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UNMIK Headlines 25 September

Headlines - 25.09.2014

Political leaders to meet the president yet again (Tribuna)

Upon her return from the US, Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga is expected to invite leaders of political parties to a meeting, to find a way out of the current political deadlock, reports the paper on its front page, quoting unnamed sources. According to the sources, the President may request guidance from the Constitutional Court on what she should do. She may also appoint a candidate to form the new government without waiting for the Assembly to be constituted. Sources added that both the President and international community oppose the idea of heading into the upcoming Assembly session without an agreement in place.

Coalition doesn’t want new elections (Epoka e Re)

Even though Flora Brovina, the chairperson for the constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly, has stated that she will not allow a debate during the session, coalition bloc parties hope that such a parliamentary debate will take place. After the Wednesday meeting between coalition leaders, from which Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa was absent, Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), stated that the political stalemate could be resolved through a parliamentary debate. According to him, it would not make sense for the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) to propose a candidate for Assembly Speaker. Asked about the possibility of holding extraordinary elections, Haradinaj said that new elections require a political consensus. “We are working to find a solution to the building of institutions at the parliament. So in order to proclaim elections, a consensus of the political spectrum is required. We are against elections, because we already have the parliamentary majority,” said Haradinaj. 

Jahjaga to return from the US with an “envelope” (Kosova Sot)

Three months after the failure of Kosovo leaders to create new institutions, internationals are forced once again to intervene, and the crisis is reportedly now being addressed with the US State Department. Sources of the Tirana-based Top Channel inside Kosovo institutions said that President Atifete Jahjaga, during her visit to the US, will discuss the political crisis in Kosovo and receive from the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, instructions on how to proceed after her return to Pristina next week. 

Jahjaga in UN session as part of US delegation (Kosova Sot)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga has achieved a diplomatic success during her stay in the United States, writes the paper. In the session of the United Nations Security Council, which will vote on a resolution condemning support for the Islamic State group (ISIS), Jahjaga will be present as a special guest of the United States. The participation of Jahjaga in this form, in one of most important meetings of the Security Council, shows the sympathy that the US has for the Kosovo President.  

Belgrade ready to review possibility of peace agreement (Koha Ditore)

In a front-page interview for the paper, the head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric, said that Belgrade is open to discussing all issues with Pristina and even review the possibility for a landmark peace agreement between the sides. He said there is a lot of room for improvement with regards to political relations between Pristina and Belgrade and that efforts should be made to further improve them without looking too much to the past. He added that the Brussels dialogue eased tensions and contributed towards the normalization of relations. “Before the Brussels agreement, we had no institutional communication between our two systems, there was no regular political communication at the top level, and this has now changed”, said Djuric. He added that the participation of the Serbian List in the Kosovo government would contribute to normalization of relations and strengthening of trust. But he added that he could not see how the List would enter the government if Vetevendosje were to be part of it. “Nevertheless, let us leave this issue for later, until after the Assembly is constituted”, he stressed. 

Arben Gashi slams bloc (Lajm)

Arben Gashi, a member of the General Council of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), said that there are still possibilities to find a solution for overcoming the political blockade. He suggested the redesigning of the agreement with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) in a way that would allow for LDK leader Isa Mustafa to become prime minister and AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj and Vetevendosje’s Albin Kurti to become deputy prime ministers. The majority in LDK think that the prime minister should come from the ranks of LDK, added Gashi.

Beqiri opposes Gashi (Lajm)

After Arben Gashi’s proposal for a new agreement among the post-coalition bloc, LDK General Secretary Ismet Beqiri reacted by saying that the agreement achieved with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) is still valid and everything else is a personal opinion. He said that the decision by the LDK General Council, that Isa Mustafa is to become Assembly Speaker, remains valid and is respected by all party members. 

Jahjaga lobbies for new recognitions (Epoka e Re)

During her visit to the United States, where the UN General Assembly session is already underway, Atifete Jahjaga, President of Kosovo, is being quite active in lobbying for new recognitions of Kosovo. On Wednesday, she met separately with the Foreign Ministers of Singapore and Armenia, and asked them to recognize Kosovo as soon as possible. 

Rexhepi: 100 individuals under investigation (Zeri)

Bajram Rexhepi, the outgoing Minister of Internal Affairs, said in an interview for the paper that Kosovo is still not 100 percent safe place from religious radical groups and that a large number of individuals are suspected of having connections with these groups. Actions against them are not over yet, stressed Rexhepi, adding that these individuals are suspected of having fought in Syria or for connections with different radical groups. Rexhepi confirmed that the work of more than 14 non-governmental organizations, suspected of having financed and supported terrorist groups, has been suspended. According to him, the recent arrests were a result of joint work between law and order institutions and the order for the arrests was given by the Prosecution, not by Prime Minister Hashim Thaci.  

Hoxhaj meets with Zbogar (Lajm)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj met yesterday with the Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar. They discussed Kosovo’s readiness to continue supporting international efforts aimed at promoting stability and world peace. The latest engagements undertaken by Kosovo, concerning sanctions against Russia and the world alliance against ISIS, were proof of the proactive and dynamic approach of Kosovo’s foreign policy, said Hoxhaj.

Security improved after Brussels agreement (Lajm)

During his visit to Tirana, KFOR Commander General Major Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, emphasized the improvement of the security situation after the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina and confirmed continuous efforts by NATO to contribute to a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement.