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UNMIK Headlines 15 March

Headlines - 15.03.2016

Caushi: Decision on whether to boycott the Assembly, soon (Epoka e Re)

Deputy leader of the Vetevendosje movement, Driton Caushi, told the paper that the party leadership is considering the idea of boycotting the Assembly of Kosovo. He added that Vetevendosje will announce its decision very soon. “During the six months of our protest we have continuously analysed different ways of protesting, with a single intention, prevention of the implementation of the harmful agreements, the one on Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities and the demarcation of the border with Serbia,” Caushi said. He added that if they decide to leave the Assembly, this would not mean avoiding their responsibilities given by the voters.  

Thaci: I will serve everyone equally (RTK)

Kosovo’s president-elect, Hashim Thaci, in an interview with Albania-based newspaper DITA, said his candidacy for president was supported by the majority in the Assembly. “I believe in my political experience. Through these two decades I was equipped with knowledge and experience to successfully confront the new challenges of our state,” Thaci said. According to him, the recent crisis in Kosovo is only transitory and also other democratic countries passed through such phases. “We still have enough time to properly consolidate our democratic culture,” he said.  “Undoubtedly, I will do my best to be a factor of unity in the country, I will try to foster dialogue, understanding, tolerance and solidarity within our people,” he added.  In regards to the special court for war crimes, Thaci said he believes all charges would be dropped as was the case at the tribunal in The Hague. “I am convinced that our fight for freedom and independence was fair and just,” Thaci said. 

O’Connell: Prince Charles comes as Kosovo’s partner (Koha Ditore)

The British Ambassador to Kosovo Ruairi O’Connell told the paper that the forthcoming visit of Prince Charles and his wife Camilla is confirmation of excellent relations between the two countries. “The Prince comes now not as a visitor to the British troops but as a partner of a country with which we have excellent relations,” said O’Connell. Apart from meeting Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga, the British royal couple will also visit Prizren and take part in an inter-religious conference hosted by the Government of Kosovo. 

Veseli meets Merkel (Epoka e Re)

The Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, met during his visit to Berlin the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. Veseli expressed deep appreciation for the generous help of the German nation to Kosovo and its people at different times and circumstances. Veseli met also with the President of Bundestag, Norbert Lammert, who stressed the importance of the cooperation between the German Bundestag and the Assembly of Kosovo, especially in the field of legislation reform. 

K-Government denies having information on Serbian elections (Klan Kosova)

OSCE officials said that they are in talks with the government of Kosovo on the way the organization plans to organise Serbian parliamentary elections in the territory of Kosovo. “We have been in continuous contact with government officials and the office of the prime minister about the issue at hand and they did not say anything definite yet,” said OSCE spokesperson Senad Sabovic. However, Kosovo government spokesperson Arban Abrashi said he was not aware of any talks on the prospect of Serbian elections taking place in Kosovo. The same view was echoed by Deputy Minister of the Local Government and Administration Bajram Gecaj. 

Shala: Government is behind burning of vehicles and offices (Kosova Sot)

The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) MP, Haxhi Shala, said yesterday that the attack with Molotov on president’s office was organized by the government. Shala said that Kosovo Police and Kosovo Intelligence Agency know who the perpetrators of these acts are, but according to him, they are protecting the government by not coming forward with such information. “Immediately after the Molotov attacks, the director of the police and some ministers blamed the opposition,” Shala said. While regarding the attack on the house of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, he said that this could have happened by angry LDK voters due to LDK MPs voting Hashim Thaci for president. 

Gafurr Dugolli will not be extradited to Serbia (Epoka e Re)

With the proposal of the public prosecutor, the basic court in Skopje extended detention of the Chief Protocol of the Ministry of the Kosovo Security Force, Gafurr Dugolli, for additional 48 hours. Former Kosovo Liberation Army members protested on Monday in front of the Embassy of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), in Pristina. The paper claims to have learned from sources within the FYROM government that Dugolli will not be extradited to Serbia. “Verification of his data will take a few more hours, and he will not be extradited to Serbia. FYROM authorities are expected to release him by tomorrow,” said the source.