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UNMIK Headlines 18 March

Headlines - 18.03.2016

PM Mustafa meets Mogherini in Brussels (dailies)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa met yesterday in Brussels with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini to discuss current developments in Kosovo. Mogherini expressed hope that inclusive political dialogue will help overcome the stalemate in the Kosovo Assembly in the coming period. “HRVP Mogherini and Prime Minister Mustafa assessed progress in the last year in the EU-Kosovo relations in view of the entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement on the 1 April. The HRVP stressed the importance of this first contractual relation between the EU and Kosovo and reiterated her commitment to work with PM Mustafa and Kosovo authorities to promote further progress in the EU-Kosovo agenda. She confirmed the readiness of the EU to go ahead with visa liberalisation for Kosovo once remaining conditions are fulfilled,” notes a press release issued by Mogherini’s office.

Prince Charles to visit Kosovo today (Zeri)

Charles, Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will visit Kosovo today. They will arrive in the afternoon in Pristina, while on Saturday morning will meet President Atifete Jahjaga. Prince Charles and Jahjaga will also participate in a memorial ceremony for missing persons. 

EULEX accuses Minister Kuci of interfering in judiciary (dailies)

The EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) yesterday harshly criticized Justice Minister Hajredin Kuci for his statement regarding Skenderaj Mayor Sami Lushtaku’s conviction saying it was “absurd.” “In an interview televised last night, Kosovo’s Minister of Justice opined on the merits of a high-profile criminal case currently before the Court of Appeal and questioned a verdict taken by judges at the Basic Instance Court. EULEX emphasizes that such statements can be perceived as intimidation and political interference. Kosovo authorities must ensure that the judiciary receives proper support to adjudicate in a dispassionate environment,” reads a press release issued by EULEX. EULEX’s reaction was also supported by United Stated Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie. “Kosovo authorities must ensure the judiciary receives support to adjudicate in a dispassionate environment,” Delawie said. However, Kuci told media he saw EULEX’s statement and contacted EULEX chief Gabriele Meucci to explain that his statement had been misunderstood.

Collaku: We will not allow new visa liberalization requirements (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo’s European Integration Minister, Bekim Collaku, told the paper that Kosovo will not allow new requirements on the process of visa liberalization. According to him, this whole process has been very strict and unfair. Collaku made these comments after the arrival of the EU evaluation mission which will assess the fulfillment of additional criteria for visa liberalization. Collaku said the report of this mission can only be positive. 

Government condemns burning of vehicles (Zeri)

The government of Kosovo, through a press statement, condemned the burning of official vehicles the night before in several cities of Kosovo. “The Government of Kosovo considers these criminal acts as direct attacks against Kosovo state institutions and against Kosovo's stability and progress in the development of European integration processes. The government calls on the competent authorities to resolve these criminal acts and bring the perpetrators to justice,” the statement said.

Minxhozi: Abazi’s deportation made us feel bad (Zeri/Kosovapress)

Albania’s Ambassador to Kosovo, Qemal Minxhozi, said the deportation of Vetevendosje member Boiken Abazi to Albania was the first such case in relations between Kosovo and Albania. “I do not know if this was in accordance with human rights. The whole process is unclear. He is Albanian and that makes us feel bad. There were other ways to address this issue,” Minxhozi said. At the same time, Abazi told Koha Ditore that he entered and exited Kosovo legally and that the decision for his forcible deportation is groundless. He said Kosovo is being governed by an “authoritarian regime” and urged the leadership in Albania to react against his deportation from Kosovo.

Opposition ignores calls to discuss border demarcation (Kosovapress)

Although called on to give in their contribution to the ad-hoc commission on border demarcation established by President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, opposition representatives continue to ignore such calls. One of the reasons for this is said to be the fact that no local expert is part of the commission. Vetevendosje’s deputy leader Driton Caushi said it was local experts who had pointed out at the mistakes made in the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and that the only solution is to cancel the deal altogether and set up a proper commission that would also employ other methods. Caushi said the methods used so far will yield the same results which for the opposition are unacceptable.  Deputy leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ahmet Isufi said the first thing that needs to be done with regards to the border demarcation issue is to dismiss the previous commission and for the government to withdraw the signatures from the agreement and be held accountable for signing it in the first place. Only then, said Isufi, will the opposition provide its contribution.

Hyseni: We do not allow destabilization of the country (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior, Skender Hyseni, told the paper that the recent incidents, no matter what their context and motives, are disturbing the people of Kosovo. “We should not allow for our country to be transformed where Molotov is being used as a mechanism to reach political aims,” Hyseni said. He said that the police are investigating the cases of vehicles being set on fire and that there are several tracks of suspicions. He added that security institutions are engaging in accordance with the law, to defend order, public safety, as well as public and private property. He rejected the accusations that the governing coalition is using the police for its political intentions. He said violent actions are sending negative messages from Kosovo to the world, and are affecting visa liberalization.

Rizvanolli, Lavdrim Muhaxheri’s associate (Zeri)

The paper reports on its front page that Fatos Rizvanolli, arrested few days ago by Kosovo Police for allegedly funding the travel expenses for Kosovars who fight for ISIS, has had close ties with jihadists and Albanian “leaders” of Islamic terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq. The paper writes that one of ISIS’s leaders, Lavdrim Muhaxheri, used Rizvanolli’s vehicles when in Kosovo.