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UNMIK Headlines 1 November

Headlines - 01.11.2018

  • Assembly fails to adopt resolution on dialogue (dailies)
  • Haradinaj: Let us be unified for dialogue, same as for KSF (Koha)
  • Veseli: Thaci will respect Assembly’s resolution (Indeksonline)
  • Thaci in Belarus: Agreement on mutual recognition and peace (media)
  • Thaci: Negative criticism for Germany cannot be attributed to me (RTK)
  • Apostolova to Kosovo leaders: Don’t give visa liberalisation dates (Zeri)
  • “None of the main EU countries contest visa liberalisation for Kosovo” (Epoka)
  • Specialist Prosecutor Smith to file first indictments soon (Zeri)
  • Gashi: We are working for Kosovo to join UNESCO in 2019 (Epoka)
  • Kosovo Telecom CEO resigns (Koha/Zeri)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

Assembly fails to adopt resolution on dialogue (dailies)

Following a lengthy debate, the Assembly of Kosovo did not manage to adopt a resolution on dialogue with Serbia. Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group Avdullah Hoti suggested the resolution contained only one item stating: "The territory of the Republic of Kosovo is one and undividable and neither the president of Kosovo nor anyone else has mandate to negotiate the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.” However, the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) came up with a six-point proposal to be included in the resolution text according to which the Assembly would express support for continuation of dialogue with Serbia and would get engaged in building internal political consensus through the platform on dialogue that would lay out Kosovo’s positions. Further, the PDK proposed the Assembly of Kosovo set up a special committee consisting of heads of parliamentary groups that would be tasked with monitoring the dialogue process. This mechanism, according to the PDK, would be chaired by an opposition representative and would regularly report to the Assembly. The last item proposed by the PDK reaffirms that the Constitution of Kosovo, its sovereignty and territorial integrity are inviolable and that only the Assembly of Kosovo has authority to decide these matters. Koha Ditore reports that the parties will make yet another attempt at harmonising the text of the resolution today before the one sponsored by the LDK is put to vote.

Haradinaj: Let us be unified for dialogue, same as for KSF (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj told media on Wednesday he hopes in a common language between political parties regarding the issue of dialogue with Serbia. “I hope we will find a common language. I believe that political parties have no problem defending the territory. Same as we unified for the KSF transformation, it is important to do the same for the issue of dialogue. The AAK will help on this issue,” Haradinaj said.

Veseli: Thaci will respect Assembly’s resolution (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly President and Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader, Kadri Veseli, said today in the Kosovo Assembly that all parliamentary groups should meet and draft a joint platform which would then be supported by President Hashim Thaci too. “We are in front of our people and sometimes there are political games. But what I don’t want to accept is it to keep doing the same thing even when we are wrong. Let us be honest. I don’t think any party will be ashamed. We can finish this quickly. Let us work on a joint resolution. I saw exceptional progress today from the Vetevendosje Movement, in the sense that we have already finished the finale with Serbia in 2008. Let us come out with a joint position, let’s stop insulting each other … Kosovo has only one opponent today and that is Serbia. Let us help Kosovo together. The President of the Republic has national legitimacy and was voted by this Assembly. He will respect every point of the resolution if we agree on it jointly,” Veseli said.

Thaci in Belarus: Agreement on mutual recognition and peace (media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said in his address today at the Munich Security Conference in Minsk, Belarus, that the time has come for an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia. “We are considering all ideas. As far as an agreement is concerned, we have yet to agree. An agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is difficult. But even in such circumstances, I see a light at the end of the tunnel. Because both countries know that they cannot move forward like this. The current status quo can no longer be maintained. The current frozen conflict damages both countries in all areas of life, in integration, economic development and security,” Thaci said. An agreement between Kosovo and Serbia will lead to decreased nationalism in our region, and fewer voices that call for wars and tragedies, less hatred and revenge”. Thaci added that the main objective of dialogue is a final peace agreement for mutual recognition and for Kosovo’s seat at the United Nations. “The agreement should be for normalization and reconciliation between the two countries and peoples. A legally-binding agreement. A comprehensive agreement that implies mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia. This or any other agreement would be meaningless without mutual recognition. The agreement must be final, not temporary. It should be an agreement that will bring greater calm to our neighbors and the region. Allow me to be very clear on one point: there will be no ethnic borderlines and there will be no exchange of populations between the two countries. We will maintain the multiethnic spirit and the reality of Kosovo and Serbia”.

Thaci: Negative criticism for Germany cannot be attributed to me (RTK)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci took to Facebook to stress that Germany is a strategic ally of Kosovo, and that there cannot be a viable solution in the Balkans without Germany’s support. Thaci, quoting his speech at the Munich Security Conference in Minsk, Belarus, wrote: “Germany is a strategic ally of the Republic of Kosovo, I believe, today, as I have always believed, that there is no and cannot be a viable solution in the Balkans without Germany's support. Berlin is Kosovo’s gateway for integration into the EU, negative criticisms for Germany cannot be attributed to me.”

Apostolova to Kosovo leaders: Don’t give visa liberalisation dates (Zeri)

Head of the EU Office in Kosovo and Special Representative, Nataliya Apostolova, called on Kosovo leaders not to give any dates as to when visa liberalisation decision will be taken as this is up to the individual EU member states. In her remarks following a meeting with Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli, Apostolova noted that the important thing is Kosovo has received the support from the European Commission and the European Parliament on visa liberalisation.

“None of the main EU countries contest visa liberalisation for Kosovo” (Epoka)

Deputy Minister of European Integration, Lirak Celaj, in an interview for the paper has indicated that so far, none of the main European Union countries has been positioned against the visa liberalisation for Kosovo. He said some of these countries have only expressed a few dilemmas about this process. However, Çelaj said that the Government of Kosovo is working with these countries to remove any doubt. He expressed optimism that EU decision-making on this issue will happen within this year. Celaj highlighted that Kosovo has fulfilled its obligations regarding the criteria for visa liberalization.

Specialist Prosecutor Smith to file first indictments soon (Zeri)

The Specialist Prosecution Office in a written answer to the paper one day after the visit of the Specialist Prosecutor Jack Smith to Kosovo, said the prosecutor is focused on the implementation of his mandate quickly, implying that the first indictments are to be filed soon. “Mr. Smith visited Kosovo to meet with Justice Minister Abelard Tahiri, other officials at the Ministry of Justice and international officials. He is focused on implementing his mandate quickly. Meanwhile, we do not comment on the possible time of filing charges,” said the statement attributed to Christopher Bennet, Special Prosecution Spokesperson.

Gashi: We are working for Kosovo to join UNESCO in 2019 (Epoka)

Kosovo’s Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Kujtim Gashi, said before students of University of Pristina that Kosovo institutions are making efforts to join UNESCO next year. He said all line ministries working hard to meet all obligations required for UNESCO membership and there are also lobbying efforts underway.

Kosovo Telecom CEO resigns (Koha/Zeri)

Head of the Kosovo Telecom, Gent Begolli, has resigned his post only four months since taking on the new job, papers report. In his resignation Begolli is reported to have cited personal reasons. Kosovo Telecom is facing financial problems but only few days ago in an interview for KTV Begolli vowed he will not allow the company to go bankrupt.