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UNMIK Headlines 30 May

  • Key findings of the EC report on Kosovo (media)
  • Apostolova: Message from Brussels very clear (Koha)
  • Haradinaj: Tariff will not be lifted without recognition (RTK)
  • UNMIK local staff released from detention (Indeksonline)
  • Six Serb civilians arrested during police operation, released (Indeksonline)
  • Another police official arrested in Zubin Potok (Klan)
  • Excavator burned on Wednesday evening near Zubin Potok (media)
  • Kosovo authorities ask UNMIK to waive immunity to its Russian staffer (media)
  • Haradinaj: We will resolve demarcation issue together with Montenegro (Zeri)
  • President Thaci says he will not form Association/Community (Koha/Zeri)
  • Serbian PM insults Albanians, Pacolli bans her from entering Kosovo (media)
  • Hoti: We are dealing with text of the motion of no-confidence (RTK)

Key findings of the EC report on Kosovo (media)

In its European Commission issued yesterday annual reports on the enlargement progress of the Western Balkans countries and Turkey and said that Kosovo has made progress on implementation of certain key EU-related reforms but that a number of ad hoc decisions were not in line with the government’s stated reform objectives.

Koha Ditore reports on the front page that the report has highlighted the same shortcomings as in the past, namely relating to lack of readiness to fight organised crime and corruption, political interference in public administration and judiciary and, in the case of Serbia and Kosovo, failure to try war crimes, as well as failure to confiscate unlawfully-obtained assets. On the positive side, adds the paper, the report mainly speaks about adoption of legislation and action plans but not as far as their implementation goes.

European Commission has also reiterated calls for Kosovo to revoke tax on Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to pave way for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina to resume.

“Regarding the normalisation of relations with Serbia, Kosovo has remained engaged in the dialogue. However, the Kosovo government needs to revoke the tariffs on imports from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kosovo needs to make further substantial efforts to establish a conducive environment to the conclusion of a legally binding agreement with Serbia. Such an agreement is urgent and crucial so that Kosovo and Serbia can advance on their respective European paths,” the report said.

Zeri meanwhile writes that the report calls for the import tariff to be revoked but makes no mention of visa liberalisation while Epoka e Re runs the following headline, EC: Kosovo has made progress in certain reforms.

See the report:

Apostolova: Message from Brussels very clear (Koha)

Head of the EU Office and Special Representative Nataliya Apostolova addressed the media following the publication of the European Commission enlargement package. She said the message from Brussels is very clear.

“We need to see the reforms across the region, especially in the rule of law, be implemented more vigorously and produce sustainable results”, she said.

Apostolova added that the appointment of convicted war criminal to senior government position is a disappointing.

She also called for the 100 percent tariff on Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina be revoked: “The 100% tariff on Serbian and Bosnian goods undermined successful regional cooperation efforts and is not sustainable. We hope to overcome this obstacle to our good EU Kosovo relations soon.”

With regards to visa liberalisation, Apostolova said the report confirms Kosovo has met all necessary criteria. “The 2019 Kosovo report highlights this clearly and reiterates strongly the support of the European Commission to concluding this process positively and urgently in the Council,” she said.

See Apostolova’s remarks:

Haradinaj: Tariff will not be lifted without recognition (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said the findings of the EU Progress Report for Kosovo are a mixed reflection of stagnation and prosperity within the year. Asked by the media after receiving the report from the head of the EU Office in Kosovo Nataliya Apostolova, about lifting the 100-percent tariff on Serbian goods, Haradinaj insisted on recognition of Kosovo by Serbia.

Speaking about the remarks on the current number of the deputy ministers, mentioned in the progress report, Haradinaj said this was discussed and the law for the government will resolve this problem for all governments in the future.

UNMIK local staff released from detention (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Serb staff member of UN, arrested by the Kosovo Police during its recent operation in the north, has been released from detention and transferred to hospital, Indeksonline reports quoting UNMIK. The staffer will remain at the hospital to undergo medical assessment.

Six Serb civilians arrested during police operation, released (Indeksonline)

The news website reports that six Serb civilians that were arrested during the Kosovo Police operation in the north, were released on Wednesday. A judge at the Basic Court in Mitrovica told Radio Kontakt Plus that she turned down the request of the Kosovo Prosecution to extend the detention of the arrested, saying that there was not sufficient evidence to extend the measure.

Another police official arrested in Zubin Potok (Klan)

Kosovo Police inspectorate, respectively investigators of the Investigation Department, arrested on Wednesday afternoon another police official in Zubin Potok. Her detention was is continuance of the police operation in the north on Tuesday. “Yesterday’s action and today’s arrest was preceded by a several-month investigation of Kosovo Police Inspectorate and Kosovo Police, led by the Special Prosecution of Kosovo,” informs a press release.

Excavator burned on Wednesday evening near Zubin Potok (media)

Several news websites report that an excavator was on fire on Wednesday evening in the village of Zupc, in Zubin Potok municipality. Klan Kosova contacted Kosovo Police to comment on the incident, but they were not available.

Kosovo authorities ask UNMIK to waive immunity to its Russian staffer (media)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has forwarded to UNMIK request for waiving immunity for the Russian national, Mikhail Krasnoshchekov, Koha reported quoting sources. It adds that this is the first time the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked for someone’s diplomatic immunity to be waived.

Earlier yesterday media reported that Mitrovica’s chief prosecutor Shyqyri Syla has requested Kosovo authorities to strip diplomatic immunity of the Russian national working for UNMIK, Mikhail Krasnoshchekov, accusing him of obstructing official persons in performing official duties and of participating in a crowd committing a criminal offense and hooliganism.  Charges against Krasnoshchekov are related to his alleged role during yesterday’s police operation in the north.

Mitrovica prosecutor requested the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to forward the request for immunity waiver to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and asked for assurances to be passed on to relevant authorities in UNMIK that the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Kosovo Constitution and its legislation will be respected towards Krasnoshchekov, including the right to a free, independent trial.

Meanwhile, Radio Free Europe in Albanian writes that UNMIK did not comment on the Kosovo authorities’ request considering the matter related to an ongoing legal or judicial process. It said such requests are decided by the UN Secretary-General. UNMIK also said that its personnel enjoys immunity from legal process and that two of its staff were arrested while carrying out their duties with regards to monitoring and reporting on the situation, in line with the mission’s mandate.

“There are serious allegations that police applied force against clearly-identified UN staff members, which exceeds reasonable standards. UNMIK should collect adequate information from authorities concerning the reason of their arrest,” UNMIK said.

Haradinaj: We will resolve demarcation issue together with Montenegro (Zeri)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj said yesterday after meeting Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic that all open issues will be resolved together. “We will proceed with best intentions, we will go through different stages of work and I believe any unclarity will be clarified. In mutual agreement we will together resolve open issues,” Haradinaj said.

Markovic on his part said that a commission will be set up where the two sides can openly discuss matters of concern.

Montenegro’s prime minister visited Pristina yesterday where he attended the opening of the Montenegrin Development Centre. He also attended the ceremony for the opening of the Pristina-Skopje highway.

President Thaci says he will not form Association/Community (Koha/Zeri)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci said on Wednesday in Pristina that he will not allow the formation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities because circumstances have now changed and that this would mean forming a Republika Srpska within Kosovo, the paper reports on page three.

“My position is that there will be no autonomy or Association, because it would mean a Republika Srpska within Kosovo. Yes, I agreed to this [Association] earlier, but circumstances have now changed. We cannot give the Association for the sake of visa liberalization, and the tariff must remain in power. Our future is in the EU and NATO,” President Thaci said during a conference in Pristina.

Thaci also said “we are going to have to make some uneasy decisions” and that “although it is a success story, it is not concluded yet”.

Zeri quotes President Thaci as saying that the European Union has closed its doors to Kosovo. “We have met all the requirements for visa liberalization. The recommendation for visa liberalization for Kosovo was given three years ago, but member states have yet to make a decision,” he said.

Serbian PM insults Albanians, Pacolli bans her from entering Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Behgjet Pacolli sent a message to the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, that she will not be allowed to enter Kosovo as long as she follows “a racist and sick ideology against Kosovo population and ethnicities that live there.”

Reaction of the head of Kosovo’s diplomacy comes after Brnabic called Kosovo Albanians “people who come from mountains.”

“Irate and totally unacceptable the comments of Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic on Kosovo, in the presence of the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Sem Fabrizi, about “dealing with people coming from the mountain"

“This institutionalized racism in Serbia, promoted by the government of Ana Brnabic, has its source in the ultra-nationalist ideology of the sick,” Pacolli said.

Hoti: We are dealing with text of the motion of no-confidence (RTK)

Avdullah Hoti, caucus of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) said they are working to bring the government down. He told the national broadcaster that they need four more signatures. “President Mustafa met the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement a few days ago. He is expected to meet the leader of the Social-Democratic Party as well and we will also consult MPs. We are preparing the text of the motion of no-confidence,” Hoti said.

“There is a general perception that this government has to be changed,” he added.