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UNMIK Headlines 31 May

Headlines - 31.05.2017

  • Political parties to officially launch election campaign today (Telegrafi)
  • CEC criticized for “unjustifiable failures” (Koha Ditore)
  • Slovenian Peterle to lead EU election observing mission (Koha Ditore)
  • Apostolova would like to see TV debate between leading candidates (Kallxo)
  • U.S. Embassy to engage observers on Election Day (Koha Ditore)   
  • Around 4,000 citizens from Serbia to vote in Kosovo elections (Zëri)
  • European Parliament allows Kosovo’s participation in EU programs (Epoka) 

Kosovo Media Highlights

 Political parties to officially launch election campaign today (Telegrafi)

Political parties and candidates running for Kosovo parliamentary elections will officially launch their election campaigns today. The coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) will open their campaign this afternoon at “Skenderbeu” square in Pristina. Vetevendosje has planned to open its campaign in the Gjilan/Gnjilane sports centre at 2 p.m. while the coalition between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alternative, and the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) will hold an election rally in a primary school in Obiliq/Obilic at 5 p.m. The election campaign officially starts today and runs through 9 June, at midnight.

 CEC criticized for “unjustifiable failures” (Koha Ditore)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has been criticized by local observers of election processes in Kosovo of “unjustifiably failing” in a number of aspects while preparing for parliamentary elections set to take place in less than two weeks, the paper reports on the front page. Some of the concerns raised include the inability of all interested Kosovo residents living abroad to vote, absence of an awareness campaign aimed at voters, and transfer of election competencies to the OSCE regarding four northern municipalities. Observers said the CEC is a permanent-based institution and should have had a strategy to deal with organising snap elections.

 Slovenian Peterle to lead EU election observing mission (Koha Ditore)

The EU has authorized the deployment of an observation mission in Kosovo for upcoming elections that will be led by Alojz Peterle, from Slovenia. The paper recalls that this is the third time the EU is sending observers for Kosovo elections and officials in Brussels said the aim of the mission is to ensure a trustworthy, transparent and inclusive election process. At the same time, the EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said upon appointment of Peterle that “we expect from all political parties, leaders and institutions of Kosovo to make sure that these important elections, including the election campaign, are in line with European democratic standards”.

Apostolova would like to see TV debate between leading candidates (Kallxo)

Head of the EU Office in Kosovo and Special Representative, Nataliya Apostolova, said in a debate with University of Pristina students that a TV debate between candidates running for the post of Kosovo prime minister would help the voters get informed of their promises. “In democratic societies this is important and we have seen this practice throughout Europe”, said Apostolova answering a question from the audience. Asked about the border demarcation with Montenegro, Apostolova said the issue has become a political problem. “If there are dilemmas as to whether this is the border or not and that a new demarcation is needed, there are ways and procedures to do this and you cannot say that only this is the solution and no other”, Apostolova said.

U.S. Embassy to engage observers on Election Day (Koha Ditore)    

The U.S. Embassy in Pristina will join international organisations by engaging observers for 11 June elections in Kosovo, said deputy spokesperson Jessie Kuykendall. “These combined efforts will help Kosovo to continue implementing European standards for holding of elections. To meet these standards, all parties and political entities need to ensure free, credible, and peaceful elections”, Kuykendall said. 

Around 4,000 citizens from Serbia to vote in Kosovo elections (Zëri)

Approximately 4,000 applications arrived in Kosovo from Serbia, a few days before the early elections of 11 June. Vetevendosje representatives at the Central Election Commission (CEC) announced that the applications arrived just before the closing of the deadline, therefore they are “completely suspicious”. Former head of the CEC, Mazllum Baraliu, said that a great number of applications arrived from Serbia also ten years ago and added that the applications should be carefully considered. OSCE representatives informed that they would be present at the polling stations in four northern municipalities with Serb majority, Zvecan/Zvecani, Leposaviq/Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Mitrovica North.

European Parliament allows Kosovo’s participation in EU programs (Epoka)

Deputy President of the European Parliament and Rapporteur for Kosovo, Ulrike Lunacek, said that the European Parliament has given on Tuesday the green light to the framework agreement between Kosovo and the EU for participation in EU programs. “A great step for Kosovo citizens,” Lunacek wrote on her Twitter account.