazin. 

"Vucic must do it quickly, because there is no such thing as endless patience in the European Union and certain measures are already being discussed in European circles in case Belgrade does not do what is expected," European diplomatic sources said.

When asked whether Belgrade is now cooperating in the investigation of what happened in Banjska, these officials responded that "it is not a matter of a court-police investigation, but of strong efforts to obtain irrefutable facts from all parties".

Detention of Elezovic, Kostic and Milovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online)

Detention of Ilija Elezovic, Dragan Milovic and Zoran Kostic, arrested by Kosovo police in Mitrovica North, Zvecan and Priluzje for alleged war crimes, had been extended for two more months, lawyer Predrag Miljkovic confirmed for Kosovo Online portal.

Miljkovic, who is representing Kostic, said he will file an appeal to the decision.

“Decision on extension is unfounded as it was unfounded to send them to detention initially, because special prosecution does not have evidence proving the reasonable doubt which could be clearly seen from request to extend detention with prosecution announcing investigative acts for which they have said that those acts have been carried out in a first session on initial detention”, Miljkovic said.  

He also said assigning detention was not carried out in line with the law.

“Defence considers that special prosecution, in this, same as in many other cases, demands detention measures “just in case” and not as the law stipulates it”, he added. 

Serbian media reporting on the arrests earlier said that Elezovic is a serious oncological patient in an advanced stage of illness, and that Dragan Milovic recently reclaimed 18 hectares of land in Srbica municipality in a legal procedure and was about to register the property under his name.  

An explosive device thrown into the yard of a Serbian house in Ranilug village (RTS) 

Radio television of Serbia reported that an explosive device was thrown last night into the yard of the Milan Ristic's family house in Ranilug near Kamenica, whereby detonation caused a material damage. 

According to RTS, the car was damaged, and traces of shrapnel, probably hand grenades, are also visible on the garage and other buildings in the courtyard of the house.

The attack took place 40 minutes after midnight, local sources in Ranilug told RTS.

The media reported that Milan Ristic is the director of the Gymnasium in Kamenica.

The police investigated and opened the case, the same source said.

This is the sixth bomb attack in Ranilug in the last two months, and the perpetrator has not yet been discovered.

RTS recalls that last month, three explosive devices were thrown into the yards of Serbian owners' houses. First, a bomb was thrown into the yard of the house of Vladica Aritonovic, the deputy president of the Municipality of Ranilug. The second bomb, on the house of Srdjan Ristic, director of the preschool facility. The third bomb, which did not explode, was thrown at the house of Zoran Ristic, director of the Center for Social Work.

Travellers at Jarinje: Let them agree, to lift burden off people (Radio KIM, KoSSev)

After almost a month the traffic across the administrative crossing point of Jarinje was fully normalised yesterday and it was possible to enter Kosovo from central Serbia there, Radio KIM reports.

The crossing points of Jarinje and Brnjak, in northern Kosovo were closed to traffic and pedestrians from the direction of central Serbia on September 24, following events in Banjska.

The vehicles started entering Jarinje from the direction of Raska yesterday morning. Drivers, Radio KIM spoke with, said their travels have been made much easier now.

“I am travelling from Novi Pazar. It (the crossing) had opened finally, after a month, it was a high time. We were there to get some medications and some basic stuff that we need, we completed some things and now we go back to Kosovo. There is no need to go around and bypass uselessly. We have not travelled since September 24, only some buses were travelling but what can I tell you, it is resolved and that is the most important thing”,  Pavle Stolic said.

“It becomes difficult for people, people are suffering. Now it is good, and it was bad. Alternative roads closed, only Zubin Potok, nothing else. Burden for ordinary people. Let them (Albin) Kurti and (Aleksandar) Vucic agree, nothing else. And to relieve those people off the burden”, a bus driver told Radio KIM.

Snezana Grbovic is travelling from Lazarevac to Zvecan. She said the opening of Jarinje crossing meant a lot to her.

“Jarinje is finally open. I hope that after a long time I will see my brother and parents. I am going to visit them. To tell you the truth, the road across Brnjak was not familiar to me. I was using this road often, my entire family is here”, she said.

She said the procedure to enter was not long or complicated.

“There was nothing, only the search of what I have in the luggage”, she added.

Elshani: There were searches, and there will be more (Radio KIM)

Police investigation into the Banjska armed clash case is still ongoing, and the searches will continue, Kosovo deputy police commander for the region north Veton Elshani told Radio KIM.

“It is a serious case, and investigation can not last a week or less, but more. There were searches, and there will be more. Wherever the investigation leads us we take that path then”, he said.

During the last and at the beginning of this week searches were carried out at several locations in Mitrovica North, Zvecan and Leposavic, Radio KIM recalled.

On Tuesday, 13 locations were searched.

“I can’t say what was found, I can only confirm that 13 locations were searched. For us it is important to find a connection between Banjska and all those people who were there or are suspected of being there”, he added.

Leader of Civic Initiative Serbian Survival Aleksandar Aresnijevic is often on the ground during the searches. He says people are anxious over frequent searches in the north of Kosovo.

“What I do and what my civic initiative is, is to warn people not to make any wrong step, because it is the investigation that is being expanded because of Banjska. I am often on the ground when the searches are ongoing to calm down people”, he said.

Aresenijevic also said that people still hold reservations towards Kosovo police.

“What people in the north of Kosovo are afraid of is retaliation by Pristina, because one could see an attempt of Pristina officials to criminalise the entire population in the north”, Arsenijevic said.

No one was arrested during the recent searches, and as media reported earlier on one occasion during the recent searches in the north, Kosovo police said weapons were found in the Three Tower settlement in Mitrovica North. 

Joint protests of Serbs and Albanians over quarry in Straza (Radio KIM)

Serbs and Albanians, around 50 of them, have blocked the road yesterday for one hour in the village of Straza, Novo Brdo, saying that their lives have become unbearable because of the work of the quarries, Radio KIM reports.

They told RTV Puls that the newly built quarry, located only a few hundred metres away from the entry to the village, endangers the environment and normal lives of all residents. By protesting they wanted to draw attention of the public to the difficulties they face. They also said that heavy trucks driving around the village have left the road in a disastrous condition, adding the road is the responsibility of the central level institutions and Novo Brdo municipality has no authority over it.

“Everyday more than hundred trucks with heavy loads drive here. The road is so to say dug up, not only destroyed”, Ljubisa Ivkovic from Straza said.

On a hill called Glama, in the area of Straza village, more than 20 quarries work years, and more than 300 heavy trucks pass through this and other vehicles.

“We gathered here because life has become impossible – because of quarry, dust, trucks, for an entire day as if they conquered the world”, Esref Jakupi from Straza said.

They also requested responsible inspection from Pristina to visit the spot, make factual assessment and protect people and their living environment. Until that happens, they added, they will continue protesting every day from 14.00 to 15.00 hrs. KFOR members in addition to Kosovo police were monitoring the protest. 

After Banjska, the "reformatting" of the Serbian List at the party assembly on October 24? (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reported, citing Pristina's Telegrafi that it is expected that on October 24, the Serbian List will hold a party assembly where the president and the new presidency will be elected, in order to "distance" themselves from the recent events and attack in Banjska, where the vice president of this party, Milan Radoicic, also participated.

Radoicic resigned from his post a few days after incident in Banjska.

As Telegrafi learns, personnel changes and the departure of some key figures who played a leading role in the party are expected, reported KoSSev.

The president-elect is expected to be someone currently out of politics, as reported by the media. 

Milatovic: Serbia-Montenegro relations must be the best possible (N1)

Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic said that, regardless of the political elites in power, Montenegro needs to have the best possible relations with Serbia.

“This is what both the citizens of Montenegro and the citizens of Serbia think and feel. And that is also my policy. Our relations are primarily based on economic importance, but also on traditional historic ties between our two states”, said Milatovic in an interview with the weekly NIN.

He said the situation inherited in 2020 was very bad. “We are doing all in our power to change this, with full mutual respect and understanding”, he said.





Lost in Translation: A Statement by French President on Visas Causes Confusion in Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)

In a twist of diplomatic drama in Tirana, a declaration of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, has thrown the visa issue for Kosovo into a pot of confusion that's bubblier than a French champagne fountain. What seemed to have been a wrong translation, left Kosovars' travel plans -and their breath- in suspense for a couple of hours.

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, held a joint media conference with the French President, Emmanuel Macron. The topic of visa liberalization for Kosovo was also mentioned at the conference, with the news that France had suspended visa liberalization for Kosovars. 

According to the simultaneous translation from president Macron’s speech,  in the video broadcast on the official profile of PM Rama, Macron said: “I say it very clearly, we trusted them on the issue of visas, the issue has been suspended by France because it concerns with respect to the word given and the word is not being kept. I expect both parties to commit to moving forward in the coming weeks. It is the condition of peace in the whole area”. (1:12:48)

Whereas, according to Radio Free Europe, Macron said that “I want to say one thing very clearly. We have made a gesture of confidence on the issue of visas. As for France, they [visas] have been removed because we respect our word. Today, the word is not being kept. I expect a real commitment from these two authorities [Kosovo and Serbia] to move forward in the coming weeks. This is the very condition for peace in the entire region,”.

Another version of this statement was published in the French newspaper “Le Figaro“.

Read more at:

The EU Has Failed in Serbia and Kosovo (Foreign Policy)

The frozen conflict between Serbia and Kosovo has come dangerously close to heating up again in recent weeks. First, an armed standoff between  Serb gunmen and Kosovo authorities in the north of the country left three assailants and one police officer dead. Then, just a few days later, the White House warned of an unprecedented buildup of Serbian troops along the border with Kosovo, raising concerns that war might be about to return to the Balkans.

Washington vaguely warned Belgrade that it could face possible punitive measures if it didn’t withdraw its forces. Fortunately, the response was immediate and Serbia’s often stubborn president, Aleksandar Vucic, wasted no time in pulling back his military.

This wasn’t the first time that the Serbia-Kosovo dispute led to a troop surge, and Vucic often uses this as a scare tactic when the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina isn’t going his way. But what was noteworthy this time was how quickly he followed orders when they came from Washington, which is a stark contrast from the foot-dragging and feigned compliance that he usually shows Brussels, which doesn’t tend to issue threats and warnings the way Washington does. What this shows is that, when the United States slams its fist on the table, Vucic listens.

Read more at:

EP adopts Resolution on Banjska, calls for measures against Serbian government if its involvement is proven (EWB)

STRASBOURG – The European Parliament adopted today a joint motion for a resolution on the 24 September Banjska attack in the north of Kosovo. It strongly condemned the attack and called for measures against the Serbian government if the investigations reveal that it was directly involved. It also called for de-escalation, implementation of the 2023 and earlier agreements and return of Serbs to Kosovo institutions.

Officially, the document is titled “Resolution on the recent developments in the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, including the situation in the northern municipalities in Kosovo”. The final version was submitted jointly by five groups: European People’s Party, Socialists and Democrats, Renew Europe, the Greens, and European Conservatives and Reformists.

Read more at: