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UNMIK Headlines 16 January

Headlines - 16.01.2013

Serbia offers seat in the UN for the north (Koha Ditore)

Two days before the next meeting between Prime Ministers Hashim Thaçi and Ivica Dacic, their governments sent out approximation messages. The Serbian Prime Minister said in a press conference that Kosovo’s UN membership could be a topic in the dialogue if Prime Minister Thaçi gives something in return. This statement was welcomed by the Kosovo Government, which one day earlier admitted in a press communiqué that the north will be part of the dialogue. The Government of Kosovo also believes that the Serbs will not demand anything more if they see the Ahtisaari’s package in practice.

Serb media reported a statement by Dacic on Thaçi: “he handed over Serbia for Kosovo to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton”, who is facilitating talks between Kosovo and Serbia. Furthermore, Dacic said Thaçi “cannot decide what will be discussed in the next meeting”; the Kosovo Government expressed its readiness in a press release to discuss the north, but requested to normalize relations enabling Kosovo to become a member in the UN. 

Europeans don’t like or hate Serbia’s resolution (Koha Ditore)

Serbia’s approach in the dialogue with Kosovo is not ideal for European officials but does not present any obstacles for them either. EU Special Representative to Kosovo Samuel Zbogar and British Ambassador Ian Cliff told the paper individually that the dialogue must continue and that the circumstances created so far in this process leave space for further progress.

“Politicians in Belgrade spoke for a while on the need for a platform for Kosovo. Perhaps we don’t agree on some elements of the resolution approved by the Serbian Parliament, but it is important that it doesn’t restrict Serbia’s Government to negotiate in the political dialogue,” said Cliff.

At the same time Zbogar said the resolution should not affect Pristina’s readiness for dialogue. “The only platform in the dialogue is the European Council conclusions of last December. It is not up to me to comment on the content of the resolution but what I can comment is the impact and implications it may have in Kosovo,” said Zbogar, noting that the commitment for the dialogue is directly linked to the progress towards the European agenda for both Kosovo and Serbia.

UCPMB monument must be respected (Express)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi called on Serbia to safeguard the cultural and historic heritage of all communities, as Kosovo is. Thaçi made these remarks after a meeting with Albanian political leaders from Presevo Valley.

“Democratic countries all over the world must safeguard the cultural and historic heritage of all communities. Serbia also needs to respect this democratic standard; the same is fully respected in Kosovo,” Thaçi said.

Thaçi briefed political representatives from Presevo Valley on the dialogue, which focuses on normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia. This would in turn enable better treatment for the Serb community living in Kosovo and Albanian community living in Presevo Valley. 

Halbauer: northern parallel independent of criminal structures (Koha Ditore)

KFOR Commander General Volker Halbauer said the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue in Brussels will also address the dissolution of parallel structures, which he believes is independent of criminal structures. Halbauer however could not say if discussions will include barricades, especially on the Ibër Bridge. “This symbolic barricade is political,” he said.

Asked about the UCPMB monument in Presevo Valley and the eventual readiness of peacekeeping forces to intervene if the situation escalates, Halbauer appealed on both parties to show restraint. 

Veseli: Serbia is creating artificial problems (Kosova Sot)

Commenting on the tense situation in Presevo Valley after Belgrade announced it would remove its UÇPMB monument, PDK official Kadri Veseli said Albanians should not fall prey to artificial problems created by Serbia.

Selimi does not exclude war in the Valley (Zëri)

Vetëvendosje deputy Rexhep Selimi said the situation in Presevo Valley could escalate if the UCPMB monument is removed. He added that those who believe war is not a possibility are mistaken. “Serbia’s attack on the monument is an attack against Albanians. I am not saying or calling to mobilize, but warning that the situation could escalate. I am saying that war might happen,” Selimi told KTV. 

Desecration of Serb cemetery in Fushë Kosovë (Express)

Kosovo’s Minister for Returns and Communities Radojica Tomic condemned the desecration of tens of tombstones at the Orthodox cemetery in Fushë Kosovë. Tomic said authorities need to investigate the cowardly act as soon as possible and bring the perpetrators to justice. “Only such actions would prevent other cases of vandalism against the life and property of people living in Kosovo,” Tomic said. Fushë Kosovë mayor Burim Berisha also condemned the desecration of the cemetery and called on authorities to urgently investigate the case. 

Scandals are blow to visa liberalization process (Zëri)

Kosovo analysts believe that the recent scandals involving Government officials probably delayed the visa liberalization process by months, or even years. They believe this will prevent EU integration from happening any time soon.

Even the European Integrations Minister Vlora Çitaku says that the high level of corruption in the country is keeping Kosovo further from the EU. “Whoever says corruption does not prevent European integration and visa liberalization is lying. We cannot become members of EU without demonstrating that we are able to fight the evil inside us with laws and concrete actions,” she said.