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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 1, 2020

  • COVID-19: 46 new cases, no deaths (media)
  • KLA War Veterans leader to appear before Specialist Chambers today (media)
  • Klinaku, Gashi refuse summons by Specialist Chambers (media)
  • Konjufca: Hoti must address Specialist Chambers about mandate (media)
  • Selimi: I expressed to EULEX chief my concern on recent SPO actions (Koha)
  • Drecun admits Serbia cooperated with Specialist Chambers (media)
  • Serwer: Specialist Chambers in favor of Serbs (Express)
  • EU: Association to establish based on Constitutional Court’s opinion (Koha)
  • PDK senior member Enver Hoxhaj’s interview to Telegrafi
  • Lushtaku: We will join government if we get PM or President post (Telegrafi)

COVID-19: 46 new cases, no deaths (media)

Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health said on Wednesday that 46 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed during the last 24 hours of 580 samples tested. No deaths and 62 recoveries have been recorded over the same time period. The highest number of new infections is in the municipality of Gjilan (6).

KLA War Veterans leader to appear before Specialist Chambers today (media)

All news websites report that Hysni Gucati, leader of the KLA War Veterans Organisation, will appear before the Specialist Chambers today. Gucati was arrested on September 25 in Prishtina by the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office. Gucati is suspected of offences against the administration of justice, namely intimidation of witnesses, retaliation and violation of secrecy of proceedings.

Klinaku, Gashi refuse summons by Specialist Chambers (media)

All media reported on Wednesday that the Specialist Chambers have summoned KLA War Veterans Organisation Secretary Faton Klinaku and the organisation’s attorney Tome Gashi, but that both have refused the invitations. Gashi and Klinaku said in separate statements that they do not recognise the Specialist Chambers and argued that the court no longer has a mandate.

Konjufca: Hoti must address Specialist Chambers about mandate (media)

Vetevendosje Movement senior member Glauk Konjufca said in a debate on Dukagjini TV on Wednesday that Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti should address the Specialist Chambers about their mandate. “The Specialist Chambers cannot be abolished. Their mandate might have expired, but this does not stop their work. The Prime Minister should address the Specialist Chambers and raise the issue of their mandate. The government should see if there are legal grounds for the extension of their mandate and not stand by as a spectator,” he said.

Selimi: I expressed to EULEX chief my concern for the recent SPO actions (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice Selim Selimi met on Wednesday with the EULEX chief Lars-Gunnar Wigermark.

He informed through a press release that during the meeting he expressed concern with regards to the recent actions of the Office of the Specialist Prosecutor.

The press release further informs that Selimi has received the latest EULEX report on the judicial system in Kosovo.

"Selimi and Wigemark also discussed the progress of drafting a strategy for the rule of law, prevention of domestic violence and the treatment of targeted cases," reads the statement.

Drecun admits Serbia cooperated with Specialist Chambers (media)

Milovan Drecun, chairman of the Serbian Parliament’s Committee for Kosovo, said he has cooperated with the Specialist Chambers, several news websites reported on Wednesday. In an interview with a Serbian TV station, Drecun said he had frequent meetings with prosecutors of the Specialist Chambers and that he provided them with numerous documents. Drecun also said he received a letter of appreciation from former Chief Prosecutor of the Specialist Chambers, David Schwendiman.

Serwer: Specialist Chambers in favor of Serbs (Express)

The U.S. expert on Balkans Daniel Serwer commented the recent actions of the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office. He said the perpetrators of war crimes should be held accountable, however, he added that the Specialist Chambers is in favor of the Serbs.

Serwer, who is also Professor of Conflict Management Practice in Washington said that Serbia is reluctant to hold commanders responsible for crimes committed during the Kosovo war.

Serwer stressed that the international community must deal with this issue and noted that this issue should be included in a final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

EU: Association to establish based on Constitutional Court’s opinion (Koha)

The European Union has explained that its position that all reached agreements in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia should implement and that the opinion of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo should be taken into consideration while implementing the agreement on the Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities.

“It belongs to Kosovo to propose how to move forward with the implementation of the 2013 and 2015 agreements, by taking into consideration the opinion of the Constitutional Court,” said EU Spokesman Peter Stano when asked if the Association for Serb-majority Municipalities should implement based on the opinion of the Constitutional Court.

Earlier Stano had said that with these agreements Kosovo has taken willingly taken over the obligation and it must adhere to it.

“The Association is a tool created in 2013 to address the needs of the non-majority Serb community in Kosovo. As part of the comprehensive agreement negotiations it is essential to address the arrangements for the non-majority community in general. In 2013, Kosovo entered into an Agreement to establish the Association of Serbian Municipalities. This agreement has been made in good faith by all parties involved. It has never been canceled or withdrawn. In fact, the 2013 Agreement was ratified in the Assembly of Kosovo by a 2/3 majority vote. By doing so, Kosovo has taken on international obligations to implement this agreement," said the EU spokesman.

“The Court has never said that the Association cannot be established. Therefore, we expect Kosovo to respect the obligation it has undertaken in the dialogue. The issue of arrangements for the non-majority community - the Association should be addressed as part of the comprehensive agreement, as agreed by the leaders at their first meeting in July 2020 and was confirmed in the last round on September 7," said Stano.

PDK senior member Enver Hoxhaj’s interview to Telegrafi

Enver Hoxhaj, senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and member of the Kosovo Assembly, said in an interview with Telegrafi on Wednesday that political parties have the right to propose their candidates for the post of Kosovo President but that it is not honorable to talk about this when the current President is still serving his mandate.

“The PDK has a concrete position: Kosovo has its President. We will talk about this issue when the constitutional timeline allows. Kosovo has a President and it is not honorable to talk about this issue now. It is not honorable to talk about who will be the new President when the current President is serving his mandate,” Hoxhaj said.

Lushtaku: We will join government if we get PM or President post (Telegrafi)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) branch leader in Skenderaj, Sami Lushtaku, said in a debate on Dukagjini TV on Wednesday that the PDK would join the ruling coalition only if it gets the post of Prime Minister or the post of President.

“We don’t want to send the people to elections, although we are very ready for elections. Even if we go to new elections, there will be coalitions between parties again,” he said.

Lushtaku said the PDK has discussed whether or not they will join the government, but that a decision has not been made yet.