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UNMIK Headlines 15 June

Headlines - 15.06.2017

  • “Quint to support whoever forms new government” (Koha Ditore)
  • Ambassador Delawie meets Vetevendosje leaders (Dialogplus/Telegrafi)
  • Haradinaj: Government, a week after certification of results (Kosova Sot)
  • LDK does not want coalition with PAN (Epoka e Re)
  • President Thaci risks violating the Constitution of Kosovo (Koha Ditore)
  • EP resolution calls for swift formation of new government in Kosovo (Koha 

Kosovo Media Highlights

“Quint to support whoever forms new government” (Koha Ditore)

Representatives of Quint countries have called on Kosovo leaders to undertake quick actions to form a new government and stated they would cooperate with anyone that forms a government with a sustainable parliamentary majority. The U.S. Embassy told the paper that Kosovo voters have given their verdict and that the new government should focus on Euro-Atlantic integrations, a functioning rule of law, higher economic growth, security and regional stability, including normalisation of relations with Serbia. The German Embassy said it is up to the political leaders to form a new government and that Germany hopes to cooperate with whoever does so.

The papers are also reporting that a number of ambassadors accredited in Pristina met Kosovo political leaders yesterday and urged them to form a new government without delays. Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, said he assured ambassadors that Kosovo will soon form new institutions and continue close partnership with western allies.

Ambassador Delawie meets Vetevendosje leaders (Dialogplus/Telegrafi)

The Swiss-based web portal in Albanian language, Dialogplus, reported that U.S. Ambassador Greg Delawie met last night a delegation from Vetevendosje consisting of Albin Kurti, Shpend Ahmeti and Visar Ymeri. “The election process was hailed at the meeting while the Vetevendosje delegation briefed Delawie on its governing programme,” a participant in the meeting said. At the same time, Delawie is quoted to have said that the United States would cooperate with any government that manages to secure sufficient votes. 

Haradinaj: Government, a week after certification of results (Kosova Sot)

In an interview for Radio Free Europe, PAN’s candidate for prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, said that improvisations will not be allowed and that the government will be created by those who won the elections. He believes that the new government will be created a week after certification of election results and that he has a tradition of cooperation with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) which could continue during the next government. “I have something concrete but not for the public. But what I can assure the citizens of the country is that in a short time after official nomination, in less than a week, we will create the government of the country,” Haradinaj said. 

LDK does not want coalition with PAN (Epoka e Re)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AKR), Alternativa and the Movement for Justice, issued on Wednesday a press release in which they reject the possibility of a coalition with the PAN coalition. “Statements of Mr. Haradinaj that he would discuss a coalition with LDK are in complete contradiction with the position of all LDK structures, its partners and our electorate, which on 11 June through a plebiscitary vote decided to send PDK to opposition. The coalition excludes any possibility of cooperation and does not sit to discus with anyone who intends to keep PDK in the government. Anyone’s insistence to cooperate with LDK in order to extend the power of those who have captured the state will never be considered. Mr. Haradinaj was invited to cooperate with LDK in President Rugova’s time, however that cooperation had another intention, sending PDK to opposition, while now, Haradinaj seeks cooperation with LDK in order to keep PDK in power,” the press release writes. 

President Thaci risks violating the Constitution of Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, could commit a violation of the Constitution of Kosovo if he decides to give on the second round a mandate for forming a new government to a party or coalition other than the one that has majority of votes, the paper reports on the front page. “The head of the state is soon expected to face such a situation”, writes the paper further anticipating that the first attempt at forming the government by the coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), will fail.

Former president of Kosovo’s Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani, told the paper that the President should give the first mandate to the winning coalition and only if it fails to secure sufficient numbers, should he use his discretion to appoint a second candidate. However, Hasani said that the discretion right does not imply arbitrariness.

EP resolution calls for swift formation of new government in Kosovo (Koha

The European Parliament adopted yesterday a resolution on Kosovo calling on leaders to swiftly form a new government and continue dialogue with Belgrade, implement agreements reached so far in Brussels and fulfill the two remaining conditions for visa liberalisation.  Author of the resolution, Ulrike Lunacek, said: “This report urges politicians and parties to swiftly form a government with a European spirit to continue Kosovo’s path towards the EU and to move on the way to visa liberalisation, so yearned for by Kosovo citizens. The two remaining benchmarks can and must be fulfilled by Kosovo soon: ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro in the Kosovo Assembly is a must. And of course, the Kosovo government has to deliver on the second benchmark – the track record of high level convictions for corruption and organized crime. On this there has already been good progress, but still the new government must ensure further progress.