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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 9, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti to Cleverly: Only rule of law can pave way for early elections (Koha)
Osmani talks to Senators Shaheen and Ricketts (media)
Abdixhiku calls on Osmani to have clear position on the north (T7)
Hill: Vucic, a good partner - I don't know if we can consider Kurt as such (VoA)
Abbott: Difficult time, Kosovo should listen to advice of friends (Express)
Muja: Police, mayors won’t withdraw as long as there are ‘criminal gangs’ (media)
Hungarian President: Situation in Kosovo can quickly escalate (NZZ/Klan)
Limaj: Resolution 1244 is becoming current again in north (TV Dukagjini)

Serbian Language Media:

Lawyer: Serb from Zvecan arrested at Jarinje yesterday released (Kosovo Online)
KFOR removed barbed wire in Leposavic (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)
Lajcak and Escobar to report on outcomes of talks in Belgrade and Pristina today (RTS)
“Self-determination Movement with new video – “fascist militia”, “genocidal Serbia” and “triumph” of Kosovo” (KoSSev)
US Ambassador: Serbia is our partner, the question is whether Kurti is (N1, BETA)
British Ambassador to Kosovo Govt: Listen to international friends (FoNet, Radio Free Europe)
RS Parliament adopts Resolution on Protection of Serbs in Kosovo (N1)

International Media:

Kosovo complains of biased western envoys in talks with its former foe (AP)
Kosovo Cautious on Albania PM’s Plan for Serb Municipalities Association (BIRN)
Fewer sticks, more carrots (
Behind the Renewed Troubles in Northern Kosovo (ICG)
Fears simmer as an interethnic conflict brews in Kosovo (Aljazeera)
Kosovo adopts IHRA antisemitism definition (The Jerusalem Post)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti to Cleverly: Only rule of law can pave way for early elections (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Thursday that only the rule of law can pave the way for early elections. In a phone call with the Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom, James Cleverly, on Thursday night, while they talked about the latest developments in Kosovo, Kurti said that the situation these days is generally calm "because there are no attacks ordered and orchestrated by Belgrade against law enforcement and security forces".

"As far as the way forward towards full de-escalation is concerned, he said that the rule of law should be the first step and the basic principle. Only the rule of law can pave the way for early, free, and democratic elections, and an open and fair pre-election campaign", Kurti said.

A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that they also talked about the dialogue process mediated by the European Union, about the agreements recently reached in Brussels and Ohrid and the importance of fast, complete and unconditional implementation.

"He also informed about the proposal of the government of Kosovo, inspired by the Croatian model, within the implementation of Article 7 of the Basic Agreement, and about the need for greater engagement in the proper sequencing of the full implementation of the Agreement, and about his readiness for the next meetings towards this goal", the communiqué continues.

Osmani talks to Senators Shaheen and Ricketts (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a Twitter post on Thursday that she thanked U.S. Senators Shaheen and Rickets “for their call today, where we reaffirmed our joint commitment to the Kosovo-US partnership and moving Kosovo forward on its Euro-Atlantic path. Shared updates on recent developments in Kosovo and on our efforts to overcome challenges.”

Abdixhiku calls on Osmani to have clear position on the north (T7)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lumir Abixhiku, called on Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani on Thursday to have a clear position with regards to the North of Kosovo. Abdixhiku warned that the issue of the North is being transferred from diplomacy to security. According to him, this constitutes a danger for Kosovo.

He requested from the president to have a different attitude from the prime minister, Albin Kurti, as according to him, Osmani is the president and must maintain relations with the allies.

"The president of the country must have a clear political position and take actions to repair relations with our allies because she represents the unity of the people and the voice of the people in this case is that these relations be preserved without any distinction", he said.

He has also criticized Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who, according to him, is failing in governance. "I never expected, but this now is a campaign. He is looking to be a political martyr. Because he has seen that he is not able to develop the state in any sphere", said Abdixhiku.

"The only way is the (going out in the) streets, I don't rule it out as a possibility. I do not rule it out, but for this we need popular support".

Abdixhiku said that the LDK is in favor of an Association of Serb-majority municipalities based on the interpretation of the Constitutional Court.

Asked about Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama’s announcement that on Wednesday he submitted a draft on the Association of Serb-majority municipalities to French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Abdixhiku said "any proposal that is not authored by Kosovo's institutions has no value to Kosovo".

Hill: Vucic, a good partner - I don't know if we can consider Kurt as such (VoA)

U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, said in an interview with the Voice of America on Thursday that Kosovo will face consequences due to the situation in the north, and that according to him, the problems of western countries are with Prime Minister Albin Kurti Albin Kurti. He said "it seems to me that we have some very fundamental problems with him, if we can still consider him as a partner", as he added that he leaves this decision to the U.S. embassy in Kosovo.

However, Hill did not mention the consequences that Serbia would face if the expectations of international partners are not fulfilled. "We consider Vucic as a good partner. He and his government are good partners in this process, and we hope it will continue. We would like him to do what is possible to de-escalate the situation and we are already seeing signs that this is being implemented. We feel that Serbia is becoming a better and better partner for us," Hill said.

Abbott: Difficult time, Kosovo should listen to advice of friends (Express)

UK Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, called on the government of Kosovo on Thursday to listen to the advice of its international friends and partners regarding the situation in the north.

"We are continuing to look for de-escalation of the situation [in the north]. We do not believe that it is necessary for mayors to work from municipal offices, and we also do not believe that there is a need for special police units to act as guards for municipal buildings. They have much more important work to do elsewhere. I really hope that in the coming days we will see a change. We will see proposals, I hope we will see more cooperation between the security agencies," said Abbott.

He was also asked about the draft statute for the Association of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo, proposed by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama. But the British ambassador said that he has not yet read the same.

"This is a difficult time and I think it should be completely normal for Kosovo to listen to the advice of its friends and partners. Albania is a country that is very close to Kosovo. We know that in the coming weeks there will be intergovernmental talks. I'm sure there will be many issues on the table. My advice to the government is to listen to them all, to find the right way forward, but to find a way that shows understanding for the concerns of its friends", said the ambassador.

VV MP: Police, mayors won’t withdraw as long as there are ‘criminal gangs’ (media)

Armend Muja, MP from the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) said on Thursday that there can be no withdrawal of the Kosovo Police and the new mayors from the north, “as long as there are criminal gangs that endanger Kosovo and its citizens”. "For us, there can be no withdrawal of the Police and mayors from those municipalities as long as there are criminal gangs, or the country is endangered by them. They are fascist gangs," Muja told Kanal 10.

Muja listed some of the demands that the Kurti government has in relation to Serbia to overcome the crisis in the north.

Muja also said that one of the alternatives is to address in the framework of the dialogue with Serbia the issue of the current crisis in the north, the full implementation of the Ohrid agreement as well as the implementation of all the agreements reached since 2011.

"Secondly, the full implementation of the Ohrid agreement. Third, the implementation of all the agreements that have been reached in the dialogue since 2011," he added.

Hungarian President: Situation in Kosovo can quickly escalate (NZZ/Klan)

President of Hungary, Katalin Novak, said in an interview with Swiss NZZ on Thursday, that if something happens in Kosovo, the situation can quickly escalate. "If something happens in Kosovo, the situation can escalate quickly, and we are very worried and we hope that the situation will calm down quickly and that all the actors will understand how fragile peace is," he argued.

Further, she said that the European Union should speed up the membership process for the Western Balkan states. "Obviously, our primary focus is on Ukraine, but we must not forget the Western Balkans and the membership of the region's countries in the EU must be accelerated," Novak said.

Limaj: Resolution 1244 is becoming current again in north (TV Dukagjini)

Leader of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, argued on Thursday that UNSC “Resolution 1244 is becoming current again in the north” and blamed Prime Minister Albin Kurti and “his wrong policies” for this.

Limaj said that the return of the resolution is “a Russian-Serbian platform”. “The statement by Dacic and Lavrov is that the objective is to return Resolution 1244 in Kosovo. This is the Russian-Serbian platform, the return of the resolution. It was our effort together with the partners to remove it once and for all, but it is becoming current again in the north. The footage of KFOR speaks for itself. What authorization does KFOR use to go to Mitrovica, only Resolution 1244,” he said.

Limaj also mentioned the day Kosovo declared independence on February 17, 2008, and claimed that “the UNMIK envoy had the right to declare independence invalid”, but that according to him Kosovo’s international friends did not allow this.

“KFOR has taken over security, with what mandate? With resolution 1244. Do you know how much work was done so that the UNMIK chief would not appear in Pristina on the day when independence was declared. Our friends made a lot of effort that day. What would have happened if the UNMIK envoy would declare it invalid. Do you know that he could have done that? He disappeared, how did he disappear, where did he go? Because our partners were interested in giving us independence,” Limaj argued.

Serbian Language Media

Lawyer: Serb from Zvecan arrested at Jarinje yesterday released (Kosovo Online)

Lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic told Kosovo Online portal that Serb B.L. from Zvecan, arrested at Jarinje crossing point yesterday morning, under charges for alleged participation in 29 May incidents that occurred in front of the Zvecan municipal building, was released after several hours, pending trial.

Pantovic said upon arrest his client was taken to a police station in Mitrovica South where he spent several hours. He is arrested as per order of Kosovo Special Prosecution and charged with four criminal acts.

The lawyer added that B.L. said he wants to be with his family, will not go anywhere and is ready to respond to any summon. B.L. also said that he did not commit any of the four acts he is accused of, and if he did then he would never take the road crossing Jarinje. 

KFOR removed barbed wire in Leposavic (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)

KFOR had completely removed barbed wire placed around the municipal building in Leposavic, Kosovo Online portal reported.

Only a metal fence on which Serbian flags are hung remain. Yesterday children played on a plateau near the municipal buildings, and later local Serbs were speaking with US soldiers. The cafe nearby that had been closed since the crisis erupted has been open now.  

Kosovo special police vehicles are placed behind the municipal buildings next to the back exit from the municipal building. 

Sonja Sovrlic, N1 journalist, originating from Leposavic told KoSSev the barbed wire is now removed on the side and that young people spoke with soldiers in English. “I also briefly spoke with them, and they told me how surprised they were to see so many people speaking English fluently. They were in particular surprised that those children had no chance to travel but learned the language at schools and by watching movies”. 

Lajcak and Escobar to report on outcomes of talks in Belgrade and Pristina today (RTS)

There are no indicators Pristina will fulfill demands of the international community, while international envoys Miroslav Lajcak and Gabriel Escobar should report today about the outcomes of the talks they had in Pristina and Belgrade, RTS reports.

As RTS further said Lajcak and Escobar left Pristina a couple of days ago disappointed because on their proposals on how to de-escalate the situation in northern Kosovo they received requests from the Albin Kurti-lead government under which it can be done.

Kurti in his recent announcements accused international envoys of coming to Pristina with Belgrade’s requests, adding that his government has a different stance in comparison to them.

He added he will insist on the presence of special police forces in the north and that he can not reduce their presence until, as he said, “Serbian criminal gangs” do not leave Kosovo or “face justice”. In relation to the requests to hold new elections in the north, he says it is necessary first to establish a legal environment first. Pristina still does not have a response regarding the Community of Serb Municipalities. Kurti spoke yesterday in the assembly about it, calling on opposition to first agree on principles then to move to draft a statute of the Community, RTS recalled. 

“Self-determination Movement with new video – “fascist militia”, “genocidal Serbia” and “triumph” of Kosovo” (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal writes today that in the latest media and PR campaign from Pristina pointing at Serbia as “an exclusive culprit and villain” and presenting Kosovo as an “example of historic and social perfection”, a new video of the Kosovo ruling party Self-determination Movement was released, KoSSev portal reports.

The portal recalls that while calls to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Pristina authorities have been persistently made to urgently de-escalate the crisis, he along with his associates from the Self-determination does not yield in.

Two days ago Kurti visited a special police forces base in Mitrovica South with one of his closest associates, minister of interior, had lunch in a canteen there and praised them “for incredible success in the north of the country”.

Yesterday, the Self-determination Movement published a new, as the portal calls it, motivational video, using the recent wording of the Prime Minister Kurti “fascist militia” in reference to protesters in the north, in which they said that Kosovo will “triumph together with the police and people”. 

US Ambassador: Serbia is our partner, the question is whether Kurti is (N1, BETA)

US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said it is questionable whether the US can count on Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti as a partner, adding he does not remember such deep divisions between Pristina and Washington, N1 reports.

In an interview with Voice of America (VoA) Hill said Serbia is a constructive partner in the current crisis in Kosovo, but that it is expected to recognize Kosovo documents and not stand in the way of Pristina’s membership in international organizations.

Commenting on the situation in Kosovo, Hill said the US has a problem with Kurti and does not know whether it can count on him as a partner. I will leave this decision to our Embassy in Pristina, he said, adding that easing of tensions in Kosovo is essential.

He said there is de-escalation on the Serbian side and expectations by the European Union (EU) and US for Kosovo to take a step in this direction. The Ambassador stressed it was important for the Kosovo special police to withdraw from municipal buildings in northern Kosovo, and for the mayors to leave these buildings.

British Ambassador to Kosovo Govt: Listen to international friends (FoNet, Radio Free Europe)

British Ambassador in Pristina Nicholas Abbott called on Kosovo Government to listen to the advice of international friends and partners regarding the situation in northern Kosovo, and reiterated the international community’s stance that Kosovo should not insist on mayors in northern Kosovo working from municipal administration buildings.

We do not believe that the mayors need to work from offices in the municipal administration buildings and we also do not think there is need for special police units to guard these buildings, Abbott said following his meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

They have far more important work elsewhere. I truly believe we will see a change in the coming days, he said, Radio Free Europe reported.

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RS Parliament adopts Resolution on Protection of Serbs in Kosovo (N1)

The Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina Republika Srpska (RS) entity adopted a Resolution on the Protection of Serbs in Kosovo and of the Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia, N1 reports.

The Resolution, proposed by Parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic, was backed by 65 MPs, reported RTRS.

Also adopted were conclusions in connection with the Resolution, proposed by some MP causes.

The conclusions request from all Republika Srpska representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) institutions to initiate decision-making procedures to condemn “the violation of human rights and freedoms and the continued ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and Metohija by Kosovo Albanians and their authorities”.

United Nations, Council of Europe and European Union member states that have recognized Kosovo independence are invited to reconsider and annul their decisions.

The conclusions will be forwarded to the UN General Assembly and Security Council, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, European Parliament, parliaments of all former Yugoslav states and to Republika Srpska representatives in BiH institutions.

International Media

Kosovo complains of biased western envoys in talks with its former foe Serbia (AP)

Kosovo’s prime minister on Thursday complained of bias against his country from the United States and the European Union and tolerance of what he called Serbia’s authoritarian regime.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti said his Cabinet took a different stance. “We insist that behaving well with an autocrat doesn’t make him behave better. On the contrary,” he said.

The U.S. and EU envoys for the Kosovo-Serbia talks — Gabriel Escobar and Miroslav Lajcak respectively — “come to us with demands, with requests of the other side,” he said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Ethnic Serbs recently clashed with Kosovo police and then the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force, leaving 30 soldiers and over 50 Serbs injured and provoking fears of a renewal of the region’s bloody conflicts.

Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, outgoing head of the EU Rule of Law Mission, known as EULEX, said that during last week’s violent confrontation “there were very serious injuries sustained by several KFOR soldiers.”

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Kosovo Cautious on Albania PM’s Plan for Serb Municipalities Association (BIRN)

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama said on Thursday that he has sent a proposal to France’s President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for the statute of the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities in Kosovo – a move that was not well-received by the Pristina authorities.

Rama was attempting to break the long-running deadlock over the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities, which is intended to represent Serbs’ interests in Kosovo but is viewed with suspicion by the Pristina authorities.

Rama told journalists in Tirana that the document was drafted “some time ago” by American and European experts and was created “exactly in case this situation came about”.

“This is a confidential document which does not pretend to be an ideal solution but I assure you that it is of the highest international standard. It takes into consideration all the reasons for the establishment of the Association and… addresses all the recommendations and conclusions of [Kosovo’s] Constitutional Court,” Rama said.

“I wish and hope that this document will serve to take the [Pristina-Belgrade] dialogue [aimed at normalising relations] to another level and make both sides talk about concrete issues which are related to the successful conclusion of the dialogue,” he added.

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Fewer sticks, more carrots (

Distinguished members of the Albanian American community have sent a stern letter to Secretary of State Blinken. It criticizes the Biden Administration’s one-sided approach to current disputes between Kosovo and Serbia. The US (and EU) have generally sided with Belgrade. They have also threatened Pristina with sanctions if it doesn’t quickly comply with Washington and Brussels demands.

A justified protest…

The protest letter is in my view fully justified. Serbia is aiming to demonstrate and maintain control over the Serb-majority communities in northern Kosovo. This was its goal in over-reacting to Kosovo’s effort to insist on Kosovo license plates in the north. It was the goal in instructing northern Kosovo officials to resign their positions. And it was the goal in getting the Serb population to boycott the elections called to replace them. It is also Belgrade’s goal in pursuing, with strong EU and US support, an Association of Serb Majority Municipalities (ASMM) with executive powers.

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Behind the Renewed Troubles in Northern Kosovo (ICG)

On 26 May, the Kosovo government took control of municipal buildings in four northern Serb-majority cities, sparking violent protests and prompting KFOR, the U.S.-led peacekeeping force, to intervene. Days later, on 29 May, ethnic Serb protesters armed with clubs and stun grenades clashed with KFOR troops in Zvečan, one of the northern municipalities, leaving dozens injured, some seriously, on both sides. The U.S. and European Union (EU) blamed the Kosovo government for escalating tensions while faulting the Serbs for attacking the peacekeepers. On 30 May, Washington imposed a set of sanctions on Kosovo. NATO ordered its operational reserve of 700 troops into Kosovo, beefing up its presence on the ground.

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Fears simmer as an interethnic conflict brews in Kosovo (Aljazeera)

Jovana Radosavljevic says she can “feel” interethnic relations between Albanians and Serbs deteriorating, following the latest crisis in Kosovo.

“You can see the change in behaviour of people. This is something that concerns me,” she told Al Jazeera from Leposavic, a town in northern Kosovo dominated by Serbs.

She runs New Social Initiative, an NGO in Mitrovica with a diverse team that works on reconciliation and trust building among ethnic communities, citizens and the government.

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Kosovo adopts IHRA antisemitism definition (The Jerusalem Post)

Kosovo's parliament has endorsed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism, making it one of the few Muslim-majority countries to adopt the definition. The decision was announced on Twitter by the country's Charge d'affairs to Israel, Ines Demiri. “The Assembly of the Republic of #Kosova today unanimously voted and adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism,” she wrote on Twitter.