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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 3

  • No cases of COVID-19 on the second testing (media)
  • Acting PM Kurti meets COMKFOR Risi, discuss COVID-19 response (media)
  • Bahtiri, Rakic joint conference: 17 infected in the north (media)
  • Kurti: Thaci showed disregard for article 82.2 of Kosovo Constitution (media)
  • MEPs hail lifting of tax, call for visa liberalisation (Koha)
  • Former U.S. ambassador supports Kosovo's decision on reciprocity (media)
  • Bislimi specifies what reciprocity with Serbia implies (Kallxo)
  • Osmani: The government intended to sue Serbia for genocide (media)
  • Veseli: I would not have initiated no-confidence motion at this time (RTV21)
  • Haradinaj: Cooperation with Vetevendosje is impossible (media)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

No cases of COVID-19 on the second testing (media)

The National Institute of the Public Health of Kosovo informed that none of the 118 samples taken from the patients hospitalized at Infectious Disease Clinic and from the field contact case tracking last night, resulted positive for coronavirus.

NIPHK also informed that after one positive case on Thursday from Korisha, Prizren, all contacts will be tested. Klan Kosova reports that the Ministry of Health has decided to quarantine this village as the residents were suspected to have had direct contact with people infected with coronavirus.

This Institute also informed that from 08.04.2020 to 02.04.2020 the Laboratory of Microbiology tested 1,500 samples suspected of COVID-19, from them, 126 resulted positive, and that so far there has been one death of a 82-year-old man.

Microbiologist Lul Raka appealed during an interview given to Klan Kosova that staying at home and social distancing is the only way to fight the virus. "Every fourth person can potentially have the virus and have no symptoms, develop it after a few days or even develop it at all," Raka said.

In a separate article this news portal quotes the spokesman of the Ministry of Health Faik Hoti as saying that 53 percent of the infected are male, while 47 are female.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health confirmed that all 56 tests carried out at the Mitrovica detention facility resulted negative for COVID-19.

"This shows once again that despite the fact that a couple of guardians and a nurse tested positive, full implementation of protective measures and discipline at this time, the spread of infection to the prisoners has been avoided," the Ministry said.

The total number of coronavirus cases in Kosovo currently stands at 138.

Acting PM Kurti meets COMKFOR Risi, discuss COVID-19 response (media)

The acting Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the acting Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, met yesterday KFOR Commander, Major General Michele Risi, and his political adviser, Andrea Angeli and discussed the security situation and the measures the government has taken to prevent the further spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Commander Risi expressed gratitude for the cooperation between the Government and KFOR and their readiness to deepen it. He underlined that in the face of the challenge we are facing, inter-institutional cooperation is inevitable and that maintaining security in the Republic of Kosovo is a common goal," a press release issued by the government of Kosovo reads.

Bahtiri, Rakic joint conference: 17 infected in the north (media)

Most news websites cover the joint press conference by Mitrovica South Mayor Agim Bahtiri and Mitrovica North Mayor Goran Rakic on Thursday evening about the situation with the coronavirus.

KFOR commander for the Mitrovica region was also present at the conference calling on the citizens to be careful and to follow the instructions of public institutions.

"I want to thank the two mayors for being here with us. They both know that the coronavirus situation is very serious. I am certain that every citizen in Mitrovica will follow the instructions of Kosovo's public institutions and the two mayors. I want to thank the media and the press for their help."

Bahtiri said: "I have an appeal for all citizens of Mitrovica. We are facing a virus that knows no nationality. I ask you to stay at home. Keep your hygiene."

Rakic said there are 17 people infected and over 200 persons isolated in the north.

Kurti: Thaci showed disregard for article 82.2 of Kosovo Constitution (media)

Acting Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti commented on social media the decision of the President Hashim Thaci to ask the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) to put forward a candidate for the new prime minister of Kosovo saying that Thaci should have upheld article 82.2 of the Constitution of Kosovo which addresses the situation following a successful motion of no confidence against the government.

“The president is acting as if the government depends on the Assembly and that the second does not depend on the people, as if democratic elections are a means but not a value,” Kurti wrote.

“What was necessary and failed to be done constitutes a violation. The president met all parliamentary political parties and, then requested our winning entity to propose a candidate for prime minister. The president is, therefore, not neutral, he has a political interest and personal objective and he is supposed to be impartial and procedural. He somehow wishes to think that 25 March 2020 has happened without 3 February 2020.”

Kurti said that Thaci will however receive a response from Vetevendosje, “at a more appropriate time.”

MEPs hail lifting of tax, call for visa liberalisation (Koha)

European Parliament has hailed the decision of the government of Kosovo to lift the 100-percent tariff on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina calling it an important step towards resumption of the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

Chair of the Kosovo delegation at the European Parliament, Romeo Franz, and rapporteur, Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, have also called on the EU to reach a positive decision on visa liberalisation for Kosovo.

"We count on the EU Member States to fulfil their promise for visa liberalisation for Kosovar citizens as soon as possible, despite the current political crisis. This can be an important sign of solidarity, especially for the young people of Kosovo and for the country’s commitment to its European future," Franz said.

Former U.S. ambassador supports Kosovo's decision on reciprocity (media)

Former U.S. ambassador to Serbia, Michael Polt, has supported the decision of the Kosovo's caretaker government to seek application of reciprocity in trade relations with Serbia.

Polt shared on Twitter a New York Times article titled “US Opposes Kosovo’s 'New Barriers' to Serbian Goods” adding a comment of his own: “There is no reason Kosovo should not demand reciprocal treatment of its trade with Serbia.  U.S. pressure on Kosovo in this case is wrong.”

Bislimi specifies what reciprocity with Serbia implies (Kallxo)

Acting Minister of Finances and Transfers, Besnik Bislimi, said that reciprocity measures means the trade relations between Kosovo and Serbia will take place on equal terms.

"Reciprocity means that the methods used to prevent my export in your country will be employed to prevent your export in my country so that our businesses are on an equal footing with Serbia's businesses and not to be disadvantaged," he said.

Bislimi also said that the measures of the Kosovo government will also include non recognition of Serbia's phytosanitary certificates.

Osmani: The government intended to sue Serbia for genocide (media)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Vjosa Osmani remembered the 21 victims, women and children, at Qerim neighborhood in Gjakova, on the 21st anniversary of their killing by Serbian forces.

“For the first time, Kosovo had a government which was prepared to sue Serbia for genocide. For the first time, Kosovo had institutions that spoke in front of the entire world for the suffering of the children during the war and sought justice for them and insisted on peace and justice. Let us remember this today and every day, while remembering the murdered, massacred and burnt alive children in Gjakova and throughout Kosovo,” Osmani wrote on her Facebook page.

Veseli: I would not have initiated no-confidence motion at this time (RTV21)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Kadri Veseli said in an interview to RTV21 on Thursday evening that he would not have initiated a no-confidence motion against the government in the current circumstances.

"This is a situation that we need to overcome together with as less health and economic consequences as possible. We need to set aside egos ... It is not ok to initiate a no-confidence motion during a pandemic," he said. "I would not have initiated a no-confidence motion in the current circumstances, during a pandemic."

Veseli ruled out the possibility of "a secret agreement on land swap between Kosovo and Serbia".

Veseli said that when it was first introduced the import tariff was one of the best decisions of Kosovo's institutions. "But when it turned into means for internal electoral consumption, everything was ruined. It lost its meaning. It started being used as an internal war rather than in relation with Serbia. When it turned into confrontation with the US and the EU, it was ruined even more," he said.

Haradinaj: Cooperation with Vetevendosje is impossible (media)

Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) leader Ramush Haradinaj said on Thursday that the gap created between his party and the Vetevendosje Movement makes it impossible to cooperate.

"We have substantial differences ... There is a big political gap between us. I don’t think it is possible to cooperate with Vetevendosje in forming a new government," Haradinaj said.

Asked on possible cooperation with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Haradinaj said: "we have a tradition of cooperation with the LDK and we have said on several occasions that we are open to cooperate. We are ready to support a government formed by the LDK."