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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 3

  • Kurti: New elections, worst-case scenario (media)
  • Next week, crucial for formation of new government (Koha)
  • LDK to gather its leadership and parliamentary group on Monday (RTK)
  • LVV hopeful agreement with LDK is possible (Zeri)
  • Dacic: Serbia proposed Mini-Schengen project, Kosovo the tariff (RTK)

Kurti: New elections, worst-case scenario (media)

Most news websites cover an interview that Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) leader and candidate for Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, gave to Ora News, highlighting his statement that new parliamentary elections would be the worst-case scenario for Kosovo.

“We are running late but things are moving on the right direction. This means that the direction has not changed, but there are delays. There are no new strategies or principles, only tactical moves,” Kurti said.

Asked about the possibility for the train to be derailed, Kurti said: “then we would have new elections. The worst-case scenario in this case are new elections”.

Kurti said that if he forms the new government, he will immediately initiate dialogue with Kosovo Serbs, and that he would resume the dialogue with Serbia after the elections there. “A historic agreement however cannot be reached quickly,” he added.

Kurti also said that the 33 agreements reached with Serbia in the EU-facilitated dialogue would be reviewed. “We need to review the 33 agreements with Serbia, not in the sense of being obsessed with the past, but in order to assess the situation and to learn lessons from the past so that we can move safely toward the future,” he said.

Next week, crucial for formation of new government (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that on Monday, when Vetevendosje’s candidate for Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, is expected to meet for consultations with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) will assembly its structures to decide on eventual meetings with the Vetevendosje Movement and the format of negotiations.

LDK representatives said a decision would be made only after they discuss what they called “unilateral actions” by the Vetevendosje Movement at the constitutive session of the new Assembly where Vetevendosje’s Glauk Konjufca was elected Assembly President.

LDK spokesman Besian Mustafa said on Thursday that it is up to the Vetevendosje Movement, as winner of the elections, to find the formula for forming the new institutions. “The LDK has proved its institutional role by giving all its 28 votes to Vetevendosje’s candidate for Assembly President,” he said.

A Vetevendosje spokesman meanwhile said there is no new development in negotiations with LDK.

The paper also recalls that in his New Year address, President Hashim Thaci said he expects an agreement for the new government to be reached in early January. “I am aware of the difficulties to reach an agreement. This is normal and it is up to the winning party to choose their partner. We have a new political reality in Kosovo. I will welcome and push forward any agreement. It is in our interest not to lose time and I can say that Kosovo is at a developed stage of forming institutions and I will welcome any agreement reached by the political parties,” Thaci said.

LDK to gather its leadership and parliamentary group on Monday (RTK)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) informed that it will hold the meeting of its leadership on Monday at 09:00 hours at its headquarters. Afterwards, at 13:00 hours this political party will gather its parliamentary group.

LDK is expected to continue with the meetings with the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) in the following days.

LDK representatives said that an eventual agreement depends on the Vetevendosje Movement, arguing that after Glauk Konjufca’s nomination as Assembly Speaker, LVV should give a strong justification to continue talks for a coalition government.

LVV hopeful agreement with LDK is possible (Zeri)

The Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) said on Thursday that it hoped that a coalition agreement with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) will be reached.

“Despite not managing to agree with LDK on the governing coalition before the constitutive session of the Assembly we will renew constructive efforts in the coming days to reach an agreement so that the new government with harmonised programme between our two parties can begin work as soon as possible. The Assembly has elected its presidency headed by MP Konjufca, and we now expect the government to be consolidated as quickly as possible,” Vetevendosje said.

Dacic: Serbia proposed Mini-Schengen project, Kosovo the tariff (RTK)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday that by imposing the import tariff on Serbian goods, Kosovo proved it is against reconciliation, while Belgrade is acting in a completely opposite manner by proposing the Mini-Schengen to remove all the barriers.

“I consider that we are far from it (resumption of the dialogue), because Kosovo needs to form its new institutions. It is a big question mark if this is going to happen or not. The tariff is an unseen decision in history. We certainly do not consider Kosovo to be another state and this is not a matter of bilateral relations but… Belgrade proposes Mini-Schengen, removal of all barriers, and Pristina imposes the 100 percent tariff. This action is completely against the efforts for normalization and reconciliation of the entire region. We are not very optimistic about this, but we will see how the situation develops. In any case, Serbia will be a constructive factor,” Dacic said when asked by Kosovo Online’s if there are changes in Kosovo’s policy on lifting the tariff and resuming the dialogue.