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UNMIK Headlines 19 December

Headlines - 19.12.2012

Serbia wants Serb republic in north (dailies)

Serbia will propose autonomy for northern Kosovo in exchange for the dissolution of its parallel structures in the north, Koha Ditore reports on the front page.

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti revealed details of a platform on Kosovo that Serbian leaders discussed last Sunday where. According to this platform, Serbia would not recognize Kosovo’s independence even after the agreement, but would withdraw its structures from the north if it receives guarantees that the northern municipalities would get the status of a special entity, similar to the Serbian Republic in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbian leaders are expected to announce their position on autonomy next week.

Meanwhile, senior Kosovo officials refused to comment on the matter until the Serbian position becomes official. Neither Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi nor coordinator for dialogue with Serbia, Blerim Shala, agreed to comment without verifying first if Serbian media reports are accurate. The paper recalls that the Kosovo Government and other state representatives repeated on several occasions that there would be no autonomy for the north.

In a front page report in Express, Serbia presented its plan on Kosovo to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton. In the ‘state secret’ document, Serbian authorities will interfere in Kosovo’s constitutional arrangements. The document notes that Serbia will never recognize Kosovo’s independence, calls for Kosovo Parliament to have two chambers, insists on territorial autonomy for the north, and calls for the dissolution of the Kosovo Security Force. The Kosovo Government said such proposals are totally unacceptable.

Under the front-page headline “Autonomy knocking on the door”, Zëri reports that while Serbian institutions will soon announce their proposal for autonomy for northern Kosovo, Pristina insists that there will be no special status for this part of the country. Meanwhile, opposition representatives and political analysts argue that the north “smells” autonomy.

Jahjaga: Illegal, illegitimate platform (Express)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga immediately reacted after part of Serbia’s platform for northern Kosovo was published, stating that it is illegal and illegitimate. The President’s spokesperson, Arbër Vllahiu, said that Serbia’s platform also impedes discussions between Kosovo and Serbia.

“Serbia’s proposal is not legal and legitimate because it concerns another independent and sovereign state. This proposal also impedes the dialogue process taking place in Brussels under the mediation of the EU and supported by the US,” said Vllahiu. “Solutions proposed by the Republic of Serbia through a platform impede the process of the normalization of relations between both states and create double standards for the Serb community in Kosovo. This would involve moving the Serb population towards the north,” said Vllahiu.

Shala: Serbia aims to create tensions (Express)

Blerim Shala, political coordinator of the dialogue with Serbia, said that all issues pertaining to dialogue between both Kosovo and Serbia can be resolved according to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton’s plan. “Serbia will do its best to create tensions through this proposal, to shift the direction of the process created by Mrs. Ashton, which will be a big challenge for her and Brussels, and to create circumstances where the whole Ahtisaari Package would be renegotiated,” Shala told Voice of America. 

Jaksic against Serbian platform on Kosovo (Zëri)

Marko Jaksic, one of the political representatives of northern Kosovo Serbs, said yesterday he is against the Serbian platform on Kosovo that foresees autonomy for northern Kosovo, similar to that of Serbs in Bosnia. Jaksic told Radio Free Europe that if the platform is official, it will be unacceptable “because it would imply giving up Kosovo and Serbia’s capitulation”. “I guarantee that the majority of Serbs will not support such a platform because it would mean bidding farewell to the state of Serbia,” Jaksic added.

Tahiri: IBM being implemented as agreed (Epoka e Re)

The Kosovo Government did not take Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic’swarnings seriously about abandoning negotiations in Brussels in case customs taxes continue to be charged on goods destined for northern Kosovo. Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri said Kosovo was implementing the Integrated Border Management agreement according to conclusions reached in Brussels.

“Regarding the implementation of the IBM agreement, which has already started in border points 1 and 3, in Jarinje and Merdare respectively, I can say that the state of Kosovo fully respects the achieved agreement in Brussels about IBM and the technical protocol. Practically all elements of the agreements are implemented by the Kosovar side,” Tahiri said.

Haradinaj seeks to govern (Express)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, stated during a meeting with citizens of Vitia that Kosovo needs a new start going into the new year. “If I am given the possibility to lead the country, I will only speak through work,” said Haradinaj. He said that “for years we are speaking about the same issues, that there is no electricity, huge number of unemployed people, or that governing is problematic. However, now is the time to speak through work,” said Haradinaj.

Vulin staying in northern Kosovo (Epoka e Re)

The director of the Office for Kosovo at Serbia’s Government, Aleksandar Vulin, stated on Tuesday that he has come to see up close the situation at the border crossings in northern Kosovo and whether Serbs are facing any problems. “It is not the issue whether there are problems regarding my arrival in Kosovo, but for the Serbs, especially those in the north, not to have any problems with personal documentation, license plates or anything else that we have agreed in Brussels,” he told journalists after crossing the border in Jarinje. “I have come to see what is happening here, to be both in the north and the south to see how are our compatriots are living,” Vulin said.

EULEX uncertain how to justify decision for Pacolli (Koha Ditore)

The European Union rule-of-law mission (EULEX) rejected claims against Deputy Prime Minister Behgjet Pacolli by the Anti Corruption Agency regarding forging and fraud on Monday. The decision, also taken by the Municipal Prosecution of Pristina, does not contain any line of justification. On Tuesday, EULEX spokesperson Blerim Krasniqi confirmed the lack of decision justification.

Prosecution requests extra months detention for Limaj (Koha Ditore)

The Special Prosecution is expected to request another two months of detention for MP Fatmir Limaj and his three former associates. Sources in the prosecution told the paper that the request will be filed before Saturday, when the detention expires. The defense is expected to reject the request, meanwhile, it was concluded that Limaj and the others are being detained in accordance with the law.