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Headlines 28 December

Headlines - 28.12.2016

  • Kosovo government: Serbia is trying to destabilise Kosovo (Koha)
  • Kosovo Assembly postpones resolution on Mitrovica wall (Kosova Sot)
  • Rakic: The wall, part of revitalisation of bridge agreement (Zeri)
  • Poll: PDK first, followed by LVV, LDK, AAK-NISMA and AKR (Epoka)
  • “Serbia does not want normalisation of relations with Kosovo” (Epoka)
  • UN does not recognise Enver Hoxhaj as Foreign Minister (Bota Sot)
  • Only Kosovo’s ambassador invited to Trump’s inauguration (Zeri)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Kosovo government: Serbia is trying to destabilise Kosovo (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that in its annual report on the effects of the Brussels talks, the Kosovo government argues that dialogue has not stopped Serbia’s attempts to destabilise the situation in Kosovo. “The process of dialogue has faced numerous challenges as a result of obstructionist positions from the Serbian side,” the report says. “Most concerning is Serbia’s dualism in implementation, on the one hand it implements the agreements and on the other hand it continues to support its parallel structures in Kosovo, including efforts to produce destabilisation, such as the case of the illegal wall in Mitrovica that goes against the Brussels agreement. Kosovo’s institutions have made clear their position to remove the illegal wall in accordance with Kosovo’s laws and with the highest caution to maintain stability in the country”.

Kosovo Assembly postpones resolution on Mitrovica wall (Kosova Sot)

The Kosovo Assembly has postponed discussions on a resolution against the recently-built wall in Mitrovica North. Pal Lekaj, head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group and the initiator of the resolution, told the paper on Tuesday: “The heads of parliamentary groups met today and we agreed that the session on the resolution should not be held on Wednesday. The session however will be held either on Thursday or Friday”.

Rakic: The wall, part of revitalisation of bridge agreement (Zeri)

Mitrovica North Mayor Goran Rakic accused authorities in Pristina for, as he said, denying fundamental rights to members of the Serb community and noted that this is why Kosovo Serbs have decided to take matters into their own hands. In a statement to the Serbian media, Rakic also urged the international community not to be bystanders of the current developments in Kosovo and added that it was evident Pristina has no intention of setting up the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. Furthermore, Rakic pointed out that the wall in Mitrovica North is part of the project for revitalisation of River Iber bridge and is a competency that falls under the local government.

Poll: PDK first, followed by LVV, LDK, AAK-NISMA and AKR (Epoka)

The paper covers in one of its front-page stories a poll conducted by Pristina-based Index Kosova with 989 respondents. Asked if parliamentary elections were to be held now, 17 percent of the respondents said they would vote for the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), 13% said they would vote for the Vetevendosje Movement, 12% for the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), 7% for the AAK-NISMA coalition and 3 percent for the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR).

“Serbia does not want normalisation of relations with Kosovo” (Epoka)

The paper runs as its leading story an interview with Pristina-based political analyst Behlul Beqaj highlighting his quote that Serbia does not want to normalise relations with Kosovo. Beqaj also calls on Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa not to abide by the recent ultimatums coming from the Serbian government about the replacement of Serb ministers in the Kosovo government. He further argued that Mustafa should even be dismissed if he takes into consideration the Serbian ultimatums.

UN does not recognise Enver Hoxhaj as Foreign Minister (Bota Sot)

Citing Presheva Jone news website, the paper reports that United Nations officials in New York have refuted some media reports according to which “the United Nations have recognised Enver Hoxhaj as Foreign Minister”. Mathias Gillman, an official with the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, told Presheva Jone: “the position of the United Nations toward Kosovo or its authorities is known and it has not changed. The recognition of a new country as a member state of the United Nations is a prerogative of other UN member states”. Asked to comment on a letter that refers to Enver Hoxhaj as Minister, another UN official told the news website: “if a letter refers to Hoxhaj as minister, this does not mean that the UN recognises him”.

Only Kosovo’s ambassador invited to Trump’s inauguration (Zeri)

The paper claims that only Kosovo’s ambassador to the US will be invited to Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony as the new President of the United States. According to the paper, the US State Department has explained that no foreign delegation, except for ambassadors, can attend the inauguration ceremony scheduled to take place on 20 January.