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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 21

  • LVV-LDK without agreement despite international pressure (media)
  • Kurti optimistic after the meeting with Mustafa (RTK)
  • Bislimi: Support for LVV is increasing (RTK)
  • Hyseni: LVV is threatening with new elections (RTK)
  • Special Prosecution files charges against two women repatriated from Syria (media)

LVV-LDK without agreement despite international pressure (media)

Calls of the German delegation, foreign embassies to Kosovo and EU Office to form the governing coalition, made the leaders of Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), meet again on Friday after a six-day break.

However, despite the pressure, Albin Kurti and Isa Mustafa came out of this meeting without results.

Gazeta Express has learned from its sources within the LDK that during Friday’s meeting Mustafa offered Kurti six out of ten ministerial posts in exchange of LDK getting the president’s position. “Yes, we have made the offer to give LVV an additional ministry after the president is elected in 2021,” a source told Gazeta Express. Parties have also agreed to continue communication incoming days.

Koha Ditore quotes a source from LVV as saying that “there has been no news other than keeping the positions they have had so far," the source said. "We insist that the post of president should not be included in the agreement at all, or come up with a neutral language. This wording means to include a sentence stating that both parties as partners will commit to finding a personality as a candidate for president."

Kurti optimistic after the meeting with Mustafa (RTK)

Albin Kurti, leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) said after the meeting with Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) on Friday that in all the meetings he had with internationals, he was asked to reach agreement with LDK. He however added that internationals did not make any pressure on the elements of the agreement to be reached between these two political parties.

He expressed optimism for the reach of the agreement for coalition government with LDK, saying that vote of the citizens makes the agreement necessary.

Speaking about division of ministries Kurti said “all these issues are discussed in the process of talks, our positions on how we aim that agreement are clear. Do not forget that the six meetings on harmonization of programs were not easy, there was less focus on them, there is more on these, I am optimistic that we are going to make it.”

Bislimi: Support for LVV is increasing (RTK)

Besnik Bislimi, deputy leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) said on Friday that based on a survey commenced on the second week of December, support for LVV has marked significant increase. According to Bislimi, this support exceeds 40 percent of voter support.

“The latest poll commissioned by the Vetevendosje Movement, commenced by the country's leading public opinion research institute, strongly demonstrated our citizens' trust and confidence in the Vetevendosje Movement and LDK, but also in our governing program. This survey was conducted in the second week of December, with a representative sample of 1069 respondents, respecting the demographic characteristics of the country (ethnicity, gender, age, place of residence),” Bislimi said.

Hyseni: LVV is threatening with new elections (RTK)

Former Foreign Minister of Kosovo from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Skender Hyseni said that if an agreement with the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) cannot be reached, they support a government of minority, represented by LVV.

Hyseni told RTV 21 that there is lack of partnership, sincerity and pragmatism in the discussions for governing coalition between LDK and LVV.

He added that skepticism has been mainly caused by LVV, by threatening with new elections and other ways, as if they won 90 percent of the votes. 3They should sober up because both parties do not make a quarter of the votes of Albanians in Kosovo, therefore the need for a flexible pragmatism is required,” Hyseni said.

According to Hyseni, if the agreement on the post of the President is not reached now, Kosovo will necessarily go to the polls as soon as the situation for election of the President comes.

According to him, if both PM’s and President’s posts are left to LVV, there will be seizure of the state, but in a different manner from the current one.

Special Prosecution files charges against two women repatriated from Syria (media)

The Special Prosecution of Kosovo has filed an indictment on Friday with the Basic Court in Pristina against defendants V.A and E.S. for the offense of "Organizing and participating in a terrorist group".

The Special Prosecution Office reports that the two defendants deliberately and intentionally, as well as prepared in advance, traveled to Syria in order to join the terrorist organization ISIS.