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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 10

  • Assembly President post, key to eventual LVV – LDK agreement (Koha/Zeri)
  • LDK claims it offered LVV offer for co-government (RTK)
  • LVV official: There are new options on the table (RTK)
  • Another meeting between Kurti and Mustafa expected today (RTK)
  • Thaci without a decision, expects results from LVV-LDK meetings (RTK)
  • Assembly President Konjufca condemns attack on Simic’s vehicle (RTK)
  • AAK in full support of U.S. actions towards Iran (Klan Kosova)
  • One-month detention for Ikballe Huduti (media)
  • Al Maliki: Palestinians support Serbia’s position on Kosovo (RTK)

Assembly President post, key to eventual LVV – LDK agreement (Koha/Zeri)

Koha Ditore reports on its front page that the third meeting between the leaders of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) on Thursday ended without an agreement.

Citing unnamed sources close to the developments, the paper notes that the LDK wants to reopen the issue of the post of Assembly President “alongside the equal division of ministries and a pledge that Vetevendosje will vote in favour of their candidate for Kosovo President”.

According to the same sources, LVV leader Albin Kurti however is adamant that Glauk Konjufca’s election as Assembly President is irreversible. On the post of Kosovo President, Vetevendosje has reportedly agreed that the LDK will propose their candidate and that it will have five ministries and the post of principal deputy prime minister in the new government.

LDK representatives meanwhile have confirmed that negotiations have stalled on the post of Assembly President.

Zeri reports on the front page that “new options are now on the table of negotiations” between the two parties. The paper quotes LVV leader Kurti as saying, “There are efforts for an agreement. We are heading toward an agreement, but it does not depend on me”. LDK leader Mustafa too said “we are trying to reach an agreement”.

Epoka e Re reports on its front page on what it calls “slim chances” for an agreement between the LVV and LDK.

LDK claims it offered LVV offer for co-government (RTK)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) issued a statement after Thursday’s meeting between their leader Isa Mustafa and Vetevendosje Movement leader and candidate for Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

“All the assumptions and hypotheses that are circulating in the media tonight about today's discussions between LDK and LVV are not true. The LDK, in good faith and willing to reach an agreement, has submitted an offer to the LVV for co-government,” the LDK statement notes.

LVV official: There are new options on the table (RTK)

Arber Zaimi, a member of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) commented on Thursday on the negotiations with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) saying that there are now new options on the table.

“Portals immediately start with nonsense speculation. Journalism and speculation are two different things. Lies are not news. Discussions between LVV and LDK are taking place, more intensive than ever. There are new options on the table, there are movement as well, but there is no agreement. Agreement will take its own time, because we do not want an unjust agreement. When you have nothing to do, read literature or watch some movie, as I do. There is no need for fake news,” Zaimi wrote on his account.

Another meeting between Kurti and Mustafa expected today (RTK)

Leaders of Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) are expected to meet again today.

Their meeting on Thursday lasted two hours however they did not manage to reach agreement for ruling coalition. RTK has learned that the two leaders only agreed to continue with their discussions.

Neither Kurti nor Mustafa made statements while leaving the Assembly premises after the meeting.

Prior to the meeting, Mustafa said they are trying to reach the agreement while Kurti stated that the agreement does not depend only on him.

Thaci without a decision, expects results from LVV-LDK meetings (RTK)

As it appears, intensification of negotiations and meetings between the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), as well as their announcements that they are close to reaching an agreement, made Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci restrain from any action after the 48-hour deadline, he had mentioned after the meeting with LVV leader Albin Kurti.

According to RTK sources within the Office of the President, Thaci does not want to interfere with his decision making on the flow of the negotiations, hoping on the reach of a political agreement among the parties, which would make possible forming of the new government.

According to this source, the 48-hour deadline had its impact on intensification of negotiations and to Thaci, it is important for the parties to negotiate without local or international pressures and reach a political agreement that would ensure institutional stability.

The Office for Information of this institution did not reply on the questions sent about the expiring of 48-hour deadline.

Assembly President Konjufca condemns attack on Simic’s vehicle (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly President Glauk Konjufca condemned on Thursday an attack on the vehicle of Assembly Deputy President and Serbian List deputy leader Slavko Simic in Leposavic. Konjufca said in his reaction that such criminal acts that threaten the lives of senior state officials are a serious violation of the rule of law and are condemnable.

“I call on law enforcement authorities to undertake all necessary steps to resolve the case and bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible,” Konjufca said.

AAK in full support of U.S. actions towards Iran (Klan Kosova)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) held today the meeting of its leadership. On this occasion, the members expressed their support for the U.S. actions towards Iran.

“It was said at this meeting that alignment of Kosovo with allies which enabled the freedom of Kosovo population, in the uncompromising war against international terrorism, as a global misfortune, is without alternative,” is written in an announcement of the AAK.

One-month detention for Ikballe Huduti (media)

The Basic Court in Pristina has ruled on the request of the Special Prosecution Office of Kosovo to impose detention on remand against defendant Ikballe Huduti for inciting terrorist offenses.

The court ruled and the defendant Ikballe Huduti was sentenced to one month's detention. The defendant was arrested after posting on Facebook against the drone attack by the U.S. Army which killed senior Iranian general, Qasem Soleimani.

Maliki: Palestinians support Serbia’s position on Kosovo (RTK)

Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met on Thursday in Belgrade with his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki. According to a press release issued by Serbia’s Foreign Ministry, Dacic expressed appreciation for the support Palestinians gave to Serbia at the international organisations, by not voting Kosovo’s membership.

Al-Maliki on the other hand expressed support for Serbia’s stance toward Kosovo, saying that they (Palestinians) cannot accept any position that is not in accordance with Serbia’s stance toward Kosovo.

Dacic and Al-Maliki signed sever agreements of cooperation. Dacic recalled that former Yugoslavia was among the first ones to recognize Palestinian state, before even to some Arab states.