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UNMIK Headlines 17 September

Headlines - 17.09.2014

Fifteen persons arrested in Kosovo on terrorism charges (Koha)

Kosovo Police has undertaken an operation today that resulted in the arrest of fifteen persons suspected of terrorism activity. Police sources said that the arrested men include head of the Islamic Movement to Unite (LISBA), Fuad Ramiqi, and the imam of one of Pristina mosques, Shefqet Krasniqi. Other imams arrested in the operation are Mazllom Mazllomi, Enis Rama, Ekrem Avdiu and Enes Goga. One of the persons also arrested is reported to be Sh.K. from Kacanik, for whom the sources say is an associate of Lavdrim Muhaxheri. 

Jahjaga ready to intervene to resolve political deadlock (Tribuna)

If no Assembly Speaker is elected in tomorrow’s session, President Atifete Jahjaga is expected to intervene and try to resolve the deadlock. Arber Vllahiu, advisor to the president, said Jahjaga will exercise her constitutional role in facilitating dialogue between political parties. He however said there should be no preempting of the situation and MPs should be given the opportunity to find a solution themselves in accordance to Constitutional Court’s decision. 

CEC functions with members with lost mandate (Koha Ditore)

On the front page, the paper reports that Central Election Commission (CEC) has not been spared from the crisis that has overcome Kosovo institutions. The law on elections stipulates that the president should nominate new CEC members no later than two months from the certification of election results. As elections were certified on 4 July, the deadline for new appointments has clearly expired and there are now two members of the CEC who have lost their mandates. One is from the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) which has not managed to win any seats in the new Assembly and the other is from the Serb Liberal Party (SLS) which has in the meantime joined the Serbian List. Office of the Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga, justified the failure to appoint new members with the fact that political parties, except Vetevendosje, have not yet submitted their nominations for the CEC. 

Mustafa not a candidate on Thursday? (Lajm)

The opposition bloc between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), and Vetevendosje will not repeat the episode of the last constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly when the candidate for assembly speaker was Isa Mustafa. The news website quoted a source saying that the LDK leader, Isa Mustafa, will not attempt to run for speaker this Thursday during the Assembly session and that he will do this at a later stage. The source said that the bloc will take part in the continuation of constitutive session of Kosovo Assembly on Thursday to see whether the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) fails in its attempt to elect a speaker and during the weekend they will prepare an action plan for the election of Isa Mustafa to the post. 

Internationals signal possibility for new elections (Tribuna)

International community representatives in Kosovo are signaling the possibility of new elections, reports the paper on the front page. Norwegian ambassador, Jan Braathu, said that concrete measures should be undertaken to advance election system as new elections could happen earlier than expected. However, representatives from the opposition coalition consider new elections would be damaging to Kosovo. Ahmet Isufi from the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) said new elections would not be the right solution. “We think that losing three months to create institutions is not only enough but too much for Kosovo”, he said. Isufi noted further that elections would only prolong the process of forming new institutions and would cause economic and social damage.

Serbian List to decide today (Kosova Sot)

The head of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanovic, said that his political entity will decide on Wednesday if it is going to support the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) or the post-election coalition. Jablanovic reiterated doubts in connection with agreement on principles that the post-election bloc signed with Vetevendosje. “We do not want to enable anyone to review Brussels agreement,” stated Jablanovic. 

Krasniqi: Real crisis if new elections are scheduled (Koha Ditore)

Former Assembly Speaker and co-founder of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Jakup Krasniqi, believes Kosovo would suffer irreparable damage if new elections are to be held at this stage. “New elections are not the right solution for Kosovo”, he said adding that the Assembly has never before had such a strong coalition. 

MPs in distress (Epoka e Re)

In the front page, Epoka e Re writes that officials from Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) are accusing Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) for putting pressure on their MPs ahead of the Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session. NISMA’s senior official, Jakup Krasniqi stated that outgoing Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, is trying to intimidate MPs by mentioning the option of new election while Ardian Gjini from AAK accused PDK of launching a campaign to buy MPs. PDK deputy leader Adem Grabovci responded to allegations and said that the parties of the opposition bloc are the ones that are blackmailing their MPs and not allowing them to express their will in the upcoming constitutive session.

Four more joint Kosovo-Albania consulates (Epoka e Re)

After the opening of consulate in Milan, Italy, Kosovo and Albania will open joint consulates also in Istanbul, Munich, Australia and Canada. Kosovo Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj, said that the aim of opening these joint consulates is representation of interests of citizens from both countries and the support of economic, trade, cultural and educational development between Kosovo and Albania.