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UNMIK Headlines 21 December

Headlines - 21.12.2017

  • First 100 days without border demarcation and visa liberalisation (Zeri/Koha)
  • KLA veterans collect signatures against specialist chambers (Zeri/Indeksolnline )
  • President Thaci to address MPs tomorrow (dailies)
  • Collaku: Kosovo army in 2018, EU and NATO membership in 2025 (Lajmi)
  • Kurti and Kadaj-Bujupi remain in detention (Epoka e Re)
  • Protest in Pristina held against plans for electricity price increase (Koha) 

Kosovo Media Highlights

First 100 days without border demarcation and visa liberalisation (Zeri/Koha)

Zeri reports on the front page that Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, has failed to deliver on his election campaign promise that visa liberalisation for Kosovo would happen in record time once he got to power. Yesterday, Haradinaj presented report on the government’s work during the first 100 days and while President Hashim Thaci and Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli commended the work, opposition parties claim the current government is damaging Kosovo both in the political and economic aspect. “After chaotic governance during 100 days, Kosovo is more isolated, poorer, has a higher unemployment, extreme nepotism, extremely abused budget, and government officials that threaten independent institutions,” the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) said in a statement. At the same time, Arton Demhasaj from the Cohu think tank said the government of Kosovo in its first 100 days took some hasty decisions not thought out properly. He mentioned in this regard, Haradinaj’s decision to dismiss the members of the Accreditation Agency board.

Also on the subject of the government’s first 100 days, Koha Ditore writes on the cover that Haradinaj was known to be a man who did not change his positions and kept his word. “When Thaci got elected president, Haradinaj said of him that he ‘only represented capturing of the state’. Now he said he was ‘honoured’ to have the trust of the president,” the paper writes adding that during June election campaign, Haradinaj had promised that he would enable people of Kosovo visa-free travel in three months. “Time has proved this promise was false,” the paper highlights.

KLA veterans collect signatures against specialist chambers (Zeri/Indeksolnline )

Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) war veterans’ associations have managed to collect over 15,000 signatures demanding amendment of the law setting up the specialist chambers. The petition can be now sent to the Assembly for discussion. Head of KLA associations, Hysni Gucati, said they hoped the initiative will get the support of MPs.

President Thaci to address MPs tomorrow (dailies)

President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, is expected to deliver his end-year address to the Assembly MPs tomorrow. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said Thaci would begin his address at 13.30hrs.

Collaku: Kosovo army in 2018, EU and NATO membership in 2025 (Lajmi)

Bekim Collaku, advisor to President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, said he believed Kosovo would get an armed force in 2018. “If no earthshattering events rock international organisations like NATO and EU, I believe the process of Kosovo’s membership in NATO and the EU would not go beyond 2025,” Collaku said.

Kurti and Kadaj-Bujupi remain in detention (Epoka e Re)

The court has refused to release from detention Vetevendosje MPs, Albin Kurti and Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, accused of releasing teargas at the Assembly of Kosovo in 2015. In a reaction to the court’s decision, Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri demanded the release of all Vetevendosje MPs and activists. “It is not enough to say political institutions have influence over the judiciary. It is deeper and much worse than this,” Ymeri wrote on Facebook.

Protest in Pristina held against plans for electricity price increase (Koha)

The paper reports that thousands of people took part yesterday in a protest called to oppose plans for increase of electricity price. The protest organised under the slogan “Not a Single Cent More” began in front of the Kosovo Energy Distribution Services (KEDS) offices and proceeded to the government building.