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UNMIK Headlines 16 June

Headlines - 16.06.2016

Government to meet today to approve draft law on EULEX extension (media)

The paper quotes reports from the public broadcaster RTK saying that the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini has signed the letter exchange paving the way for the extension of the EU rule of law mission. In a government cabinet meeting yesterday, Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said that as soon as the letter is signed by Mogherini, they will meet again and adopt the draft law on extending EULEX’s mandate which will then be submitted to the Assembly for further approval.

Haliti requests review of border demarcation agreement (Kosova Sot)

Kosovo Assembly vice president and senior official from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Xhavit Haliti, said the issue of the border demarcation with Montenegro requires more consultations and debate. “The demarcation agreement has been contested by the opposition and the citizens whose properties were affected. We are at a point where we don’t know how things will end. The issue requires more discussion and consultation with field experts”, Haliti said in an interview for Klan Kosova.

Tërmkolli: Demarcation should be reviewed (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo Assembly MP Melihate Tërmkolli from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), has echoed the position of those who claim that the border demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro was not done properly and that it should be reviewed. “I do not believe that MPs from the governing coalition will vote in favor of the demarcation agreement. The demarcation should be reviewed, it is not the way it should be…. The Assembly should not vote on the demarcation agreement,” Tërmkolli told KTV.

Selmanaj: I’d rather resign than accept Constitutional Court’s ruling (Epoka)

The Mayor of Deçan/Dečani, Rasim Selmanaj, reiterated his position against the decision of the Constitutional Court to allocate property to the Orthodox Monastery which the municipality and local residents claim to be socially-owned. Selmanaj said the decision is “shameful” and “unlawful”. “I am ready to cut short my term in office and resign rather than accept this decision because it is political”, Selmanaj said. At the same time, the “Ali Hadri” league of historians has announced it will stage a protest today against the Constitutional Court’s ruling.

Thaçi: We will implement all agreements reached with Serbia (Zëri)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi met yesterday in Vienna his Austrian counterpart, Heinz Fischer. Thaçi and Fischer discussed the current political processes in Kosovo and overcoming the current crisis. “Kosovo will work hard to become a member of the EU and NATO. We will also continue the dialogue with Serbia and will fulfill all the agreements reached so far. Very soon we will start to draft the statute of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities,” Thaçi said.  On the other hand, Fischer said he was satisfied with the recent developments in Kosovo and that Kosovo is on the right path towards European integration.

Indictment filed against Minister Agani and 60 others (dailies)

Kosovo state prosecution on Wednesday filed an indictment against Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Ferid Agani, and 60 others. Agani is accused of abuse of official position or authority at the time he was Minister of Health, causing financial damage to Kosovo’s budget of around €4.5 million. An indictment has also been filed against the Ministry of Health Secretary, Gani Shabani, 44 doctors, one nurse, and 13 persons who work in private health clinics. “The suspects have given recommendations to patients or their families for medical treatment outside public institutions, even though these patients had already undergone all necessary medical treatments and did not need any further medical treatments,” reads the indictment.

Serbian government threatens Brezovica investors (Koha)

The paper reports on one of its front-page stories that Marko Đurić, director of the Serbian government’s office for Kosovo, has sent threatening letters to companies that could potentially be interested in joining the consortium for the Brezovica ski resort. In his letter, Đurić argued that Serbia owns the properties in Brezovica and that the government in Belgrade would sue these companies if they decide to join the Brezovica project. Citing unnamed sources, the paper reports that as a result of Đurić’s letter, a meeting between representatives of the consortium and the inter-ministerial committee was delayed. The paper also learns that the threatening letter was discussed at the highest government levels in Pristina. Kosovo’s Trade and Industry Minister, Hykmete Bajrami, told the paper that Pristina decides on Brezovica because the latter is in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo. “Serbia has lost the court case. Investors and states that recognize the sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo have no reason to fear anyone’s letters,” Bajrami told the paper.

“Sunny Valley” is being built on the demolished houses of Albanians (Koha)

The paper reports on page five that the Serbian government is building 300 houses for Serb IDPs in the “Sunny valley” in northern Kosovo on the ruins of Albanian houses that were demolished by Serbs. The Mitrovica-based Civic Initiative Action held a protest in front of the government building in Pristina on Wednesday showing pictures of the former houses owned by Albanians. Protesters argued that Prime Minister Isa Mustafa is failing to prevent the implementation of the Serbian government’s project. A protester said that during Mustafa’s governance, no Albanian has returned to the north and that no investments were made there. “This government is treating the north as if it were part of Serbia,” the protester said.

“Interpol will not arrest Thaçi as long as he is Kosovo president” (Zëri)

The head of Interpol’s branch in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Branislav Pavlović, said on Wednesday that Hashim Thaçi will not be arrested as long as he is Kosovo President. “The arrest warrant for Hashim Thaçi was issued ten years ago, but he will not be arrested while holding the post of Kosovo President,” Pavlović told Sarajevo-based TV N1. “This doesn’t mean that the warrant was canceled, but it was decided that as long as the person in question has immunity, he will not be arrested. The arrest warrant was only suspended,” he said.