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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 9

  • 29 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
  • Ministry of Health refutes reports of two fatalities from COVID-19 (media)
  • Thaci, Kurti clash again over state of emergency (Koha)
  • Assembly President Osmani insists on clear platform for dialogue (media)
  • EU’s Lajcak expected to visit Kosovo this week (Express/Koha)
  • Merkel to Hoti: You have major challenges ahead of you (media)
  • France supports dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia (RTK)
  • Italy for a swift resumption of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (media)
  • LVV expects over 200,000 signatures in election petition this week (media)
  • Nagavci: Illegitimate government making futile plans with President (media)
  • LDK leadership meets to discuss Vjosa Osmani (Infokusi)
  • Rashiti: An agreement with Serbia likely in autumn, but not final (Klan)
  • Dacic: Final settlement with Kosovo, after Association/Community (Telegrafi)
  • Kosovo Serb ministers meet U.S. Ambassador Kosnett (media)
  • Interior Minister Veliu reactivates National Reaction Plan (media)
  • LVV submits legal initiative to enable Diaspora voting at embassies (media)

Kosovo Media Highlights

29 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)

All media reported on Monday that 29 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the last 24 hours.

Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health said in a statement that the new cases are from the municipalities of Prishtina, Prizren, Vushtrri, Fushe Kosove, Obiliq, Mamusha, Mitrovica and Rahovec.

Ministry of Health refutes reports of two fatalities from COVID-19 (media)

Most news websites reported on Monday that Kosovo’s Ministry of Health refuted reports in some media according to which two persons succumbed to the coronavirus on Monday. “No the information is not correct,” a spokesman for the Health Ministry said.

Thaci, Kurti clash again over state of emergency (Koha)

The new 40 cases of coronavirus on Sunday evening brought back the debate on declaring the state of emergency in Kosovo, the TV station reported on Monday evening. On March 17, when the first cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Kosovo, President Hashim Thaci, after a meeting of the National Security Council, had asked for the state of emergency to be declared. Thaci’s request triggered clashes in then-ruling coalition between the Vetevendosje Movement and the Democratic League of Kosovo, resulting eventually in the downfall of the Kurti-led government. 

The same clashes are happening during the new coalition consisting of the LDK, AAK, NISMA and minority communities. President Thaci said on Monday that the request back in March came from the political parties and that they wanted the number of fatalities to be as small as possible. Vetevendosje leader and former Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, meanwhile said that when the request for a state of emergency was made there were only 19 new cases of coronavirus and that the President’s request was aimed against Kurti’s good governance rather than as means to manage the COVID – 19 pandemic. 

Kosovo Assembly Vice President and senior Vetevendosje member, Arberie Nagavci, commented on Thaci’s recent remarks. “He [Thaci] no longer needs to declare a state of emergency to get hold of executive powers that the Constitution does not ascribe to him. He now has a government in place that voluntarily gives him competencies that don’t belong to him and even beyond,” Nagavci wrote in a Facebook post. 

The TV station asked the Ministry of Interior Affairs, which is again led by LDK’s Agim Veliu, to comment on the possibility of a state of emergency, but they said such questions need to be addressed to the Office of Prime Minister. The latter did not reply to the inquiries. 

The TV station also inquired with the Ministry of Health on whether they will support a state of emergency, but they said decisions on the pandemic will be made depending on recommendations from the National Institute for Public Health.

Assembly President Osmani insists on clear platform for dialogue (media)

Kosovo Assembly President Vjosa Osmani said on Monday that Kosovo needs a clear platform on the dialogue with Serbia, most news websites reported. “The process of dialogue is important, but we want to have a clearly-defined platform,” Osmani said after meeting the Italian Ambassador to Kosovo. 

After meeting EU Head of Office in Prishtina, Osmani said Kosovo must under any circumstance agree to a process of dialogue that includes Kosovo’s territorial integrity. 

“The process of dialogue with Serbia must be cautious. We don’t accept any version of the dialogue that negotiates Kosovo’s territorial integrity. The Assembly will have a strict supervisory role and we will insist on increased transparency during the process of dialogue. We will also ask for reports to the Assembly for every phase of negotiations,” Osmani said.

EU’s Lajcak expected to visit Kosovo this week (Express/Koha)

Gazeta Express reported on Monday evening that European Union Special Representative for the Kosovo – Serbia Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, is expected to visit Kosovo this week after the lifting of obstacles which have enabled the resumption of the dialogue.

Koha meanwhile quotes EU spokesperson Peter Stano confirming that Lajcak will undertake a trip to the region in the coming days and that the "exact time and goal of dialogue depends on the two sides."

Merkel to Hoti: You have major challenges ahead of you (media)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Avdullah Hoti on his election as Prime Minister of Kosovo. In her letter, Merkel reminded Hoti on his challenges as head of the Kosovo government, mentioning the dialogue for normalization of the relations with Serbia, which the chancellor said is mediated by the European Union.

She has expressed readiness to cooperate with Prime Minister Hoti. 

“You have great challenges ahead of you and your Government, especially the confrontation with pandemic Covid-19,” Merkel said. She also identified reforms and the dialogue with Serbia facilitated by the European Union as challenges.

“The federal government remains ready to help Kosovo on its path and work to understand the countries of the Western Balkans,” Merkel said in the letter adding that she was looking forward to working with Hoti. 

France supports dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti, had on Monday a telephone conversation with Emmanuel Bonne, diplomatic adviser to the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Hoti expressed appreciation for the support in the past and France’s readiness to help Kosovo in the path of Euro-Atlantic integrations.

Congratulating Hoti on his new duty, Bonne said France supports the efforts of the government of Kosovo on democratic reforms, war against corruption and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stressing excellent relations between France and Kosovo, Bonne said France supports the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, facilitated by the European Union. 

Italy for a swift resumption of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (media)

Italy’s Ambassador to Kosovo Nicola Orlando met on Monday with the Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti.

“Had productive meeting w/PM @Avdullah Hoti today. Stressed need to continue reforms path & fight corruption. Reaffirmed #Italy's support on #Covid & swift restart of EU-facilitated dialogue w/#Serbia. I congratulated him and called for inclusive & transparent Govt action,” Orlando wrote on his Twitter account.

LVV expects over 200,000 signatures in election petition this week (media)

The Kurti-led Vetevendosje Movement said in a Facebook post on Monday that it expects over 200,000 citizens to sign the petition for early parliamentary elections this week. So far, 150,000 citizens have signed the petition.

“People are continuing to sign the petition in all cities. Last night we reached over 150,000 signatures and we believe that this week this figure will go above 200,000. The people are confident that the only way to restore a legitimate governance is through free elections which need to be held as soon as possible,” the Vetevendosje Movement said in the post.

Nagavci: Illegitimate government making futile plans with President (media)

Kosovo Assembly Vice President and Vetevendosje senior member, Arberi Nagavci, said in a Facebook post on Monday that “the illegitimate Hoti government is making futile plans with President Thaci because the people will show them their place”.

Nagavci further argued that “President Thaci knew that his plans could not be implemented” while the Kurti-government was in power. “Knowing that with Albin Kurti as Prime Minister, there could be no deals with Serbia, or plans with maps and that he [Thaci] is not a decision-making factor, he initiated Plan B. The President went back to those that made him President in the first place, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK),” Nagavci wrote. 

According to Nagavci, LDK’s Avdullah Hoti is only formally in the office of Prime Minister.

LDK leadership meets to discuss Vjosa Osmani (Infokusi)

The news website reported that Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa called a meeting of leaders of party branches on Monday to discuss about Vjosa Osmani, deputy leader of LDK and Kosovo Assembly President.

Osmani was against the no-confidence motion against the Kurti-led government and she did not vote in favor of the new government led by LDK’s Avdullah Hoti.

Sources from the meeting told the news website that several senior officials – Agim Veliu, Ismet Beqiri, Florian Dushi – called for the removal of Vjosa Osmani, Haxhi Avdyli and Fatmir Rexhepi from the party.

Rashiti: An agreement with Serbia likely in autumn, but not final (Klan)

Political commentator Naim Rashiti said in a debate on Klan Kosova that an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is expected in September or October this year, but not a final agreement. He said the first agreement is expected to resolve economic issues between the two countries and that political issues would then be resolved next year. 

“Any agreement that does not include mutual recognition between the two countries is not a full agreement. It is an attempt to put the dialogue in a different phase that would facilitate a final agreement,” Rashiti said.

Dacic: Final settlement with Kosovo, after Association/Community (Telegrafi)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday that Serbia is ready to return to dialogue with Kosovo but that the process and a permanent solution requires compromise. Dacic argued that international circumstances have changed, and that Kosovo no longer enjoys a majority support in the United Nations and in other international organisations. 

“There is no more ‘blanc’ support from some Western countries which don’t think that the issue is resolved. We are ready for dialogue, but the dialogue and a final solution must include a compromise,” he said. 

Dacic also said that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities would have to be formed before a final settlement between Kosovo and Serbia.

Kosovo Serb ministers meet U.S. Ambassador Kosnett (media)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett met on Monday with Deputy Prime Minister Goran Rakic and Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, to discuss economic development, the fight against corruption, the dialogue and the protection of the rights of non-majority communities in Kosovo. 

The Ministry of Local Government said in a press release that Rakic and Jevtic pledged during the meeting that they will be constructive partners in the new government “in setting up institutional mechanisms to fight corruption, to strengthen the rule of law and economic development in Kosovo”. The minister also said they are committed to stability. “Stability is everything we need at this point and we are committed to this,” they said. 

The U.S. ambassador congratulated the Serb ministers on their posts and pledged the full support of the U.S. embassy.

Interior Minister Veliu reactivates National Reaction Plan (media)

All news websites reported on Monday that Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Agim Veliu, reactivated the National Reaction Plan and changed the composition of the Inter-institutional Group for Management of Incidents. 

A press release issued by the Interior Ministry noted: “Minister Veliu’s decision is aimed at coordinating all institutional actions for managing the COVID – 19 situation. The inter-institutional group, following the changes made, will carry out its duties and responsibilities based in the law on the Protection from Natural Disasters and other Disasters according to the National Reaction Plan and the legislation in force.”

LVV submits legal initiative to enable Diaspora voting at embassies (media)

The Vetevendosje Movement MPs have presented a legal initiative calling for amendment of the Law on General Elections in order to enable members of Kosovo Diaspora voting at the premises of Kosovo's embassies and consulates.

"The Diaspora makes more than one-third of the overall population in Kosovo. The role and contribution of fellow-nationals was and continues to be very important in the economic, social and political life in Kosovo," LVV said. It noted however that the political role of the Diaspora have been reduced when it comes to decision-making.

The proposed draft law is aimed at addressing the need of Diaspora members to achieve their constitutional right to vote in embassies of Kosovo, LVV added.