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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 17, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti meets member of Switzerland’s Federal Council, discuss terrorist attack in Banjska (Reporteri)
  • Osmani: EU should urgently lift measures, unequal treatment is blow to credibility of dialogue process (Reporteri)
  • Kurti remembers Ivanovic: His killers still roam free in Serbia (media)
  • Signing of petition for Atiq’s dismissal begins (media)
  • Osmani on petition for dismissal of mayors: Kosovo Laws allow this procedure (media)
  • Svecla meets with Szunyog, discuss about the security situation in Kosovo (Koha)
  • ​Russia strongly condemns purchase of "Javelins" by Kosovo (Koha)
  • AAK: Decision on pre-election coalition with Nisma, today (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Brnabic: Pristina's moves a problem for any dialogue whatsoever (Tanjug)
  • Who exactly was Oliver Ivanovic, according to Kosovo PM Kurti? (KoSSev)
  • Vucic after meeting O’Brien: I believe that greater trust and cooperation with US is possible (Tanjug)
  • Mitrovica North and Leposavic citizens about petitions (Kosovo Online)
  • Lawyer: Detention of Sladjan Trajkovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online)
  • Serbian Democracy: Kosovo Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports workers in the north should receive their salaries (Radio KIM)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti meets member of Switzerland’s Federal Council, discuss terrorist attack in Banjska (Reporteri)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met today in Davos, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, with the Federal Councilor of Switzerland, Beat Jans.

Kurti initially expressed his gratitude for Switzerland’s continuous support to Kosovo. Furthermore, he emphasized the achievements of the government during these last three years. Especially in the fight against corruption and the economic growth of the country, as aspects related to justice and development and prosperity. Likewise, the fight against illegality in the north, but also cooperation with security institutions of friendly and partner countries, has brought tangible results in the prevention of organized crime and illegal activities, informed the Office of the Prime Minister.

Kurti briefed Federal Counselor Jans on the Vetting process and on the Confiscation of Unjustified Assets. They also talked about the security situation in the region, about the terrorist attack and the act of aggression in Banjska, about Kosovo’s efforts for the integration of the Serbian community and their pluralistic, democratic and social political rights.

They also discussed the extraordinary potential of Kosovo’s diaspora in Switzerland, while their contribution to society was appreciated by Mr. Jans. On the other hand, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized the positive influence of the diaspora for Kosovo and their success in the fields in which they operate.

Prime Minister Kurti emphasized the joint initiatives with Switzerland, such as the two agreements on mutual legal assistance: on the Transfer of Convicted Persons and on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.

Osmani: EU should urgently lift measures, unequal treatment is blow to credibility of dialogue process (Reporteri)

The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, in an exclusive interview to the online newspaper, spoke about the measures imposed on Kosovo by the European Union. She said that these measures are unfair.

"As for EU measures, unfortunately Kosovo still faces unfair and disproportionate measures that directly affect the interests of its citizens. Such unequal treatment of the parties is a blow to the credibility of the dialogue process. During this period, I am in daily contact with the member states and the leadership of the EU so that there is an initiative to remove the measures as soon as possible", Osmani said.

She added that the majority of EU leaders are in favor of removing these measures.

"I have to mention that most of the EU leaders I have met are already in favor of lifting the measures. On the other hand, the reasons for which the measures were imposed, no matter how unfair they were, no longer exist. Kosovo has taken all the measures to de-escalate the situation and the conditions have been created for new elections in the municipalities in the north, so the EU should remove those measures urgently", Osmani said.

Kurti remembers Ivanovic: His killers still roam free in Serbia (media)

Prime Minister Albin Kurti remembered the Serbian politician, Oliver Ivanovic, on the sixth anniversary of his murder.

He, through a post on the X platform, said that his killers are still roaming free in Serbia.

"Oliver Ivanovic was active during both: the 1998-1999 war and the February 2000 deportation of thousands of Albanians from the north. Belgrade feared him as a potential EULEX witness. Today, 6 years after his murder in North Mitrovica, his killers are still moving free in Serbia", Kurti wrote.

Signing of petition for Atiq’s dismissal begins (media)

The collection of signatures for the petition to dismiss the mayor of Mitrovica North Erden Atiq, has begun. Many citizens have headed to the Sports Hall in the north of Mitrovica to sign.

At the same time, the signing of the petition for the dismissal of the mayor of Leposaviq, Lulzim Hetemi, has also started.

The initiators of the petition in the three municipalities, North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, and Zubin Potok, have until 22 January to collect the required signatures, while the deadline for Zvecan is 27 January.

According to the Administrative Instruction, 20 percent of the registered voters must sign the petition, to request the removal of a mayor from office and to go to new elections. reports that the group of citizens who have gathered to sign the petition for the dismissal of the current mayor of the municipality in North Mitrovica is also being monitored by members of EULEX.

Osmani on petition for dismissal of mayors: Kosovo Laws allow this procedure (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani spoke after the tributes in front of the bust of Kadri Zeka in Pristina, about the petition launched today for the dismissal of the mayors in the northern municipalities of Leposaviq and North Mitrovica. 

"Today, a petition has been launched for the dismissal of the mayors in the northern municipalities and as you know the laws of the Republic of Kosovo allow such a procedure which is in the Administrative Instruction, it is a right that belongs to the citizens in the northern municipalities. As a state without ethnic distinction, we naturally allow them as well," Osmani told reporters.

A significant number of Serbs have gathered today in front of the sports hall in North Mitrovica, where the signing of the petition for the removal of the president Erden Atiq has started.

Svecla meets with Szunyog, discuss about the security situation in Kosovo (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of the Interior, Xhelal Svecla, met with the EU ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog.  They discussed, among other things, the security situation in Kosovo. 

Ambassador Szunyog in a post on the "X" platform said that plans for 2024 and ways to strengthen cooperation were discussed.

"Exchanged views today with the Minister of the Interior, Xhelal Svecla, about the security situation in Kosovo. We discussed all plans for 2024 and ways to strengthen our cooperation. The EU will continue to finance the Kosovo Police with expertise through projects financed by the EU", Szunyog wrote.

​Russia strongly condemns purchase of "Javelins" by Kosovo (Koha)

Russia "strongly condemns" the plans of the United States of America to sell anti-tank systems "Javelin" to Kosovo, said the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova. She said that this undermines the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

"We are talking about any attempt to arm the illegal paramilitary structures of Pristina. The disregard for international law and the provisions of Security Council Resolution 1244 show that Washington and its allies are undermining the progress of negotiations on the Kosovo issue and increasing the risk of destabilization both in the province and in the Balkan region," said Zakharova.

AAK: decision on pre-election coalition with Nisma, today (media)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) confirmed that today they will decide on entering into a pre-election coalition with Nisma.

The AAK announcement, says that this will happen after the meeting of the General Council of the party, and that everything will then be formalized in a press conference at 18:00 hours.

“The General Council of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo today decides on the pre-election coalition AAK-Nisma.

After the meeting of the General Council, at 18:00, a press conference will be held at the headquarters of AAK in Pristina", the announcement of AAK reads.



Serbian Language Media


Brnabic: Pristina's moves a problem for any dialogue whatsoever (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday Pristina's announcement that it might stop payment transactions with central Serbia, ban the Serbian dinar and raid the offices of the Serbian Postal Savings Bank was one of the key problems not only for further normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations but for any dialogue whatsoever, Tanjug news agency reports.

In an appearance on Prva TV, Brnabic said Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was "playing all of his cards on there being no dialogue whatsoever".

She also noted that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had had a good discussion with US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James O'Brien on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos on Tuesday evening.

"It is always good to have open discussions with partners from the US, and I am confident the US has an interest in stability in this region and that there is no need for any conflict or any indication of a new conflict on the European continent, which is something that we absolutely do not need either because peace and stability are our national interest as Serbia is achieving very good economic results in terms of living standards", Brnabic said.

Who exactly was Oliver Ivanovic, according to Kosovo PM Kurti? (KoSSev)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti spoke out three times so far on the anniversary of the murder of the Kosovo Serb politician, Oliver Ivanovic, each time describing him differently. For Kurti, Ivanovic was a war criminal, someone who worked for a multi-ethnic Kosovo, and an individual active during the conflict and expulsion of Albanians in 2000, KoSSev portal reports.

Yesterday marked exactly six years since Ivanovic was shot dead in front of his party’s offices in Mitrovica North.

Last year, on the fifth anniversary of Ivanovic’s death, Kurti for the first time paid tribute to him in a message in Serbian language. He had only words of praise for Ivanovic, stressing he was the person dedicated to the interests of his community and the city, someone who advocated for a sustainable future and multiethnic Kosovo. According to Kurti back then Ivanovic's murder killed political pluralism.

Only a year ago and in the period after Ivanovic’s murder, Kurti was saying that “he was a war criminal”.

In numerous interviews, even for regional media, he claimed that Ivanovic may have been assassinated due to his involvement in war crimes. In an interview with Jugoslav Cosic, the former director of N1 TV, on Cosic’s insistence that he called Ivanovic a war criminal – Kurti continued to talk about Bernard Kushner’s book in which he allegedly claimed this, through the “the bridge watchers” – to the point that he thinks that Oliver Ivanovic “changed sides from Belgrade’s point of view and started cooperating with EULEX“.

Same opinion, it seems he holds on the sixth anniversary of Ivanovic’s murder, the portal continues.

In contradiction to last year’s message, Kurti wrote on X social media that “Oliver Ivanovic was active during the both wars ’98-’99 and in February 2000 – expulsion of thousands of Albanians from the north. Belgrade feared him as a possible EULEX witness”, Kurti said this time. 

Vucic after meeting O’Brien: I believe that greater trust and cooperation with US is possible (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said last night, following the talks with US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, James O’Brien on the margins of World Economic Forum in Davos, he believes it is possible that two states build relations of stronger trust and cooperation in the future, Tanjug news agency reports. 

In a post on his official Instagram account, Vucic said he had important talks for the future of Serbia with O’Brien. “Late evening walk on Davos streets with James O’Brian. Important talks about the future of Serbia, relations with Pristina and improving Serbian-US relations. For Serbia it is important, and I believe possible, to build with US relations of stronger trust and cooperation in future”, Vucic wrote in a post. 

Vucic also spoke with Belgian PM Alexander De Croo about Serbia's EU path during Belgium's EU presidency. "A good discussion with Alexander De Croo about global and regional topics and strengthening of overall Serbia-Belgium relations. We also discussed Serbia's steps on the EU integration path during Belgium's current presidency over the Council of the EU", Vucic posted on Instagram.

He also met with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi and announced that Grossi would visit Serbia to discuss key issues for development of the country and the region.

Mitrovica North and Leposavic citizens about petitions (Kosovo Online)

Collection of signatures to recall the mayors in Mitrovica North and Leposavic municipalities as announced commenced this morning at both towns, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Citizens of Mitrovica North told the portal they hope a petition to recall the mayor will be successful, followed by elections at which people would choose their own representatives.

Sanja Krtinic from the initiative group in Mitrovica North, said they were obstructed from the beginning in their pursuit to recall the mayor by different interpretation of administrative instruction, lack of understanding from the MA chair, adding she hopes the necessary number of signatures will be collected even today.

Leposavic citizens expect that upon collection of the signatures, mayor Lulzim Hetemi, they deem illegitimate, will be recalled, and that mayor elected by the people will take up his place.

Veselin Radovic from Leposavic initiative group told the portal he expects a petition to recall the mayor to be successful, followed by his replacement.

Leposavic mayor Lulzim Hetemi told Intexonline he is ready to give up his position as mayor if the citizens of Leposavic collect enough signatures today and the petition for his dismissal is successful, stressing that he will not run in the next local elections, "whenever they are held".

Lawyer: Detention of Sladjan Trajkovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online)

Lawyer Dejan Vasic told Kosovo Online portal that detention of his client, Sladjan Trajkovic had been extended for two more months.

“Basic Court in Pristina extended again a detention measure to Sladjan Trajkovic for two more months and at the same time scheduled the trial and beginning of his hearing with the new panel for January 25. At this phase prior to the trial, we are trying to obtain complete documentation which the Special Prosecution refuses to hand over to us”, Vasic said.

He added he expects that the new panel members and chair would have more understanding for the respect of the legal norms, noting that they ask for nothing more, except legal rights for defense to be respected and to have an equal treatment with special prosecution and have the evidence they also possess. 

Serbian Democracy: Kosovo Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports workers in the north should receive their salaries (Radio KIM)

Twenty workers of the Kosovo Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) in the north of Kosovo have not received their salaries for months, Serbian Democracy said, Radio KIM reports.

As they added workers have contracts for an indefinite period signed in December 2015. However, they claim that from September 2022 to March 2023, they did not receive their salaries. "From March 2023 to October 2023, they had income again, but they were not retroactively paid their salaries for the period from September 2022 to March 2023. In October 2023, their incomes were terminated again, without any notice — since then their incomes from MCYS amount to zero euros", Serbian Democracy said in a statement.

The workers did not receive a decision on termination of employment, nor a decision on suspension, nor were they served with cancellation notices, the statement added.

Unlike them, Serbian Democracy said workers of other Kosovo ministries in the north of Kosovo "work smoothly and receive salaries without stopping and without delay".

"The implausible explanation for this behavior of the competent ministry reads: Due to the situation in the north of Kosovo, we cannot provide you with working conditions. Conditioned by the ministry to find their own premises from which to perform their work tasks, the workers took on this responsibility. Despite this, the ministry did not fulfill its obligation”, Serbian Democracy said. Workers addressed numerous instances and the Kosovo Ombudsman but their problem remains unresolved.