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UNMIK Headlines 1 December

PDK silent over the tapping scandal (dailies)

Following the publication of tapped telephone conversations between senior PDK officials where Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi is referred to as “Jakupovski” by PM Hashim Thaçi and as “a dog” by Skenderaj mayor Sami Lushtaku, Krasniqi stated that he is owed a public apology. After the meeting of the Assembly Presidency, Krasniqi said it is now time for those who report to people outside institutional life to speak out. “At least, it would be quite humane to make a public apology as the public is concerned. After that, I will give my opinion but for now I cannot say anything more,” said Krasniqi.

The other parties whose conversations were tapped - Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, PDK parliamentary group chief Adem Grabovci, former head of SHIK Kadri Veseli - did not comment on the conversations. Consequently, Skenderaj Mayor Sami Lushtaku, who used offensive words against Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi in the bugged telephone conversations, told Express that he does not intend to apologise to anyone about anything. “I think there is nothing to apologise for. We will leave this issue to rest with the public and then see what will happen,” said Lushtaku. European Integration Minister Vlora Çitaku, who apparently agreed to hire someone following Grabovci's recommendations, announced on her Facebook profile that bugging conversations is blackmail. “I know I will take someone to court, I just don’t know who yet,” she wrote.

Opposition has also reacted to the so-called tapping scandal. “It would be good for EULEX and the Government to respond to this. For us, it is very concerning; the language used is just as disconcerting as the bugging. We at LDK for a long time have expressed our concerns that a police state is being created in Kosovo,” said LDK leader Isa Mustafa.

Vetëvendosje deputy leader Shpend Ahmeti said during a press conference that conversations show Kosovo is run by mafia, not government officials. He said the fact that Thaçi and Grabovci decide who will be members of the Media Council shows how far the Government’s influence stretches. “SHIK is still very much active and we have said several times that SHIK has not ceased operating. This is best proved by the fact that Adem Grabovci reports to Kadri Veseli about the Brussels visit,” added Ahmeti.

Ready for coalition (Express)

According to the sources, PDK’s Hashim Thaçi and AAK’s Ramush Haradinaj are ready to finalise a coalition agreement in the coming days.  Futhermore, details of the agreement are expected to be decided in a private meeting between Thaçi and Haradinaj. Officials from both parties confirmed the existence of an agreement in principle and that this is also evident by AAK recently supporting Government initiatives, likedialogue with Serbia and a draft budget for next year.

However, Haradinaj said there is no concrete development and told the media that the citizens of Kosovo will be informed on any changes in a timely manner. “I told you than one thing is clear, we have taken the responsibility to assist in national processes, the dialogue process while there is no development in other topics,” said Haradinaj.

Coalition, after elections in PDK (Epoka e Re)

Ramush Haradinaj’s AAK decided to join the coalition with PDK but, according to sources, this is most likely to happen in January after PDK undergoes internal elections. The source further noted that AAK is ready to enter the ruling coalition government without its leader Ramush Haradinaj assuming the post of prime minister as long as, in the next mandate, the post goes to AAK while PDK leader and current Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi would become president.

Government insists on opening of liaison offices (Koha Ditore)

The upcoming meeting between Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and Serbia Prime Minister Ivica Dacic on 4 December could very well bring about a new agreement. “The topics that will be discussed on 4 December in Brussels are the implementation of IBM and opening liaison offices. An agreement is expected to be reached on the offices but this is not certain [...] because we want liaison offices while they want liaison officers, which to us is unacceptable,” said senior Kosovo Government officials wishing to remain anonymous.

Kirby: Haradinaj’s release doesn’t impede the dialogue (dailies)

US Ambassador to Serbia Michael Kirby said that despite the disappoiting acquittal of former Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj from The Hague Tribunal, which was felt in Serbia, it will not impede dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina or US relations with Serbia. Kirby said he expects the dialogue will continue while the IBM agreement will be implemented once certain difficulties are resolved.

Decision on Limaj’s detention next week (dailies)

Papers report that the defence of former Transport Minister and PDK MP Fatmir Limaj requested that the Supreme Court grant provisional release to Limaj and three other former KLA members accused in the so-called Kleçka. Limaj’s lawyer, Tahir Rrecaj, said he was hopeful that the court will decide on the matter at the beginning of next week.