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UNMIK Headlines 15 December

Headlines - 15.12.2015

Police arrest five Vetevendosje and three AAK MPs (dailies)

The Kosovo Police arrested last night five Vetevendosje MPs as they were coming out of the Kosovo Assembly building. The arrested MPs include the head of Vetevendosje parliamentary group Glauk Konjufca as well as Aida Derguti, Besa Baftiu, Fisnik Ismaili and Faton Topalli. The first three were arrested for releasing teargas during yesterday’s session of the Assembly while the last two for breaking the conditions of their house arrest. The police also arrested three MPs from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK): Pal Lekaj, Time Kadriaj and Teuta Haxhiu.

“MPs suspected of committing crimes should be arrested” (Kosova Sot)

In a statement to the media, Vetevendosje said that yesterday’s arrest of opposition MPs only worsens the situation further. The leading opposition party has called for the arrest of those MPs that are suspected of committing crimes and participating in illegal organisations and not of those that are standing up for their political beliefs. “Agreements shall not pass, the opposition shall not stop,” the statement ends.

Mustafa: Institutions cannot be taken by force (dailies)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa criticized the actions of the opposition in the Kosovo Assembly yesterday who again threw tear gas in an attempt to block the session. Mustafa, condemning the behavior of the opposition, said that no one has the right to forcibly take Kosovo’s institutions. He called on the relevant authorities to take the necessary measures to overcome this situation as soon as possible. “The Assembly, government and Kosovo institutions cannot be degraded like this. These are legitimate institutions established by the free vote and nobody can take them by force. We are obliged to do our job. I invite the opposition to present the true reasons, because for me the demarcation and Association are not reasons. It must be something bigger because these arguments are not sufficient to cause violence,” Mustafa said.

The government “convinced” that an urgent solution is needed (Koha)

In its leading front-page story, the paper reports on tense scenes inside the Kosovo Assembly and the arrest of opposition MPs on Monday. “After a three-month blockade the government is ‘convinced’ that an urgent solution must be found to the political crisis. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, who recently denied that Kosovo is faced with a political and institutional crisis, is now saying that the problem goes even beyond the Assembly room. The united opposition front meanwhile is adamant that there will be no normality until the government withdraws from the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro,” the paper notes.

Thaci: We should declare the Assembly as usurped (dailies)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, said yesterday that the Assembly should initiate the creation of a declaration whereby a part of the opposition is declared as usurpers of the Assembly. "The Assembly is usurped by a group of violent MPs. They are risking the lives of everyone in the Assembly. We need to make a public statement and condemn the violent usurpation of the Assembly. If teargas is considered as weapon, then a group of armed MPs have occupied the Assembly. We are interested to have the opposition MPs back in the Assembly and hear their arguments if they have, rather than see violent actions,” Thaci said. Thaci's proposal was supported by other parliamentary groups and a created was committee to prepare the statement.

Veseli: Assembly’s head of security cooperated with opposition (dailies)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli said yesterday that while the leadership of the Assembly was trying to stop the actions of the opposition, the head of security in the Assembly, Fatmir Shaqiri, has cooperated with the opposition. He said that Shaqiri doesn’t report to the President of the Assembly, but that he heard that Shaqiri was dismissed from his duty about a week ago.

Assembly adopts 2016 budget (dailies)

With 78 votes in favour, the Kosovo Assembly adopted yesterday the budget for next year at an amount of over €1.5 billion. Minister of Finance Avdullah Hoti said the 2016 budget reflects the joint commitment of Kosovo institutions in addressing priorities and development objectives as well as continuous improvement of social welfare.

Protesters damage cars and throw paint at Assembly building (Epoka e Re)

The Kosovo Police in a press release said that around 150 opposition supporters gathered in front of the Assembly building while the Assembly session was taking place. At around 14.00, the protesters became violent by throwing different objects and red paint at the police officers and the government premises. The protesters are also reported to have damaged five official vehicles, setting fire to one of them. The police said that it had arrested three persons in connection to the protests.

O’Connell: Opposition’s act hinder Kosovo’s integration path (Zeri)

The British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ruairi O’Connell, commenting on yesterday’s event at the Kosovo Assembly said the opposition’s attempt to impose politics by force only hinders Kosovo’s integration path. “I am saddened by the continuing violence in Kosovo Assembly. Kosovo has many challenges. The ongoing violence in institutions and attempts to by force impose the political will not solve Kosovo’s problems but only create more problems,” O'Connell said, mentioning dialogue as a way out of this political crisis.

Opposition to stage next anti-government rally on Wednesday (Epoka e Re)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj announced on his Facebook page that the upcoming opposition rally against the agreements with Serbia and Montenegro will take place in Peja/Pec on Wednesday. Haradinaj called on the people to join the protest, which is set to begin at 12.00.

Kandic criticizes KFOR for Dikovic’s visit (Koha)

Natasa Kandic, director of the Belgrade-based Human Rights Fund, said on Monday that she is concerned over the fact that KFOR representatives invited Serbian General Ljubisa Dikovic without consulting the Kosovo government first. Kandic has filed an indictment against Dikovic for war crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia. Kandic also criticized the Kosovo government for failing to issue a strong reaction over “KFOR’s mistake”.