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UNMIK Headlines 23 May


85 MPs expected to vote in favor of special court (Zeri)

The paper reports on its front page that the Assembly of Kosovo is expected to approve the constitutional amendments that enable the establishment of special court, next Friday. According to the paper, 85 MPs are expected to vote in favor for the establishment of this court. The government coalition partners, Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), stated on Friday that they support the establishment of this court, since according to them, Kosovo has nothing to fear from justice. They also said that more damage will entail the rejection of Kosovo institutions to establish this court than its own establishment. On the other hand, the opposition parties reiterated their stance against the establishment of the special court.

Two new border crossing points with Serbia (dailies)

The meeting for the implementation of the agreement on Integrated Border Management (IBM) between Pristina and Belgrade on Friday resulted with an agreement for opening of two new border crossing points between Kosovo and Serbia. According to a press release issued by the Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, the agreement foresees the opening of one border crossing point between the Municipality of Kamenica and Medvegjo, as well as a border crossing point that lies between Zubin Potok and Novi Pazar.

Vucic to visit Tirana on 27 May (dailies)

Serbia’s Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic, is expected to visit Tirana on 27 May. This would be the first visit of a Serbian Prime Minister in Tirana. This visit takes place in the framework of the Summit of Prime Ministers of the Organization for Cooperation of Southeast European countries. Vucic is expected to also meet with the President of Albania, Bujar Nishani, Assembly Speaker Ilir Meta and Tirana Mayor Lulzim Basha.

Jablanovic’s case goes to Special Prosecution (dailies)

The Basic Prosecution Office in Gjakove/Djakovica, which had filed an indictment against the former Communities and Returns Minister, Aleksandar Jablanovic,  has decided to transfer the case to the Special Prosecution Office. According to Gjakova’s Basic Prosecution Office, Jablanovic who is accused of the criminal offense of to national, racial and religious hatred, has committed this offense at the time he was a Minister and therefore the subject is in the competence of the Special Prosecution. Civil society representatives have expressed their disappointed over the fact that the Jablanovic’s case will not be addressed in Gjakova.