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UNMIK Headlines 22 February

Headlines - 22.02.2013

Opposition warns against opening Ahtisaari Package (Koha Ditore)

The two leading opposition parties, LDK and Vetëvendosje, called on the Kosovo Government to avoid new compromises for the north of Kosovo after the fourth round of talks between Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and his Serb counterpart, Ivica Dacic, where the creation of an autonomous community of Serb municipalities in the north was raised.

The proposal to create a community of Serb municipalities in the north would be a breach of the constitutional order of Kosovo, while this proposal aims at creating autonomy in the north, said LDK and Vetëvendosje. They urged the Kosovo Government not to make new compromises and not to open Ahtisaari’s Package.

PAK board completed with “political list” (Koha Ditore)

Blerim Rexha, member of the General Council of PDK, has been elected head of the board of the Privatization Agency of Kosovo. Rexha was voted by members of the Kosovo Assembly in the session held yesterday, along with Maja Milovanovic, Haxhi Arifi, Dardane Peja, and Skender Komoni.

LDK and Vetëvendosje left the session dissatisfied with the politicization of boards from the governing coalition. Ismet Beqiri said that LDK would not stay in the session to take part in voting for the board of PAK and appointment of a non-executive member of Central Bank of Kosovo.

Vetëvendosje’s Glauk Konjufca said they left the session because of the government’s efforts to politicize the boards of these independent agencies. AAK head Ardian Gjini said his party will vote and not leave sessions for such topics. 

Lajcak concerned over Albanian national union (dailies)

Express reports that the Foreign Minister of Slovakia, Miroslav Lajcak, criticized Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha’s statements regarding the unification of Albanians into a single Balkan state. “We know where these statements led this territory and we should not only monitor. Of course there will be official statements from the European Union,” Lajcak told Slovak newspaper Pravda. Recently, there have been more statements by senior officials in Albania and Kosovo arguing in favour of national union, but those are usually aimed mostly at internal consumption. 

Zbogar: Missing persons issue not to be politicized (dailies)

In his visit to Gjakova, European Union Special Representative Samuel Zbogar said that the subject of missing persons should remain in the humanitarian domain, and not be politicized. He also expressed belief that the normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations will help resolve this issue. “I know that the International Committee of the Red Cross is providing support for resolving this issue, and it may be best to leave it where it is, in the humanitarian sphere, and not politicize it too much,” said Zbogar.

Jashari: We will not join any political party (Zëri)

Murat Jashari, representative of KLA commander Adem Jashari’s family, dismissed reports that he is to join a political party allegedly being formed by Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi. “Communication with Jakup Krasniqi is special and we consider that he is the least rumoured leader to have links to illegal affairs, he is not perfect but his biography is clean,” said Jashari, adding that his position as family representative is politically-neutral. “We have said that Kosovo is our party,” he stressed.

We did not violate the Constitution (Express)

The Presidency of Kosovo denied accusations by the Democratic League of Kosovo that Atifete Jahjaga violated the Constitution of the Assembly of Kosovo by meeting Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic. LDK Deputy Lutfi Haziri said the resolution for discussions between Kosovo and Serbia provides a mandate for dialogue to the Government of Kosovo only. Presidency spokesperson Arbër Vllahiu stated that his chief acted according to the Constitution and the Law for the Presidency. “The President is responsible for the foreign policy of the country and represented the interests of the country and population of Kosovo, in accordance with all the legal and constitutional norms of the country,” said Vllahiu.  

Selimi: Tender-fixing, scandal after scandal (Zëri)

Regarding reports that the Ministry of the Interior is “fixing” the tender for producing passports, Vetëvendosje MP Rexhep Selimi said this is another scandal led by Bajram Rexhepi’s ministry. “This seems to be a repetition, even more dangerous than the previous. In fact, the team of those hunting for ‘cooperating companies’ for their lucrative project has been completed now,” said Selimi.

Customs officers to reach the north through road traffic (Kosova Sot)

According to customs director Naim Huruglica, Kosovo Customs officers soon expect to reach the two border crossings in the north through road transport. Huruglica added that once the Integrated Border Management agreement is fully functional, customs officers will no longer need to go to northern gates by EULEX helicopters.

“Bridge watchers” remove the position of security cameras (Express)

Several cameras established by UNMIK and Kosovo Police after the conflict to follow the developments in the problematic area of Mitrovica at the main bridge of River Ibër, are no longer functional. Sources told Kosovapress that three cameras on the pillars in the northern bank that monitored 24 hours a day stopped functioning a few days ago. According to the sources, these cameras used to monitor the road to Suhodoll, the road towards Bosniak Mahala, and the main square “Dolce Vita”. “The so-called Bridge Watchers are now staying 24 hours a day along the northern part of the bridge,” said the source, adding that there are suspicions that they have removed the position of the cameras.