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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 30, 2021

  • COVID-19: Six new cases, no deaths (media)
  • First cases of COVID-19 Delta variant confirmed in Kosovo (media)
  • More anti-COVID vaccines arrive in Kosovo (media)
  • EU helps Norway to deliver vaccines to Kosovo (media)
  • Borrell writes to Kurti, says he looks forward to close cooperation (media)
  • Schuetz: All countries are equal in the Berlin Process (Koha)
  • Voss: "Mini Schengen" and visas, main topics of Berlin Process summit (Klan)
  • PM Kurti meets COMKFOR Federici (media)
  • Abdixhiku criticises government's performance in first 100 days (media)
  • PDK on Government's first 100 days: Poor performance (Kosovapress)
  • Former EULEX judge to report to Kosovo Assembly (RTK)
  • Hasani: Osmani violated the Constitution in firing Daka (Koha)

COVID-19: Six new cases, no deaths (media)

Kosovo recorded six new cases of COVID-19 and zero deaths from the virus in the last 24 hours. Ten persons recovered from the virus during this time.

The total number of active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo is 168.

6,975 vaccines have meanwhile been administered in the last 24 hours.

So far, a total of 170,098 vaccines have been administered in Kosovo while 37,057 persons have received the second dose.

First cases of COVID-19 Delta variant confirmed in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo has confirmed its first two cases of the Delta variant of COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health said that of 22 samples tested at the University Clinic in Berlin, two came back positive with the Delta variant. In the meantime, the Ministry said the persons who were infected with this virus strain have already recovered. "NIPHK (National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo) teams have traced all sources and possible contacts to prevent the further spread of cases," the Ministry said in a statement.

More anti-COVID vaccines arrive in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Ministry of Health announced that a new contingent of vaccines has arrived in Kosovo.

“In the coming days, vaccination will take on a new, accelerated pace, to vaccinate all eligible citizens according to priority groups,” the Ministry said, adding that these vaccines along with those expected to arrive in the coming period will be sufficient to immunize 60% of the citizens by the end of 2021.

Meanwhile, Minister of Health Arben Vitia announced that additional 106,470 doses of the Pfizer vaccine arrived in Kosovo, as part of the second part of the purchase order placed by the Government of Kosovo. "Vaccine remains the best solution in successful battling of the pandemic," he said on social media.

EU helps Norway to deliver vaccines to Kosovo (media)

The European Union will help Norway to deliver over 180,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Kosovo, following Kosovo's request for assistance via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, a statement issued by the European Commission noted.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us. The EU is committed to help share the vaccines globally - we can beat the pandemic only if we act together. I thank Norway for its generous offer to Kosovo. Our Emergency Response Coordination Centre is ready to help facilitate further vaccine sharing.”

Borrell writes to Kurti, says he looks forward to close cooperation (media)

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, has written to Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti thanking him for a letter he sent on 30 April.

"I am grateful that I could welcome you in Brussels already three times since you took office. This sends a strong signal of the close partnership between the European Union and Kosovo," Borrell said. He continued by saying he was looking forward to continue close cooperation and regular exchanges.

Schuetz: All countries are equal in the Berlin Process (Koha)

Susanne Schuetz, director for the Western Balkans at the German Foreign Office, spoke to Koha about the Berlin Process and said that four agreements between the Western Balkans countries are expected to be signed in the upcoming summit in Berlin, one of which include freedom of movement through ID cards.

She added that the agreements will be able to be concluded however only if all six members of the Western Balkans sign them. "Either they will all sign them or the talks continue. All Western Balkans countries are equal and if a country does not join efforts, then we need to clarify all reservations in order to bring them on board," she said.

Schuetz said that this year, the hosts of the summit will make efforts to push forward the implementation of the action plan for the Common Regional Market adding that "the region and its citizens have no time to lose."

Voss: "Mini Schengen" and visas, main topics of Berlin Process summit (Klan)

Germany's deputy ambassador to Kosovo, Jan Axel Voss, said that the Berlin Process is aimed at supporting the Western Balkans countries and that it has produced a number of new initiatives.

He said goal of the upcoming summit in Berlin is to achieve four objectives: "The first is the 'Mini Schengen', one of the four points together with visas. The second objective is ID-card travel. The third is agreement for recognition of university diplomas and finally, agreement which is still in the process and relates to education."

PM Kurti meets COMKFOR Federici (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, accompanied by Minister of Defence Armend Mehaj and Minister of Interior Xhelal Svecla, met KFOR Commander, Major General Franco Federici, and the Commander of the Multinational Specialized Unit (MSU) Stefano Fedele.

During a working lunch, Kosovo and KFOR officials discussed the security situation and coordination of activities.

Abdixhiku criticises government's performance in first 100 days (media)

Lumir Abdixhiku, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has criticised the work of the Government of Kosovo led by Albin Kurti as it marked its first 100 days in power. He said the period was characterised by no major results.

"Many words, lots of photos, no actions - this should be one of the most disappointing starts Kosovo has ever had," wrote Abdixhiku on Facebook.

He said that the great expectations the citizens had for change were indeed met with change, just not of problems that the people face. "Votes from the citizens, boards to family members - this is the new slogan. A re-run of Pronto 2. The capture continues only the capturers change," Abdixhiku said in reference to a previous government led by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

PDK on Government's first 100 days: Poor performance (Kosovapress)

Betim Gjoshi, member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leadership, said that the performance of the Government of Kosovo during the first 100 days has been 'poor' and that no decision that benefits the citizens was taken in this period.

"This government is even weaker than what the skeptics thought," he said. "For starters, it did not manage for more than two months to approve the governing programme and it then adopted one that looked more like a school essay than a meaningful government programme, and different to that which was promised during the election campaign."

Gjoshi also said that the government was involved in a number of 'gaffes' and 'scandals' and that Kosovo remains the country with the least number of vaccines per capita.

Former EULEX judge to report to Kosovo Assembly (RTK)

Malcolm Simmons, former EULEX judge who has accused the EU mission of wrongdoings, is set to report to Kosovo legislators on 12 July through a video link call.

Simmons is expected to speak to Kosovo MPs about EULEX's which he claims included a series of scandals, political interference, manipulation of evidence.

Hasani: Osmani violated the Constitution in firing Daka (Koha)

Enver Hasani, former president of the Constitutional Court, said in an interview with KTV that President Vjosa Osmani violated the Constitution in dismissing Valdete Daka from the post of Central Election Commission (CEC) head.

He however said that even if the case goes to the court and the Constitutional Court rules against it, it would not lead to Osmani's dismissal. "It is not a serious violation that leads to the dismissal of the head of state," he said.

Hasani also spoke about same-sex marriages in Kosovo saying that if a same-sex couple would not be allowed to get married in Kosovo, the Constitutional Court would overturn such a decision.