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UNMIK Headlines 19 May

  • Haradinaj: Council knows importance of visa liberalization for Kosovo (media)
  • Haradinaj: EU Council conclusions do not fade visa liberalisation (media)
  • Hahn: Difficult to motivate Kosovo and Serbia to return to talks (RTK)
  • Kosnett seeks support for Truth and Reconciliation Commission (RTK)
  • Trump signs extradition agreement with Kosovo (media)
  • Rama promotes “Balkans Schengen” idea in London (Koha)
  • EU objects to draft law on funding of political parties (RTK)
  • Police raid six money-laundering suspect sites (media)
  • International Day for elimination of sexual violence in conflict to be marked today
  • Government approves Concept Document on missing persons (media)
  • Russia, Serbia stepping up intelligence activity in Kosovo and North Macedonia

Haradinaj: Council knows importance of visa liberalization for Kosovo (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj refuted media reports on Monday according to which the EU Council of Ministers conclusion at its meeting will be negative on visa liberalisation for Kosovo. “The Council knows the importance of visa liberalisation for Kosovo. The Commission has made an official proposal in May 2016 to move Kosovo to the list of countries with visa-free travel possibilities to the Schengen area, as presented in the report of July 2018 relating to the implementation of remaining criteria. In March 2019, European Parliament supported European Commission’s proposal in the first reading. The decision on this proposal is being considered by the Council,” wrote Haradinaj on Facebook referring to the European Union Council’s preliminary conclusion.

Haradinaj: EU Council conclusions do not fade visa liberalisation (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj told a press conference on Tuesday that the visa liberalization process for Kosovo people has not faded, but it has advanced. He said that conclusions of the EU Council of Ministers are being interpreted wrongly when visa liberalization is concerned. He said that the final decision in the process has not been made yet, that there are no additional requirements, but only conclusions. “Up to date, decision of the Council was not even considered. It is the first time we have reached to the conclusions, so not only that it did not fade, but the day when we are going to receive the long-waited news is approaching,” Haradinaj is quoted as saying in Epoka e Re. Koha Ditore reports on its front page that “there is no date for visa liberalization, Haradinaj denies that the tariff is a problem”. Under the headline “Dialogue of Mogherini and the mafia for the division of Kosovo has been derailed”, Kosovapress reports that Haradinaj called for a framework agreement for mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia in the current borders.

Hahn: Difficult to motivate Kosovo and Serbia to return to talks (RTK)

Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, said on Tuesday that efforts to unblock the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina have been postponed to early July. He added that it is difficult to motivate heads of both sides to return at the table of talks.

“This is not an easy job and requires political courage to work for a compromise. One should know what the positive impact is, and the positive impact is a European perspective,” Hahn said. He further explained that efforts to unblock the dialogue were delayed due to the situation in Moldavia. “But I am certain that I will not give up on this matter.

Speaking about the importance of the Prespa Agreement between Skopje and Athens, Hahn said it shows that frozen conflicts can be resolved if there is a European perspective.

Kosnett seeks support for Truth and Reconciliation Commission (RTK)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett expressed his support for the work on establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He informed on his Twitter account that he and his spouse hosted a meeting with members of the preparatory team for establishment of this Commission.

“Alison and I met with the Preparatory Team for a future Truth and Reconciliation Commission. I was impressed with recent progress and hope the project will help all Kosovo communities deal responsibly with the past. Inclusion, consultation, and political support will be vital,” Kosnett wrote on his Twitter account.

Trump signs extradition agreement with Kosovo (media)

Several media report that U.S. President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have signed the extradition agreement between Kosovo and the U.S. Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Abelard Tahiri, confirmed the news saying that Kosovo institutions have received the document from Washington. “This agreement marks a historical act in relations between Kosovo and the United States and it is further guarantee that the rule of law and the fight against crime will go to the very end,” Tahiri wrote in a Facebook post.

Rama promotes “Balkans Schengen” idea in London (Koha)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama talked about the idea of a “Balkans Schengen” during a forum on Western Balkans held in London on Monday, the paper reports on page three. Rama justified his idea for regional cooperation and interaction saying that a new approach towards borders is needed. “I am confident that if we are wise and determined in strengthening regional cooperation and if we open up a new chapter, by turning the obsessive history and policy about borders into a new approach and by creating a new Schengen zone within the Western Balkans, by transforming borders into fluid meeting points, we will be more open to greater opportunities and we can explore into untouched parts of our potential,” Rama was quoted as saying.

EU objects to draft law on funding of political parties (RTK)

Head of EU Office/EUSR and Heads of EU Missions in Kosovo issued a statement on the Draft Law of Financing of Political Parties.

“Yesterday’s protests by civil society organisations in Pristina against amendments to the draft law on political party financing is an important reminder of the need for real accountability, oversight, transparency and effective enforcement. Parliamentary parties should heed demands by civil society to ensure that this law is in line with Venice Commission legal opinion, and with this aim, discussed in the Ad Hoc Committee for Strengthening the Electoral Process. The EU strongly supports this. It is a key reform under the European Reform Agenda, a recommendation of the EU election observation mission and has been repeatedly highlighted in our annual Kosovo report.

The EU has raised its concerns with the Assembly and the Government, including at the recent EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Sub-Committee meeting on Justice, Freedom and Security. Attempts in the Assembly to undermine the law raise serious concerns.

The legal and institutional framework for political party financial control should adhere to high standards. The institutional structure at the heart of the legislation, namely the Office of Political Party Registration and Certification within the Central Election Commission, needs to be independent from political party representatives on the board of the CEC in the execution of their mandate, its budget and staffing, and decision-making. Such independence is fundamental to this body's proper functioning and should be strictly required by law,” reads the statement.

Police raid six money-laundering suspect sites (media)

Koha Ditore reports on page two that Kosovo Police, in cooperation with German Police, raided six locations suspected of money laundering in Pristina and Ferizaj. A police spokesman said the joint police operation, which was supervised by a special local prosecutor and a German prosecutor, was aimed at finding evidence that would confirm money laundering activities activities.

International Day for elimination of sexual violence in conflict to be marked today

Several news websites report that on the occasion of the International Day for the elimination of sexual violence in conflict, the UN Women in Kosovo and the United States Embassy will screen in Pristina today the documentary “Prosecutors” followed up by discussions. The documentary takes a look behind the curtain of the legal fight to end impunity of conflict related sexual violence.

Government approves Concept Document on missing persons (media)

The Government of Kosovo meeting approved at Tuesday’s meeting the Concept Document on Missing Persons, which aims to regulate the status of missing persons and their families, by supplementing the change of legislation addressing the issue of Missing Persons and protecting the interests of families of the missing. The government also approved the decision to set 24 June as the Memorial Day of Egyptian Community. The Government also approved the Concept-Document for Security Measures on of Information System Networks, which aims increase of security level of networks and information systems.

Russia, Serbia stepping up intelligence activity in Kosovo and North Macedonia

RTV Dukagjini reported on Monday evening that “after losing the intelligence war with NATO and Europe in Montenegro, Russia and Serbia are now stepping up their intelligence activities in Kosovo and North Macedonia”. Citing unnamed sources, the news website said that Russia is trying to expand its diplomatic, economic and cultural influence in the region. Diplomatic and intelligent activities are conducted in NATO embassies and EU embassies operating in North Macedonia and Kosovo. According to the source, “the Russian Embassy in Belgrade is coordinating all activities in the region”.