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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, August 5, 2022

  • EU confirms meeting between Kurti and Vucic on August 18 (Koha)
  • Borrell: Association, verdict on Decani Monastery should be implemented (media)
  • Osmani and Hovenier talk about latest developments in Kosovo (RTK)
  • LDK won’t cooperate with Serbian List to bring down Kurti government (media)
  • AAK against cooperation with Serbian List to bring down Kurti (Kallxo)
  • SL reacts to Hovenier about Radoicic: Don't make lump sum assessments (Koha)
  • What's behind the renewed tensions between Serbia and Kosovo? (AlJazeera)
  • Assembly adopts law on funding of political parties; EUSR welcomes it (media)
  • Svecla: We welcomed another 146 Afghans in Kosovo today (media)
  • Blakaj: Delic suspected of killing 2,000 civilians in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

EU confirms meeting between Kurti and Vucic on August 18 (Koha)

The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrell, has invited the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, to a meeting in Brussels on August 18. Peter Stano, a spokesman for the EU, said the invitation has been sent to Kurti and Vucic and that they will be received by Borrell, and by the EU Special Representative for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak. "I can confirm that the High Representative, Josep Borrell, has invited both parties to Brussels. President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti have accepted the invitations and will be received in Brussels on August 18 by the High Representative of the EU and the special representative, Miroslav Lajcak, to discuss the way forward in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," Stano told the news website.

Borrell: Association, verdict on Decani Monastery should be implemented (media)

Responding in writing to the question of a member of parliament, Josep Borrell, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy and Security, said that the EU attaches great importance to the rule of law, the protection of fundamental rights and freedom, including the rights of non-majority communities and religious freedom and closely monitors all developments in these areas in Kosovo.

“Addressing the needs of the Kosovo Serb non-majority community is an important element for EU actors in Kosovo. Both the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative (EUSR) and the Common Security and Defence Policy mission in Kosovo (EULEX) monitor the situation of all non-majority communities,” Borrell wrote.

“The EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX Kosovo) is actively supporting Kosovo’s law enforcement institutions in strengthening the rule of law, including their efforts to investigate security incidents related to religious and cultural sites. The EU has continuously reminded Kosovo institutions to swiftly and fully implement the judgment of the Constitutional Court on Decan Monastery land ownership without any further delay.

The establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities was agreed by both Parties, Kosovo and Serbia, in the 2013 Brussels Agreement. The Agreement was ratified by the Kosovo parliament and Kosovo needs to fulfil its legal obligation and implement it without delays. Both Parties need to fulfil all their international legal obligations and implement the pending agreements. They also need to make further substantial efforts in order to reach a comprehensive legally binding agreement on normalisation of relations, which is key to their European paths,” the response reads.

Osmani and Hovenier talk about latest developments in Kosovo (RTK)

President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, received on Thursday the U.S. Ambassador, Jeffrey Hovenier, with whom she talked about the latest developments in Kosovo, as well as the continuation of coordination for reciprocity measures.

The Office of the President announced that the successful meeting with the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, held last week in Washington D.C. was also discussed.

"In this regard, the parties have discussed the next steps and concrete cooperation with the aim of deepening the relations between the two states," the announcement states.

President Osmani has informed Ambassador Hovenier about the progress of Kosovo in terms of fulfilling the commitments within the Summit for Democracy, and expressed gratitude for the positive assessment of the work of Kosovo's institutions by Secretary Blinken.

Several news websites cover the meeting under the headline Osmani and Hovenier discuss continued coordination on measures of reciprocity.

LDK will not cooperate with Serbian List to bring down Kurti government (media)

Head of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) parliamentary group, Arben Gashi, called as fake news some media reports according to which he said that the LDK will support the Serbian List in bringing down the Kurti-led government. “The LDK will not cooperate with the Serbian List to bring down the Kurti government,” Gashi wrote on Facebook. “One thing should never be forgotten: we may be political opponents and have our differences, but we stand forever united for the nation and the state”.

AAK against cooperation with Serbian List to bring down Kurti (Kallxo)

The Serbian List (SL) has been rejected by another Albanian political party in their initiative to bring down the Kurti government. Representatives of the Haradinaj-led Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said they would not support a no-confidence vote if it is proposed by the Serbian List. “The answer is simple. A definite NO,” AAK parliamentary group chief Besnik Tahiri told the news website when asked about the issue.

SL reacts to Hovenier about Radoicic: Don't make lump sum assessments (Koha)

Serbian List has reacted to the statement of the ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier, about the vice president of this party, Milan Radoicic, that he is related to transnational organized crime and corruption.

This party has rejected this statement of the American ambassador, asking him to present clear evidence for his statements and not to make "lumpsum" assessments.

"First of all, it is unacceptable to talk about anyone in such a way and for the accusations that the American ambassador has made against deputy chair Radoicic, no judicial procedure has been initiated that proves Hovenier's claims," says the reaction of the Serbian List.

It was further said that Hovenier's statement was given to put pressure on Radoicic, the Serbian List, the Serbian citizens in the north, in situations such as this last one.

"In the case of our vice president, apparently Prishtina and Mr. Hovenier believe that it is possible to find someone to blame without a court decision. Our citizens have understood that this statement about Mr. Radoicic was made to put pressure on Mr. Radoicic, the Serbian List and the Serbian citizens in general in the north at the moment when Pristina is undertaking unilateral actions and terror against empty-handed citizens. These claims will not weaken the determination to survive and stay in these areas, respecting the contribution that Mr. Radojicic has made," it was further said in the reaction.

What's behind the renewed tensions between Serbia and Kosovo? (AlJazeera)

Ethnic Serbs in Kosovo have protested against new identity document and car registration plate requirements.

Tension has flared between Kosovo's ethnic Serbs and the government in Pristina - a worrying development 14 years after Kosovo declared independence from Serbia.

Ethnic Serb protesters blocked access roads to two border crossings with Serbia in northern Kosovo on Sunday, July 31, and unknown gunmen fired at police, although no injuries were reported. Trucks, tankers and other heavy transport vehicles were parked on roads blocking the Jarinje and Brnjak border crossings.

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Assembly adopts law on funding of political parties; EUSR welcomes it (media)

The Kosovo Assembly adopted on Thursday the law on the funding of political parties. EU Head of Office in Kosovo and EUSR, Tomas Szunyog commended the Assembly for adopting the law. He wrote on Twitter: “It is yet another step in the implementation of the European Reform Agenda II that will contribute to transparency and effective control over political parties’ incomes and expenditures. The law is also an important part of the electoral reform and the fight against corruption, both of which are key to building the public trust in the work of institutions. The EU will support Kosovo institutions in its implementation.”

Svecla: We welcomed another 146 Afghans in Kosovo today (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said on Thursday that Kosovo has welcomed another 146 Afghan nationals “and they have been accommodated according to previous agreements. The process is going exceptionally smooth thanks to the close cooperation with our allies, the United States and NATO. In coordination with all internal institutional actors and the allied countries of our Republic, we are maximally engaged that during the time they are in our country to provide shelter, well-being and security to all citizens who are unjustly faced with conflicts and wars”.

Blakaj: Delic suspected of killing 2,000 civilians in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Kosovo Humanitarian Law Center, Bekim Blakaj, reacted on Thursday to the election of Bozidar Delic as Vice President of the Parliament of Serbia. During the war in Kosovo, Delic was head of the 549th brigade that took part in numerous crimes against the Albanian civilian population. Blakaj even argued that the brigade is responsible for the killing of 2,000 civilians in the municipalities of Suhareka, Rahovec and Gjakova.

“The Humanitarian Law Center in Serbia filed charges against Bozidar Delic and another 10 persons for crimes committed on March 25, 1999, in Terrnje near Suhareka. Many crimes were committed in the territory that was under the responsibility of this brigade. And we said that 2,000 people were killed in the municipalities of Suhareka, Rahovec and Gjakova. The biggest crime was the one in Meja where over 365 Albanian civilians were killed by Serbian forces. The 549th brigade operated among those forces,” Blakaj said.