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UNMIK Headlines 5 May

Headlines - 05.05.2017

  • Kosovo wants dialogue to enter the final phase (Lajmi/RFE)
  • Swedish FM Wallstrӧm visits Kosovo (dailies)
  • Limaj: We have the signatures to bring down the government (Lajmi)
  • Lekaj: The government will be brought down, it is a done deal (Indeksonline)
  • Trendafilova: First indictments expected soon (Koha Ditore/DW)
  • Law on KSF to be sent to Assembly (Kosova Sot) 

Kosovo Media Highlights

Kosovo wants dialogue to enter the final phase (Lajmi/RFE)

Senior officials of Kosovo government claim that the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia should restart and prepare for its concluding phase, which would mean “reciprocal recognition between the two countries.” Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, told Radio Free Europe that Ramush Haradinaj’s release invalidated the decision to suspend the dialogue with Serbia, which had been adoption through a resolution by the Assembly of Kosovo. She added that dialogue should now take place at two levels: technical and political which, according to her, would help conclude the dialogue. At the same time, Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj, told the members of the Committee for Foreign Affairs at the European Parliament that “the dialogue with Serbia should have a clear aim, which is mutual recognition by the two countries.” “I consider that without this, the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia is useless and worthless, but mutual recognition should be the goal we have as a clear strategy for the coming years, "said Hoxhaj. 

Swedish FM Wallstrӧm visits Kosovo (dailies)

In a visit to Kosovo yesterday, Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrӧm called on Kosovo leaders to fight corruption and organised crime, ratify the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro, establish the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and work on improving relations between the political forces. In a press conference with her counterpart Enver Hoxhaj, Wallstrӧm said she was aware Kosovo faced difficult decisions but that these are necessary for implementation of important agreements. The Swedish diplomat also met Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, President Hashim Thaci and Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli.

Limaj: We have the signatures to bring down the government (Lajmi)

Fatmir Limaj, leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) said that his party has managed to collect more than 40 MP signatures required for a no-confidence motion against the government. He added they are coordinating further steps with the MPs who signed the motion. “According to the regulation, the session should be called no later than a week after the submission of the motion to the Assembly. Also, according to the regulation, there is a possibility to gather the Assembly for an extraordinary session within 24 hours, if the initiator, in this case us, requests so,” Limaj said. 

Lekaj: The government will be brought down, it is a done deal (Indeksonline)

Pal Lekaj, Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), stated on Thursday that “it is clear to everyone that we cannot go further with the Mustafa-Veseli government.” He added that this government has to go as soon as possible. “Therefore, we consider that the motion of no confidence should succeed. The role of the AAK but also of the opposition is very positive and important on moving the motion forward,” Lekaj said. ​ 

Trendafilova: First indictments expected soon (Koha Ditore/DW)

President of the Specialist Chambers in The Hague, Ekaterina Trendafilova spoke in a press conference about her vision and priorities of the chambers noting that her top priority was the establishment of a functional legal framework for the Specialist Chambers. Trendafilova said she hoped the Specialist Chambers would take qualitative decisions and assured that the work of the judges would be highly professional. Asked by DW as to who could be on the list of the indictees, Trendafilova said this was in the hands of the prosecutors, but added that the first indictments are expected “soon.”

Law on KSF to be sent to Assembly (Kosova Sot)

On Thursday the parliamentary Commission on internal affairs, security and KSF supervision said it will submit the draft-law on the Kosovo Security Force to the Kosovo Assembly. The chairperson of the commission, Daut Haradinaj, told the paper that all members were in favor except for the Serbian List MP.  Vetevendosje movement MP Rexhep Selimi was not present during the meeting, but through the phone he declared his utmost support for the submission of the law to the Assembly.