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UNMIK Headlines 31 January

PM Mustafa to face parliamentary interpellation on Jablanovic (Epoka)

Citing an unnamed source in Parliament, the paper reports that the Parliament's Presidency will decide on Monday when Prime Minister Isa Mustafa will face a parliamentary interpellation on the issue of Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic who insulted mothers of missing persons in Gjakova by calling them "savages". The request for the interpellation was submitted by the parliamentary group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK).

Thaci: Don't replace parliamentary debate with violence (RTK)

Kosovo's Principal Deputy Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, said on Friday that the debate in Parliament should not be replaced with violent protests. "It is time to sit together and discuss in Parliament. We need to push forward the priorities that are in the interest of the people of Kosovo; we need to focus on creating new jobs and on economic development," Thaci said.

Selimi: This government is interested only in power (Epoka)

Vetevendosje MP Rexhep Selimi told the paper on Friday that contrary to statements by government officials, the protests by opposition parties cannot damage Kosovo's image. Selimi said Kosovo's image is being damaged by bad governance, the high level of corruption, crime and unemployment. He added that the goal of the opposition's latest protest was not to oust the government but rather to dismiss Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic and to persuade the government into presenting a favorable law on the Trepca mining complex.