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UNMIK Headlines 30 November

Haradinaj innocent, returns to politics (dailies)

Papers report that former prime minister Ramush Haradinaj and two of his KLA co-fighters, Lahi Ibrahimaj and Idriz Balaj, were cleared of war-crime charges by the chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia in The Hague.

Upon his arrival to Pristina, Haradinaj announced his political engagement, where he will jointly face the challenges ahead. At Adem Jashari Airport, the former prime minister was welcomed by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, other cabinet representatives, and representatives from the AAK party.

Haradinaj thanked Thaçi for the warm welcome and spoke about joint tasks. “We can jointly overcome the challenges that await. I assure you that I will work with everyone to develop the country, to overcome challenges, and jointly achieve other victories,” he said.

Government officials’ private phone conversation publicized (dailies)

Five recordings of telephone conversations between members of the Kosovo Government were sent to media and posted on Youtube yesterday. The conversations reveal what PDK Government officials think of Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi; PM Hashim Thaçi referred to him as “Jakupovski”, Skenderaj Mayor Sami Lushtaku called Krasniqi “a dog”, and European Integration Minister Vlora Çitaku described him as “a big problem”.

During a telephone conversation between Thaçi and PDK parliamentary group chief Adem Grabovci, Thaçi calls the party’s deputy leader Fatmir Limaj and his supporters “bandits”. Meanwhile, former head of Kosovo Intelligence Service Kadri Veseli said the published conversations are important as Grabovci reports to him on the visit to Brussels and the visa liberalization process. Simultaneously, Lushtaku swears at Krasniqi during a conversation with Grabovci and says he would not spare him even if he were Adem Jashari’s son; Minister Çitaku agrees to hire a person in the administration recommended by Grabovci.

In a statement released by the Kosovo Government, the publication of the conversations was condemned and called on authorities to urgently resolve this “scandalous” act: “The publication of such fabricated interception aimed at blackmailing figures from institutions and their private lives is an illegal and punishable act.” Koha Ditore, however, stressed that the Government referred to the conversations as “interceptions”, despite calling them “fabrication”.

Express also reports that the EU rule of law mission confirmed that the conversations are not fabricated and that they are part of ongoing investigations. “Leaking confidential material is a serious issue and a serious violation of trust linked to procedures of an ongoing judicial case,” EULEX told Gazeta Jeta në Kosovë.

Thaçi, Dacic meet first week of December (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister Enver Hoxhaj said that Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and his Serbian counterpart, Ivica Dacic, will meet again in Brussels on 3 to 5 December. “Like in the previous meetings, the exact time and date will be confirmed to both prime ministers by Baroness Ashton, but, I believe the meeting will take place on 3 to 5 December,” Hoxhaj said.

According to Hoxhaj, the test of the dialogue is implementing the integrated border management (IBM) agreement. He added that concrete progress in the implementation of the agreement will be reached by the middle of December. “We want to have a process of normalizing relations aimed at implementing agreements. Agreements on paper are worth nothing, but agreements implemented in practice can change political reality,” he said, adding that the meeting will also address the tense situation in northern Kosovo.

“It is high time for Serbia to begin dissolving criminal structures in the north, which are financed and controlled directly by Belgrade,” Hoxhaj said, “The government has a clear position on the situation in the north: northern illegal security and police structures threaten the internal stability of the Kosovo; they pose a real risk to peace and security in Kosovo, while threatening security and peace in the region.”

Del Ponte accepts failure (Kosova Sot)

“I have followed all investigations against him and, based on that, I have compiled the charges. A Tribunal judge confirmed the indictment, but it was very difficult to obtain evidence during the process. Some witnesses have not appeared in the process, while other changed their testimonies. This was the main problem and, therefore, Haradinaj was acquitted. The Court of Appeal then decided that the process should be repeated, but, again, the same problem occurred: evidence that was required was not presented for Haradinaj’s sentencing,” said former ICTY chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte.

Constitution against Kosovo claiming unification with Albania (Koha Ditore)

A referendum that would decide whether citizens of Kosovo wish to unite with Albania cannot be realized as long as the current Constitution of Kosovo is in effect. Constitutional law expert Xhavit Shala stated that in order to implement the initiative of the Red and Black Alliance for the referendum on the unification of Albania and Kosovo, the Constitution of Kosovo should be changed.

The Alliance initiated a referendum, which after being signed by the citizens of both Kosovo and Albania, will be submitted to the Parliaments in Tirana and Pristina, which will then have to vote on unification. “The initiative to organize a referendum for the unification of Kosovo with Albania has a constitutional obstacle stressed in article 1.3, which states that the Republic of Kosovo does not have territorial pretensions towards any state or part of a state and will not request to unite with any state or part of a state,” said Shala.  

Dacic: Without implementing IBM, no EU for Serbia (dailies)

Prime Minister Ivica Dacic stated yesterday that Serbia cannot continue on its path towards the European Union without implementing the Integrated Border Management. “We are facing a done deal, we should either implement IBM, which is one of the painful conditions of the EU, or say that we are giving up European integration,” said Dacic after the meeting with Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelgegger. Dacic said that it is in interest of Serbia to continue towards the EU path and that Serbia will keep on it while its national interests are not violated.

Serbs block regional road to Leposavic (Zëri)

Dozens of Serbs blocked the regional Mitrovica-Leposavic road in Rudare for two hours on Thursday. Protesters were demanding the release of Slavoljub Jovic, also known as Pagi, who was arrested on charges for attempted murder against KFOR soldiers by Serbian Gendarmerie on 31 October in Mitrovica. According to Nebojsa Jovic, Serbs do not wish to interrupt the legal process, but want his brother to be released on bail and defended.