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UNMIK Headlines 19 August

Headlines - 19.08.2015

Opposition starts mobilizing against Association/Community (Zeri)

The paper on its front page reports that the Vetevendosje Movement has started preparations to oppose the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities by threatening with protests after 25 August when prime ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Mustafa and Vucic, are expected to decide on this issue. Vetevendosje’s representatives have not excluded also other means to express their dissatisfaction, but didn’t give further details. The paper writes that the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) will be supporting Vetevendosje. 

Constitutional Court asks Veseli to comment special court amendment (Koha)

Kosovo Constitutional Court has asked Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli to provide all relevant documents relating to the amendment for establishing the special court as well as his own opinion on the matter. The request for comment and additional documents came following the opposition’s request to the Constitutional Court for reviewing the legality of the amendment. The paper writes that by asking Veseli to give his opinion, the Court has set a new standard in its practice as until now all members of the Assembly had the right to provide their opinions. The move is also seen as the Court is only recognising the Speaker’s authority when it comes to dealings with the Assembly, adds Koha Ditore on the front page.

Jahjaga waiting for Constitutional Court’s verdict on special court (Zeri)

Kosovo’s President Atifete Jahjaga has not yet signed the two laws on the establishment of the special court which were approved by the Assembly of Kosovo weeks ago. This is because the Constitutional Court is still considering the case which contests the approval of the constitutional amendments on special court. Also, the opposition parties believe that the President should not sign the laws before the Constitutional Court’s verdict on the matter. 

Dacic thanks UNMIK for implementation of 1244 (Koha Ditore)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday head of UNMIK Farid Zarif and expressed to him his appreciation for efforts to implement UNMIK mandate and coordinate international presence in Kosovo, the paper quotes reports from Serbian news agency FoNet. Dacic stressed the importance of UNMIK working on creation of preconditions for peaceful coexistence of ethnic communities in Kosovo and respect of fundamental human rights of all people. He also said he hoped UNMIK would continue implementing its mandate in accordance to the UN Security Council resolution 1244.

Meucci and Mustafa discuss end of EULEX (dailies)

The head of the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), Gabriele Meucci, met yesterday with Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to discuss government preparations and readiness for EULEX’s end of mandate in June, 2016.  “EULEX looks forward to continuing the close work with the Prime Minister and Kosovo authorities to ensure required benchmarks are met and strong progress is achieved in the remaining 10 months of the EULEX mandate,” reads a press release sent by EULEX.

Hyseni: Kosovo Police efficient against terrorism (Zeri)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, said yesterday that the Kosovo Police (KP) is very efficient in fighting religious extremism. Hyseni said that KP successfully arrested several terrorism suspects. He called on religious leaders to send messages of peace and not war. “We are not interested to deal with brutal actions. We must commit ourselves to prevent such actions and to protect our people,” Hyseni said.

The problem of 300 members of Civil Protection (Epoka e Re)

The chairperson of the Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly, Ksenija Bozovic, told Radio Free Europe that it is very problematic that around 300 members of the so-called Civil Protection remained outside Kosovo institutions. “If there is no solution for those who remain outside, of course there will be problems. It is not okay for people to remain in the streets. I expect there will be a solution,” Bozovic said.