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UNMIK Headlines 23 June

Headlines - 23.06.2015

Pristina and Belgrade expected to reach agreement on telecom (Koha)

The paper quotes European diplomatic sources as saying that the European Union would not have called a meeting between Kosovo and Serbia Prime Ministers for today if it did not believe that the meeting will produce concrete results. “It would be scandalous and unforgivable for the parties if they don’t reach an agreement at least on the telecom. We are almost certain of this,” an unnamed EU diplomat told the paper. Sources also said that if Pristina and Belgrade reach a final agreement on the telecom and the international code for Kosovo, the agreement could be implemented only at the end of the year, because Belgrade wants to link this with the operationalization of a Serbian telephone operator in Kosovo’s territory.

Content of draft law on specialized chambers (RTK)

The public broadcaster RTK claims to have secured a copy of the draft law on the establishment of specialized chambers expected to be put to vote at the Kosovo Assembly shortly. The draft law is said to be aimed at guaranteeing safe, independent and impartial criminal proceedings regarding allegations of serious crimes committed during and after the Kosovo conflict as contained in the Council of Europe’s report. Article 17 of the law stipulates that no one can be tried in Kosovo on charges already addressed by the specialized chambers and vice-versa. Sources said that the establishment of specialized chambers should be finalized by the end of this month.

Association/Community to legitimize north’s illegal structures (Zeri)

In today’s meeting in Brussels between Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa and Serbia’s Aleksandar Vucic, the Belgrade team is expected to insist on the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities within a two-month period. Even if this happens, Kosovo analysts and opposition representatives warn that illegal structures in the north funded by Serbia will remain active, including the Civilian Protection. Vjosa Osmani from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) said Pristina should not agree to the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities without the dissolution of all illegal structures in the north while Ahmet Isufi from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said it is unrealistic to expect these structures can be dissolved in a matter of two months.

Government wants to fund defence of special court indictees (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that the Kosovo government has sent to the Assembly a draft law that foresees financial assistance for the potential indictees of the specialized chambers, regardless of whether they are found guilty. The government did not reveal the financial cost of the draft law. The bill has immediately been rejected by some MPs, by the Humanitarian Law Fund and criminal law experts. The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Vjosa Osmani, told the paper that the budget should cover only the defence of those who are found innocent by the court and not for all defendants.

Hodzic: Mitrovica mayors to discuss “Peace Park” in Brussels (Koha)

Adriana Hodzic, the head of the Kosovo government’s administrative office for Mitrovica north, said on Monday that the mayors of Mitrovica South and Mitrovica North, Agim Bahtiri and Goran Rakic, will discuss the so-called “Peace Park” on the Ibar Bridge in Brussels. “The two mayors are in Brussels to discuss on important topics. But the key topic is the Ibar Bridge,” she added.

Albanians say they will resume construction in Mitrovica north (Koha)

The Albanian residents of the Kroi i Vitakut neighbourhood in Mitrovica north began rebuilding six houses on Monday morning. The Serb residents, however, started gathering in opposition to the construction. The Kosovo Police went to the site and ordered the construction to be stopped based on a directive issued by the Inspectorate of Mitrovica North municipality. The Albanian residents meanwhile said they would resume their work on Tuesday.

Islamic, Catholic communities voice concerns over Llapushnik cemetery (Zeri)

While no officials from the Islamic or Catholic communities in Kosovo gave comments to the paper on the recent dispute in Llapushnik, Drenas/Glogovac municipality over the Catholic Church’s plans to build a cemetery in the village, both communities addressedletters to the Drenas/Glogovac municipality. The Islamic community has opposed the decision to allocate land to the Catholic Church in the village while the Catholic community called on the municipality to uphold its earlier decision.