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UNMIK Headlines 18 November

Headlines - 18.11.2013

Elections in north Mitrovica without incidents (dailies)

Koha Ditore reports on the front page that according to the Kosovo Central Election Committee (CEC), until the closure of polling stations in northern Mitrovica, 5231 voters, or 22.38 percent, have cast their ballots. Among them, 997 voters voted in condition. Once the voting process was over, the ballots were transferred from northern Mitrovica to the Center of Counting and Results in Fushe Kosove. CEC chief Valdete Daka said the elections were extraordinary, while OSCE ambassador Jean Claude Schlumberger praised Kosovo police, EULEX and KFOR for their excellent work. The results are expected to be made public on Monday.

Under the front-page headline Two Mitrovicas, Tribuna reports that residents of northern Mitrovica have chosen to live separately from the residents of southern Mitrovica, but under Kosovo’s authority. Kosovo now has officially two Mitrovicas, one with an Albanian majority and the other with a Serb majority. The latter from now on will be led by a Serb. Citing sources at the Center of Counting and Results, the paper notes that Krstimir Pantic, who enjoys Belgrade’s support, is on the lead so far.

Zbogar hopes to see Assembly with multiethnic representation (Koha)

The European Union’s Special Representative in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said on Sunday that it is important for the future assembly of northern Mitrovica to have both Serb and Albanian MPs. Zbogar visited northern Mitrovica on Sunday and praised the election process. “Elections are a democratic process. Those who vote and elect their representatives, and it is no mistake if in the second round for runoff to have a Serb and Albanian candidate from which the people will be decided in the end. I think that in the future, the municipal assembly of northern Mitrovica should representatives of all ethnic groups and this would be positive because it would mark the start of a joint life,” Zbogar said.

Hoxhaj: Elections in the north, reconfirmation of sovereignty (dailies)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj stated in an interview for Berliner Morgenpost, that elections in the entire territory of Kosovo, represent a great progress. He added that holding of elections in the north of Kosovo reconfirm strengthening of sovereignty. “They are historical, because Serbs from the north, for the first time have the possibility to integrate in Kosovo institutions. Elections are part of the agreement for normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo, mediated by Brussels,” said Hoxhaj. He reiterated once again that Serbia has not fulfilled all points of the agreement. “Serbia blocks Kosovo from becoming part of regional organizations. The more stressed one is that Serbia blocks our international recognition, through other countries. We are on the way of writing a new chapter in the history of the region. However promises are not enough, actions should proceed,” he said.

Ivanovic to accept Deva for mayor if he wins (Koha)

Oliver Ivanovic, Civil Initiative’s candidate for northern Mitrovica mayor, said on Sunday that he would accept PDK candidate Agim Deva as mayor if the latter wins enough votes to head the municipality of northern Mitrovica. “If Agim Deva manages to become mayor, I will certainly accept results and will not question them. I will not feel good and I will fight it. I will try to bring down such a government and he will never be able to do his job as mayor. He would not be a mayor in fact, because the southern part will have two mayors, whereas the north will have no local administration,” Ivanovic said.

Thaci and Dacic in New York (Tribuna)

Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers Hashim Thaci and Ivica Dacic will see each other in New York this Tuesday, as they will report at the United Nations Security Council session on Kosovo. Sources told the paper that Thaci travelled to New York on Sunday and that he is accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Enver Hoxhaj. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will note in his report that the security situation in Kosovo is quiet and that both sides are engaged to prevent incidents. Member states of the Security Council are expected to welcome the revote in several polling stations in northern Mitrovica.

Government’s negligence endangers Trepça’s future (Koha)

As the Government of Kosovo is running late with preparing the law for the reorganization of the Trepça mining complex, the Kosovo Privatization Agency is forced to initiate procedures to engage a provider of professional services for reorganizing the enterprise. The Special Chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo has made it clear to the KPA that it is obliged to implement the law for the reorganization of enterprises. Meanwhile, Economic Development Minister Fadil Ismaili told the paper that the government is soon expected to adopt the law on Trepca and then submit it to parliament.