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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 26, 2021

  • COVID-19: 25 new cases, no deaths (media)
  • Kosovo bus crash leaves 10 dead, 45 injured (media)
  • Condolences extended to families of victims that died in bus accident (media)
  • President Osmani declares day of mourning in Kosovo (media)
  • Government fears mini Schengen gives rise to Russia and China influence (Koha)
  • Osmani meets with the Prime Minister of Japan (media)
  • Judge rejects Thaci's request for interim release (media)
  • Janjic warns that Belgrade's campaign could lead to armed conflict (Koha)
  • Kosovo Wins Women's Judo Olympic Gold (RFE)

COVID-19: 25 new cases, no deaths (media)

25 new cases of COVID-19 and no fatalities from the virus were recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 1 person has recovered from the virus during this time.

There are 161 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

To date, 357,920 vaccine doses have been administered in Kosovo.

Kosovo bus crash leaves 10 dead, 45 injured (media)

A bus travelling from Germany to Kosovo crashed off a highway on Sunday near the Croatian town of Slavonski Brod, leaving 10 people dead and 45 injured.

The bus was carrying 67 passengers and was travelling on the Frankfurt-Pristina line. Most of the passengers were members of the Kosovo Diaspora. 15 injured are reported to be in a critical condition. Croatian media reported that the bus driver admitted that at one point during the travel, he dozed off leading to the bus.

Yesterday, Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, accompanied by foreign minister Donika Gervalla, minister of interior Xhelal Svecla, minister of health Arben Vitia and the president's chief of staff Blerim Vela, travelled to Slavonski Brod, by helicopter piloted by Croatian troops serving under KFOR.

Speaking at a joint press conference with Croatian PM Plenkovic, PM Kurti said that they visited the injured and that they are in good hands of Croatian doctors and psychologists. He said yesterday was a grave day for Kosovo and its people. "Hundreds of thousands of citizens come back to their home country for holidays, our country depends on them, this accident is very sad for us but thanks to the care and solidarity, we will overcome this together," he said.

Croatian PM Andrej Plenkovic said they expect that most of the persons injured in the crash will be released from hospital soon. "We will do the impossible to overcome this tragedy together," he said.

Condolences extended to families of victims that died in bus accident (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said Sunday was a tragic and sad day for Kosovo and its people. “We pray for as little victims as possible and for the quick recovery of the injured,” Kurti said yesterday before setting off to Croatia.

“This is a very sad day, with pain and sorrow for all our people. We are here, together with the ministers and staff of the Presidency to be close to the passengers who were fortunate in this tragedy. We express our condolences to all the families and friends of those ten passengers who lost their lives today in this horrific accident. I also wish a speedy and complete recovery to all those who have been seriously or slightly injured,” Kurti said yesterday from Slavonski Brod.

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani said that Kosovo authorities will be by the side of the families of those who lost their lives, as well as the injured, to whom she wished a speedy recovery. “Today, with heart and soul, we are with the families who lost their loved ones in this tragedy. The pain is indescribable and the loss is great. Sincere condolences to all!”

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca last night joined citizens in front of the National Theatre in Pristina to light candles in honour of the victims of the bus crash. "In these difficult time, terrified and saddened, we express our solidarity and sympathy with the families of the victims and we pray for speedy recovery of the injured," he said.

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi said he was deeply saddened by the news of the tragic accident in Croatia. “I extend my sincere condolences to the families who today lost their loved ones and wish the injured a speedy recovery,” Krasniqi wrote on Facebook.

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Lumir Abdixhiku said Sunday was a grave day for Kosovo. “We are all saddened and deeply touched by the loss of so many lives of our fellow citizens in this morning’s tragedy in Croatia. In days like these, one is at a loss for words,” he wrote on social media on Sunday.

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj also extended condolences to the families of the victims. He thanked Croatian authorities for their response to the tragic event.

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic expressed condolences to the victims’ families "Our thoughts are with the victims' families and the Kosovo authorities and people, to whom we extend deep condolences and sympathy," he wrote on Twitter.

Head of the EU Office in Kosovo and Special Representative, Tomas Szunyog, said Sunday was a tragic day for Kosovo. "I wish the injured a swift recovery & my heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims. My prayers & thoughts are with the people of Kosovo," he said via Twitter.

U.S. Embassy said in a statement: “Condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this morning’s tragic bus accident in Croatia. We wish the injured the quickest possible recovery.”

"Our deepest condolences to the people of Kosovo for the tragic bus accident occurred early this morning in Croatia. Our thoughts are with families and friends of the victims, while wishing speed recovery to the injured ones," Italian Embassy said in a message on social media.

Albania’s leaders, Prime Minister Edi Rama, President Ilir Meta and opposition leader Lulzim Basha expressed condolences to the families of the victims. “It is with deep sorrow I received the grave news of the tragic accident in Croatia,” said Meta. “What a saddening tragedy the news of loss of lives of brothers and sisters from Kosovo. I pray for recovery of the injured and extend brotherly condolences to the families of the victims,” Rama meanwhile wrote on Twitter. “Speedy recovery to the injured. May God give them strength to overcome this tragedy which has saddened us all,” Basha said.

President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic sent condolences to President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani. "In these difficult times, we are together with the friendly people of Kosovo," he said in a telegram.

President Osmani declares day of mourning in Kosovo (media)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani has declared today a day of mourning for the victims of the bus accident in Croatia which left 10 Kosovo citizens dead.

“The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, pursuant to the Constitution of Kosovo, has decided that Monday, July 26, 2021, to be declared a day of state mourning in honor of the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, who tragically lost their lives in the traffic accident in the Republic of Croatia,” a press release issued by the presidency said, adding that Osmani has cut short her visit to Japan and will be returning to Kosovo today.

Government fears mini Schengen gives rise to Russia and China influence (Koha)

The trio of Edi Rama, Aleksandar Vucic and Zoran Zaev announced on Thursday in Skopje that they will lay the foundations of the new Balkans, through the agreements they will sign within the Balkan Mini-Schengen, Koha reports, adding however that the Government of Kosovo calls this a ‘ghost initiative’ and among the arguments it gives for non-involvement, is that the initiative creates space for influence for Russia and China. But civil society fears that such an approach ghettoizes Kosovo within the Balkan Peninsula.

"This initiative of Novi Sad, the so-called Mini-Schengen, is an initiative which is more like a ghost, which is being brought to the region. There is nothing written and, as the prime minister said, there is no vision for the region, because it is not supported by the European Union either and there is no direct commitment of the EU," said Jeton Zulfaj, adviser to Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

Avdullah Hoti as Prime Minister had agreed last September in Washington for Kosovo to be included in the Balkan Mini-Schengen initiative.

This fact is mentioned by Emir Abrashi, a researcher in the organization "Democracy Plus" when he argues why the Kurti government should not be so categorical against involvement in the initiative.

"It is true that the European Union does not stand behind the Mini-Schengen, because it is not an initiative of the European Union. However, we have made a commitment to the White House for the Mini-Schengen process, we have done this with the Trump administration. And after the change of administration in the United States, we do not have a withdrawal from the Biden administration, which means that the United States supports the Mini-Schengen process," Abrashi said.

Besides Kosovo, neither Montenegro nor Bosnia and Herzegovina are involved in this initiative.

Abrashi speaks about another reason why the government should not be persistent in the current position. "The government must be very careful when approaching such entities, which are concerned with regional co-operation. Because Kosovo is currently ghettoized within the European continent, we do not need to be ghettoized even within the Balkan Peninsula."

But in the cabinet of Prime Minister Kurti they express a great fear. Zulfaj says initiatives like the one in Novi Sad create space for influence for third countries such as Russia and China. "Obviously, we expect all countries to adhere to the agenda of integration into the European Union and not to create initiatives, both parallel and separate, which create space for the influence of either Russia or China in our region," Zylfaj said.

Osmani meets with the Prime Minister of Japan (media)

The President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani following the bilateral meetings during her stay in Japan, was received by the Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihide Suga.

"She thanked Prime Minister Suga for her support to Kosovo and stressed that Japan is a strategic partner. In this context, President Osmani also thanked Prime Minister Suga for the support that this country has given to Kosovo in the field of health and environment, as she expressed readiness to deepen cooperation in other areas of common interest, especially for Japanese investments in Kosovo," it is said in an announcement.

Judge rejects Thaci's request for interim release (media)

Kosovo Specialist Chambers pre-trial judge has rejected the request of Hashim Thaci's defence for conditional release from detention at The Hague.

The defence argued that Thaci's detention is no longer justified due to significant changes in circumstances, which plead in favour of his interim release to undisclosed countries that have provided their consent to his interim release into their respective territories, subject to the conditions considered appropriate.

Judge Nicolas Guillou ruled that a risk of flight in relation to Mr Thaci continues to exist. "The Pre-Trial Judge concludes that the risks that Mr Thaçi will abscond, obstruct the progress of SC proceedings, or commit further crimes against those perceived as being opposed to the KLA, including witnesses who have provided or could provide evidence in the case and/or are due to appear before the SC, continue to exist."

Janjic warns that Belgrade's campaign could lead to armed conflict (Koha)

Dusan Janjic, Belgrade-based political analysts and founder of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, in an interview with a regional media outlet commented on statements from Belgrade officials advocating for the so-called "Serb world" saying that these need to be countered by a firm reaction from the U.S. President Joe Biden.

"Based on all experiences, I can tell you this - this campaign, if it doesn't stop, it will end in an armed conflict. This cannot end in peace or voting ballots," Janjic said, adding that the statements from the Serbian Minister Aleksandar Vulin about "Serb world" is a repetition of past events. "I do not know if the Biden administration will be satisfied only with Vulin's sanctioning, because he did meet all the conditions or use this to punish Vulin and put direct pressure on [President] Vucic to turn his back on Moscow."

Kosovo Wins Women's Judo Olympic Gold (RFE)

Kosovo erupted in joy as Distria Krasniqi won a gold medal in judo, the second-ever Olympic medal for the small Balkan country.

Krasniqi beat Funa Tonaki of Japan in the women’s 48-kilogram judo final at the Tokyo Games on July 24.

"Winning gold here in Japan, the home of judo, was very special," Krasniqi said.

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