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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, October 2, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

Svecla: “Serbia tried to annex the north; attackers trained in Serbian bases” (RFE)
Kurti meets Sarrazin, says “Serbia directly involved in attack on Kosovo” (media)
Kosovo calls on Serbia to withdraw all military troops from border (media)
German Foreign Office: Further escalation must be avoided (media)
Osmani: “Irrefutable evidence linking Serbia to terrorist act against Kosovo” (media)
Kurti: Deeply appreciate support of our allies in collective fight for democracy (media)
Kearns welcome deployment of British battalion to Kosovo (media)
Osmani holds meetings amid “security challenges” (media)
Kurti thanks Sullivan for U.S. support for Kosovo border security (media)
Wisner: Serbia to bring perpetrators to justice or hand them over to Kosovo (media)
Basha: “Attack in the north prepared by state segments in Serbia” (media)
Sukovic: Pristina a more serious player than many believed (Nacionale)
Kosovo leaders condemn terrorist attacks in Ankara (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Petkovic to present evidence that refutes Pristina's claims at press conference today (Tanjug)
Vucevic and Mojsilovic about the statement of Svecla on press conference (Blic)
Patriarch Porfirije: "All people in Kosovo and Metohija need peace" (Blic)
Witness from Banjska: ''They shot the wounded Mijailovic from two meters away'' (N1, KiM radio, TV Pink)
Svecla and Hoxha accuse Serbia of involvement in Banjska events, deny that a Serb was killed after surrendering (KoSSev)
A man arrested on his way to funeral to Serb killed in Banjska (KoSSev, N1)
“Torcida” fan club with a banner “You come close to Kosovo, you are digging your own graves”; KP forced them to take it down (KoSSev)
Vucic: We have eyewitnesses of the killing of Serbs, you will see it within 24 hours (N1)
Milan Radoicic gives statement to police as a citizen (N1)
Borrell on situation in Kosovo: Serbian military buildup is concerning and needs to stop (N1)
Blinken talks to Vucic, calls for de-escalation of tensions with Kosovo (N1)
Sovrlic on Banjska: Someone apparently convinced them that they were really returning home (KoSSev, Nova S)
Office for KiM: Three Serbs beaten in G. Varage; KP has no information, invites them to report (KoSSev)
UNS and DNKiM: Tvrdisic suspended from the post of director of RTK2 without a clear explanation (KiM radio, Kosovo Online, KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio)


Kearns: ‘The UK must find its backbone in the Balkans’ (
Serwer: It’s not only about Kosovo (media)
Surroi: One of many logs has been eliminated (Koha)

International Media:

Kosovo Demands Serbia Withdraw Forces From Border (RFE)
Kosovo PM Kurti calls for NATO to help fill security vacuum in northern territories (Euronews)
Serbia will not send military forces into Kosovo, Vučić insists (Financial Times)
Kosovo Serb Kingpin Radoicic Takes Responsibility for Weekend Shootout (BIRN)
Extremists vie with politicians to capitalise on rightward shift in Balkans (BIRN)

Albanian Language Media

Svecla: “Serbia tried to annex the north; attackers trained in Serbian bases” (RFE)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said in a joint press conference with Kosovo Police General Director Gazmend Hoxha on Sunday that Kosovo’s authorities have gathered evidence which he said show that Serbia tried to annex the north of Kosovo and that the attackers were trained for a long time in Serbian army bases in Serbia. He said that over 90 persons took part in the attack against Kosovo Police on September 24.

“Serbia tried repeatedly to say that it had nothing to do with the attack but the facts that we will publish today show that the preparations, training and drills of this group were done at military training bases in Jagodina and in Kopaonik. The footage were secured from the drones of the terrorist group that we confiscated,” Svecla said.

According to Svecla, the attackers were planning to open a long underground corridor from Banjska to Serbia “to get supplies from the Serbian state”.

Kosovo Police General Director, Gazmend Hoxha, too said that the group that carried out the attack in Banjska was trained for a long time in the military camps of the Serbian army. “The plan [of the attackers] was the total annexation of the north of Kosovo. The documents that we have, but which I cannot share with you at this point, include a plan for the annexation of the north. The initial stage included 37 positions from where they would attack our police units, not only in Banjska, but throughout the north, and then create a free corridor to Serbia to get additional supplies with troops, material, experts and other logistical means for an armed resistance and to create a new reality in the country,” Hoxha said.

During the conference, Svecla and Hoxha showed several videos, which can be found at:

Some of the videos were also shared by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on X under the caption: “The terrorists who carried out the attacks trained in Pasuljanske Livade, one of the Serbian Army's key bases, ~4 days before the attacks. Other exercises took place in the Kopaonik base. The attacks enjoyed the full support & planning of the Serbian state.”

Kurti meets Sarrazin, says “Serbia directly involved in attack on Kosovo” (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Sunday with the German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, and the German Ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, focusing on the security situation in Kosovo. A press release issued by Kurti’s office quotes him as saying that the evidence gathered during the investigations after the attack “show the direct involvement of Serbia’s state institutions” in the attack on Kosovo and that Serbia must be internationally sanctioned and punished. Kurti said that the deployment of Serbian military troops at the border with Kosovo was the next step aimed at threatening Kosovo’s territorial integrity and to support a possible military invasion.

Kosovo calls on Serbia to withdraw all military troops from border (media)

The Kosovo government said in a statement on Saturday that it was closely following the latest developments regarding the movement of military units of Serbia’s Armed Forces toward the border with Kosovo. According to the government in Pristina, the Serbian army moved in three directions: units of the Second Brigade of the Serbian Army have moved from the direction of Rashka in the direction of the northern border of our country; units of the Third Brigade of the Serbian Army have moved from the region of Nish in the direction of the northeast border of our country; and the units of the Fourth Brigade have moved from the region of Vranja in the direction of the eastern border of Kosova. The statement then notes: “Yesterday, military units of Serbia’s army have placed their military and gendarmerie capacities in the 48 forward operational bases that are spread along the border with the Republic of Kosova, a few kilometers into Serbia’s territory. In this placement, the placement of anti-air and heavy artillery is included. We have raised our concern over the existence of these 48 forward military and gendamerie bases many times and have emphasized the fact that these bases serve to support possible military aggression against the Republic of Kosova, which has now been confirmed. The Government of the Republic of Kosova has maintained continuous contact with the U.S. and with EU countries regarding this serious threat from Serbia, and the reaction of the United States toward this aggressive approach of Serbia has been immediate and direct. We call on President Vucic and the institutions of Serbia to immediately withdraw all military troops from the border with Kosova, and to close and demilitarize the 28 forward military bases and the 20 gendarmerie bases, which pose a permanent threat to our country. After the failure of the armed attack, with paramilitary formations led by Milan Radoicic, the march and placement of Serbian military troops along the border with Kosova is the next step of the institutions of Serbia to threaten the territorial integrity of our country and the international military presence in the Republic of Kosova. The institutions of the Republic of Kosova, in coordination with international partners are more determined than ever to defend at any cost the entire territory, to protect the sovereignty, constitutional order, public order, and the lives of our country’s citizens and residents.”

German Foreign Office: Further escalation must be avoided (media)

The German Foreign Office said in a post on X on Saturday that further escalation between Serbia and Kosovo must be avoided. “It is important that Serbia reduces its troops at the border to Kosovo without delay. Together with our partners, we are in direct contact with the parties involved. The political process needs to continue urgently,” it noted. The post was shared by German Ambassador to the U.S., Andreas Michaelis, who said that “Kosovo/Serbia is another powder keg in Europe. Should take the danger seriously. Very close cooperation between Germany and United States in the last days and hours. Absolutely key to avoiding further escalation. Serbia needs to act now.”

Osmani: “Irrefutable evidence linking Serbia to terrorist act against Kosovo” (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in an interview with 4 Channel that “there is irrefutable evidence linking Serbia to the terrorist act against Kosovo - from the terrorists' training with the Serbian army to using Serbian-produced military grade weapons. Serbia must be held accountable & receive a clear message that aggression has consequences”. See more at:

Osmani also said that “Vucic’s propaganda about the alleged ‘terror’ against 🇽🇰 Serbs, shows that he can’t break away from his past. Kosovo has the most advanced minority rights system in Europe. We’re ready to do more for our citizens, but Serbia will be given no instrument to undermine our sovereignty”. See more at:

Kurti: Deeply appreciate support of our allies in collective fight for democracy (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a post on X on Sunday that “it has been one week since the tragic terrorist attacks orchestrated by Serbia. Over the past 7 days, we have witnessed violence, threats, & the glorification of such acts. During this time, we deeply appreciate the support of our allies in our collective fight for democracy.”

Kearns welcome deployment of British battalion to Kosovo (media)

UK MP and chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Alicia Kearns, said in a post on X on Sunday that an important move towards deterrence in the Balkans was made with the confirmed deployment “of the whole 1st Battalion of the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment to Kosovo under NATO/KFOR command. Impunity breeds contempt for the rule of law & order: deter, protect and hold to account.”

Osmani holds meetings amid “security challenges” (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met with COMKFOR Ristuccia and EULEX Head of Mission Barbano on Saturday “to discuss our close cooperation with int'l partners to overcome security challenges following the unprecedented amassment of Serbia’s military on the border with Kosovo that risks the security of the whole region”. On Saturday, Osmani also met Kosovo’s ministers of interior affairs and defense, the commander of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) and the Director of Kosovo Police. “Discussed recent security developments, our commitment to peace and stability, as well as the necessity to continue working closely with international partners and allies,” Osmani said.

Kurti thanks Sullivan for U.S. support for Kosovo border security (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a post on X on Friday evening that he had an “encouraging call” with the National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, Jake Sullivan”. “Thanked him for U.S. support of Kosovo border security & requested increased assistance against Serbia's warfare plans. Assured him of continued Kosova Police cooperation w/ KFOR & that our commitment to protect all citizens is unshakable,” Kurti said.

Wisner: Serbia to bring perpetrators to justice or hand them over to Kosovo (media)

Former U.S. special representative in the talks between Kosovo and Serbia, Frank Wisner, said in an interview with Euronews Albania that it is important for Serbia to undertake immediate actions by bringing to justice the perpetrators of the attack in the north of Kosovo on September 24. He said Serbia needs to cooperate with the west and if necessary hand over the perpetrators to Kosovo’s authorities.

Wisner also said that the first step toward resolving the situation is for the parties to return to the table of talks. “I hope the parties will return to the table of talks and it is the responsibility of both parties to do this,” he said. “There is a road forward, this was outlined in the Ohrid agreement and it is also necessary to resolve the problem of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities and this is how they can move forward.”

Basha: “Attack in the north prepared by state segments in Serbia” (media)

Leader of the Democratic Party in Albania, Lulzim Basha, claimed in an interview with Euronews Albania, that the attack in the north of Kosovo on September 24 “was prepared by state segments in Serbia” and that it was ruined by “the professionalism of Kosovo Police in close cooperation with Euro-Atlantic institutions”.

“Kosovo has proved that its security institutions are in compliance with NATO standards. Kosovo has proved that it can guarantee the lives, security and freedom of its citizens,” he said.

Sukovic: Pristina a more serious player than many believed (Nacionale)

Reporter and editor-in-chief of Montenegrin media AntenaM, Darko Sukovic, said in an interview with the news website on Sunday that “Serbia’s unsuccessful attempt to incite a wider conflict was concluded with a new fact: Pristina proved that it is a much more serious player than many believe”. Asked if he believes Serbia was directly involved in the attack in Kosovo’s territory, Sukovic said he has no doubts. “Your question sounds as if you’re asking me to give you evidence that an alive person breathes,” he said.

Sukovic argued that it is undisputed that “these kinds of events have been inspired by one address in the last 35 years: Belgrade”. “Serbs in Kosovo are constantly brainwashed, incited to hatred, incited by fear and then are given arms … Then people like Radoicic and perhaps the whole team that was involved in last week’s terrorist attack, undoubtedly have other motives too. 

But the campaign ‘when the army returns to Kosovo’ was led by Belgrade and not coincidentally before the events we saw. 30 heavily armed men perhaps were supposed to be the vanguard of the army returning to Kosovo,” he said.

Kosovo leaders to terrorist attacks in Ankara (media)

Kosovo leaders reacted to the terrorist attacks in Ankara, Tyrkie, with Prime Minister Kurti saying that “saddened to hear about the terrorist attacks in Ankara, Türkiye, but relieved to learn that the intended damage was largely averted by Turkish institutions. Our thoughts are with the injured policemen, and we wish them a swift recovery” and President Osmani expressing full solidarity with “Turkish President Erdogan and the resilient people of Türkiye following today’s cowardly terrorist attack in Ankara. We hope for the swift recovery of the injured police officers”. 

 Serbian Language Media

Petkovic’s press conference today (Tanjug) 

The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, will hold a media conference today, reported Tanjug, adding that he will talk about the evidence that refutes Pristina claims. 

The conference will be held at 10 a.m. in the Palace of Serbia, the Office for KiM announced.

Vucevic and Mojsilovic about the statement of Svecla on press conference (Blic)

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilovic, will hold a press conference today at the House of the Serbian Armed Forces, where they will deny the statement made by the Kosovo's Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, reported daily Blic last night.

Patriarch Porfirije: "All people in Kosovo and Metohija need peace" (Blic)

Yesterday, Patriarch Porfirije served the Holy Liturgy in the Church of Saint Sava in Vracar in Belgrade and said that today more than ever it is necessary to pray for peace and for our brothers and sisters in Kosovo, reported Blic. 

Patriarch Porfirije pointed out that yesterday it is more than necessary "to pray for peace and for our brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija".

- Let us always be with them but let us also pray for peace for all those who live in Kosovo, because it is not possible to gain peace within ourselves and for ourselves if the one next to us is restless. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija, let us appeal to those who almost certainly have the keys to peace in the world, who have the power and strength to use those keys in the best possible way, to really use those keys so that peace will come for all people in Kosovo and Metohija - he emphasized, reported Blic.

Witness from Banjska: ''They shot the wounded Mijailovic from two meters away'' (N1, KiM radio, TV Pink)

An unnamed alleged witness to the events in the village of Banjska in the north of Kosovo on September 24 told on the Hit Tweet show on Pink television that “the Kosovo special forces killed” Bojan Mijailovic, who was wounded, at close range, even though he could no longer move, nor did he have weapon, reported KiM radio.

"On the 24th of September, I happened to be in the village of Banjska, where I met a group of our people in uniform. I approached them and asked if they needed any help. I didn't know what it was about, I said I knew this field. While I was talking to them, the Kosovo police suddenly started shooting at us," said an alleged witness of the event from Banjska, when one Kosovo policeman and three Serbs were killed, in an audio statement.

He added that the Kosovo police were shooting at them from all sides and that he did not know what was happening

"I said, I know this road, you can run away there. I started to run; Bojan Mijailovic followed me. I thought no one would make it out alive. So, they were shooting at anything and everything and I said, 'I know this road, you can run away there'. I started to run. Bojan Mijailovic followed me," said the man whose voice was changed in the audio recording.

"While running down the forest on the road, we were chased by a group of Kosovo policemen who shot after us without any warning... stop, stop... we were without guns, without anything and... after a few meters they hit both him and me. He fell on the road, he could no longer run," said the witness and added that the Kosovo police officers then shot the wounded Mijailovic from a distance of two meters.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Sunday morning that Serbia has evidence of the "brutal killing of at least one Serb" in Banjska on September 24.

Kosovo's Minister of the Interior today, in response to questions from journalists, said that the Kosovo police do not have footage showing how three Serbs were killed.

Svecla and Hoxha accuse Serbia of involvement in Banjska events, deny that a Serb was killed after surrendering (KoSSev)

The Kosovo Minister of Internal Affairs and the Director of the Kosovo Police have once again accused official Belgrade of involvement in the organization of the attack on the Kosovo Police in Banjska on September 24. At a press conference held yesterday, they also shared footage taken by a drone, stating that they seized the drones in Banjska and that they show proof of Serbia’s involvement, reported Pristina-based Koha. Furthermore, Svecla denied the Serbian President’s allegations that a Serb was killed after surrendering, noting that Vučić “lies quite often.” On the other hand, Hoxha confirmed that the death of the KP officer was caused by an explosive, which Vučić himself revealed earlier this week.

Xhelal Svecla and Gazmend Hoxha held another press conference concerning last week’s events in the village of Banjska in South Mitrovica yesterday.

Svecla said that the attack on the Kosovo police was aimed at “annexation of the north of Kosovo“.

At the same time, they shared with the media photos of weapons, as well as videos taken by drones, which, as he says, were “confiscated from a terrorist group” and allegedly prove that preparations for the attack were made in Serbia proper.

“Today, we will see in detail not only the terrorist attack on Banjska, but also the preparations of this group in the training centers of Serbia. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, the Minister of Defense of Serbia, Miloš Vučević, and the Chief of General Staff, Milan Mojsilović, participated in this training. Vučić tried to hide the fact that Serbia was involved in the organization of this attack,” he said.

Svecla also claimed that the exercises took place on Kopaonik, on property owned by Milan Radoičić.

The General Director of the Kosovo Police, Gazmend Hoxha, said at the same conference that after investigation revealed that the armed group that attacked the Kosovo Police in Banjska on September 24 had been training on the territory of Serbia for a long time.

He also claims that this group allegedly practiced around the Gray Hotel on Kopaonik, which is owned by Milan Radoičić, and at the same time at the largest military training ground in Serbia – Pasuljanske livade.

Hoxha also said that Serbia allegedly made logistics and training infrastructure available to them.

Svecla denies Vučić’s allegations that a Serb was killed after he surrendered

Commenting on the Serbian president’s claim that at least one of the Serbs who clashed with the Kosovo Police in Banjska was killed after he surrendered, Svecla said that this information is false.

“We saw one of the wounded receiving medical help from the special unit,“ said the Interior Minister.

When asked about the footage of the murder of Serbs that Belgrade requested, Svecla replied: „We don’t have footage of everything“.

He stressed that there are no indications, no evidence that anyone was killed after surrendering.

Addressing Vučić’s allegations, Svecla noted that he „doesn’t believe anything he says,“ noting that the Serbian president lies quite often.

„The Serbian side is talking and lying all day long, while we investigate and provide evidence.“

He also denied the allegations of the Serbian president that EULEX was not allowed to join the operation of the Kosovo Police in Banjska.

The extradition process of Radoičić and others to be launched through international partners

Svecla also presented new information today, namely that the group of uniformed and armed people consisted of 90 members. On the other hand, he said that he did not know how many policemen participated in the action in Banjska.

Read more at:

A man arrested on his way to funeral to Serb killed in Banjska (KoSSev, N1)

Lazar J., a local Serb from Zvecan, was arrested by the Kosovo police in Jarinje, while he was going to the funeral to a Serb killed in the village of Banjska, who will be buried in Vrnjacka Banja, with his family, friends and compatriots, the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija said. The information has also been confirmed to N1.

Kosovo police has also stated that the man was taken to southern Mitrovica for interrogation.

In a statement to N1, the Kosovo police confirmed the arrest of one person “for illegal possession of weapons.”

However, they could neither confirm nor deny whether this arrest was related to the incident in Banjska one week ago.

“The person was detained for an information interview. He did not possess a weapon at the time of his arrest. The prosecutor is familiar with the rest of the information,” said Veton Elsani, deputy police commander for the northern region.

“Torcida” fan club with a banner “You come close to Kosovo, you are digging your own graves”; KP forced them to take it down (KoSSev)

A fan group connected to the Trepca Basketball Club, “Torcida 1984” made the banner with the inscription: “Regardless of how many times you come close to Kosovo, you only dig your own graves” with depictions of the recent clashes in Banjska. They wanted to display the banner during yesterday’s match, however, they were prevented by the Kosovo police, the KP confirmed for KoSSev.

Basketball club Trepca had a game Saturday night against basketball club Pristina.

Before this match, the fans of the club from South Mitrovica unfurled a huge banner with the inscription “Regardless of how many times you come close to Kosovo, you only dig your own grave.”

In addition to the inscription, the banner of the fan group Torcida depicts a cemetery, a church, and trees on which men have been hanged, while other people on the banner are shown carrying rifles and walking over a hill with the sign “Exit” above them. On the other side of the banner is a tank with a bent pipe and smoke coming out of it.

There is also a figure of the Grim Reaper with two eagles on its head, and the date 09/24/2023, when a conflict took place in Banjska between an armed group and the Kosovo Police in which one member of the Kosovo Police and three Serbs from the north of Kosovo were killed.

Read more at:

Vucic: We have eyewitnesses of the killing of Serbs, you will see it within 24 hours (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in an Instagram video Saturday morning that within 24 hours the public will see evidence of the “brutal killing of at least one Serb” in the village of Banjska in Kosovo.

“Within 24 hours you will be able to hear and see it. We have the statements of eyewitnesses, who were on the spot and saw how at least one man was brutally killed. Serbia will not stay put until the full truth is known, because the lives of Serbs are not less worthy than the lives of others,” said Vucic.

In a video address, Vucic said that there were “lies about the Serbian army.”

“Over the previous days, they lied a lot about the deployment of our military forces, it bothered them that Serbia had sophisticated weapons. We will continue to invest in defence, but Serbia wants peace… And everything they said they made up and lied about, and they knew they were lying,” he added.

The hardest part, Vucic stressed, was listening to the story “that we have to welcome the action of the Kosovo Police.”

“In vain were the assurances that it was not done in a professional manner, our question was in vain – why EULEX was refused to participate in the operation, but they were placed in the operating room so that they could watch from distance, but they have to support everything that is against the Serbs,” he noted in the video message.

Attempts to silence the Serbs, Vucic underlined, have failed, and will not succeed.

US Secretary Antony Blinken said on the X network that he spoke with the President of Serbia about the situation in Kosovo.

Milan Radoicic gives statement to police as a citizen (N1)

Kosovo Serb politician and businessman Milan Radoicic responded to the summon of the state authorities of the Republic of Serbia and gave a statement regarding the “tragic event in the town of Banjska,” according to the Serbian Ministry of Interior, reported N1 on Saturday. 

“Today, at 10 a.m., accompanied by his lawyer, he entered the premises of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in order to give a statement as a citizen on the circumstances of the tragic event in the town of Banjska, early in the morning on Sunday, September 24, 2023,” the press release said.

It was emphasised that the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade will be informed about this in the form of a report, to take further procedural measures and actions within its jurisdiction.

On Sunday, September 24, a Kosovo policeman was killed in the village of Banjska, which prompted special units of the Kosovo Police to act against an armed group that tried to find refuge in the Banjska monastery.

Three Serbs, originally from the north of Kosovo, were killed in the police operation.

Milan Radoicic, the former vice-president of the Serb List, has taken responsibility for the events in the village of Banjska, according to a statement that his lawyer Goran Petronijevic presented to media.

Borrell on situation in Kosovo: Serbian military buildup is concerning and needs to stop (N1)

The EU is concerned with the increasing presence of the Serbian Army towards Kosovo, said EU's senior official Josep Borrell, reported N1.

“Serbian military buildup at the administrative border line is very concerning and it needs to stop. There is no place for arms and security forces buildup on the European continent. Forces need to stand down,” said the head of EU diplomacy, addressing the media in Odesa on Saturday.

He also said that the situation in the north of Kosovo is being discussed with partners and allies, including the USA, and that it “first and foremost requires de-escalation and a stability of the security situation.

“Last week’s weapons and equipment catch was very serious,” said Borrell.

Blinken talks to Vucic, calls for de-escalation of tensions with Kosovo (N1)

US Secretary Antony Blinken said he spoke with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday and called for de-escalation of tensions with Kosovo.

“Spoke to President Vucic to underscore the immediate need to de-escalate tensions with Kosovo and hold to account those responsible for the recent violent attacks. Also stressed the importance of fully implementing commitments under the EU-facilitated Dialogue,” Blinken wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Blinken’s office also confirmed the content of the talks in a press release.

“The Secretary voiced his support for the actions of KFOR and EULEX in responding to this event, noting that incidents like those near the Banjska Monastery present unacceptable challenges to KFOR and the international community, and welcomed KFOR’s increased presence and the North Atlantic Council’s decision to authorize additional forces,” it said.

John Kirby, the National Security Council’s communication coordinator, previously said that the United States is observing the movement of the Serbian army towards the border with Kosovo and called on Belgrade to stop this operation, as well as to actively participate in the investigation of the attack near Banjska.

Sovrlic on Banjska: Someone apparently convinced them that they were really returning home (KoSSev, Nova S)

What happened on Sunday in Banjska - happened at the worst possible moment. It caused the greatest damage to those who took part in the conflict and who have now fled somewhere, as well as to their families - theirs and those who died, but also to all of us, said Sanja Sovrlic for, reported portal KoSSev. 

She believes that the group of Serbs that participated in the conflict with the Kosovo Police was abused, but also that for 20 years people have been misled by fueling unrealistic hopes and driving the army to Jarinje. On the other hand, she claims that the international community also bears the responsibility, which, she says, ignored warnings and wanted solutions that were imposed. "Now everything has come due for payment."

Sanja Sovrlic, a N1 journalist, has been reporting on the crisis in the North for the past few days from the scene. In the studio, she spoke about the situation on the ground, as well as the consequences that are already visible.

She said, among other things, that after the events in Banjska, Serbs' all arguments about the problems they are facing are dismissed, and that she does not know "how we will get out of the canal".

Office for KiM: Three Serbs beaten in G. Varage; KP has no information, invites them to report (KoSSev)

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that units of the Kosovo Special Police beat up three Serbs from Gornje Varage on Saturday. The police, they claimed, do not have this information, but they will open an investigation if the allegedly injured parties do not report it, they say.

"Serbs with the initials M.R., M.S. and M.J. went to their old forest house to cut wood for firewood this morning, when they were stopped by FiT members upon their return, beat them, kicked and by hitting them on the body, along with vulgar curses and insults on the national basis. According to the testimony of the injured, Kurti's special forces told the Serbs that they have nothing to look for in the north of Kosovo and Metohija," announced the Office. 

The injured, after the incident, sought medical help themselves, they add, and the severity of the injuries will be determined.

The deputy commander of the Kosovo Police for the North region, Veton Elshani, could not confirm this incident in a statement for KoSSev. He claimed that the police station did not receive the report until Saturday night. 

"If that happened, they should come to the police station and report it. But if they don't come, we will go tomorrow and investigate on the spot whether and what happened," said Elshani. 

In a statement, the Office for KiM pointed to "verbal violence", "arbitrary home invasions" and "physical attacks on Serbs" as "a daily feature of Kurti's occupation of the north of Kosovo and Metohija".

"Which is why Belgrade insists on the withdrawal of the perpetrators of terror from the municipalities north of the Ibar and the deployment of KFOR units," the Office announced.

UNS and DNKiM: Tvrdisic suspended from the post of director of RTK2 without a clear explanation (KiM radio, Kosovo Online, KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija expressed their protest over the decision of the Board of Directors of Radio Television of Kosovo to suspend the director of RTK2, the Serbian-language channel, Zeljko Tvrdisic. 

The director of RTK2, Tvrdisic told UNS that he had not received an official explanation of the suspension decision, and that he could not comment on that move by the administration.

Yesterday, after the RTK Board's decision, Tvrdisic stated on Facebook that "he will never, even if he suffers, censor interviewees".

"I'm asking token analysts not to use Google Translate. ‘Clean nose’ is a huge capital," said Tvrdisic. 

The board of RTK at the extraordinary session held on September 30, after evaluating the report made on the occasion of the tragic event in Banjska, took several important measures to, as it claims, correct the violation of professional reporting standards, including the suspension of RTK2 director Zeljko Tvrdisic. 

"UNS and DNKiM have been reminding for years that Ahtisaari's plan, and later the Constitution of Kosovo, guaranteed the Serbian community one independent TV channel in the Serbian language, which will cover the entire territory of Kosovo with a signal, and that the existing cable channel in the Serbian language, RTK2, neither legally nor functionally is the realization of that constitutional right and the obligations of the Kosovo institutions towards the Serbian people," the joint statement read. 

UNS and DNKiM pointed out that the independent channel in the Serbian language must have its own Board of Directors that elects the director, headquartered in Gracanica, and that there must be legal mechanisms that will guarantee independent finances, management, editorial and programming policy.

UNS and DNKiM remind that at the end of July 2019, acting RTK2 editor Marko Lekic informed the public that the RTK2 website is not under the editorial control.


Kearns: ‘The UK must find its backbone in the Balkans’ (

Opinion piece by Alicia Kearns, UK MP and chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee

Impunity breeds contempt for the rule of law and order. We are seeing this in the Balkans, where organised attacks on law enforcement and increasingly frequent communal violence by Serbian secessionists in Kosovo and Bosnia require urgent international attention. 

The consequences of failure for a region that has already suffered so much so recently do not bear thinking about. We urgently need the international community to reassess its approach, prioritise accountability, and strengthen security measures to re-open the way for a peaceful and prosperous future free from the conflicts of the past.

The recent events in Kosovo have unveiled a deeply troubling escalation of violence. A police officer was tragically murdered this weekend during a brazen attack in the north of the country. Looking at the roughly thirty belligerents responsible we see individuals more akin to soldiers, armed with personnel carriers and military grade systems. I previously warned of the danger of such groups operating in the North of Kosovo in a Parliamentary speech in July.

Given the type of equipment the militants had there are serious questions as to whether they were supported and organised by the Government of Serbia directly. The leader of the armed group – who has taken responsibility – was Milan Radoicic, the Vice President of the Serb List party, and a confidant of President Vucic. If the attack was conducted with support serbiafrom Serbia – which he claims it was not – there must be firm action taken by the UK, US and EU. There is no room for ‘both sideism’ if as it seems, the Vice President of a political party has taken up arms and committed a murder of a serving police officer.

Accountability for these actions is paramount, particularly for Belgrade, which has consistently evaded repercussions. Concerningly, the Radoicic is claiming he is happy to be taken to Serbia to face prosecutorial engagement, but not Kosovo where the crime was committed and where a family is mourning. Radoicic must face justice in Kosovo where the family whose loved one was stolen, can face him in court. But accountability extends beyond this immediate act. 

Despite Kosovo’s commitment to collaboration with the UK, US, and EU, it has faced a series of unjust recriminations, beginning after the Serbian Government supported a boycott of municipal elections by Kosovan Serbs in the north. We and our allies voiced our support for the elections to be held before backtracking and punishing Kosovo for installing the mayors, due to the lack of turn out from ethnic Serbs. There was little to no criticism of Serbia’s Government despite their well-documented links to the Serb List party and their support for the boycott.

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Serwer: It’s not only about Kosovo (media)

Opinion piece by U.S. analyst on the Balkans, Daniel Serwer, originally published on

Serbia’s effort to destabilize Kosovo so that it can claim control of its Serb-majority north should today be apparent to all. The license plate brouhaha of last year, the boycott of municipal elections in the spring, the subsequent rioting against the elected non-Serb mayors, the attack on NATO peacekeepers in May, the kidnapping of Kosovo police–these were all prelude to the foiled insurrection last weekend.

Hear and see no evil

But the US and EU have so far failed to draw the necessary conclusions. They continue to call for dialogue without any consequences levied against Belgrade. The American Ambassador in Belgrade has even seen fit to suggest Serbia should join NATO. The overwhelming majority of Serbs reject that prospect. Their government’s recent behavior makes it not just illogical but nonsensical.

Within the EU, holding Serbia accountable is difficult because it requires unanimity. Viktor Orban’s pro-Russian Hungary is the usual spoiler. The outcome of yesterday’s election in Slovakia will make Bratislava Moscow’s next best friend.

In the US, it is the Biden Administration’s dogged and fruitless offer of goodies to turn Serbia towards the West that blocks any serious reevaluation of Balkans policy. The officials concerned simply do not want to accept failure. They continue to pursue appeasement, blind to Belgrade’s malfeasance.

It’s not only Kosovo

This blindness will have consequences. Serbia, like Russia, sees the West as divided and weak. Belgrade may back off temporarily in Kosovo in order not to provoke a serious reaction. But Serbia will continue to pursue irredentist aims in Montenegro and in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Surroi: One of many logs has been eliminated (Koha)

Koha Group Director Flaka Surroi writes in an opinion piece that “now more than ever unity is needed among the political forces in Kosovo” and that the attack in Banjska “is the most dangerous attack and warning aimed at the division of Kosovo and which comes as a result of many mistakes made by us and the international community which put us in an infinite process of going in circle”. “Now we need to act wisely and coordinated and use the opportunity that was given to us by an action that was prevented by the Kosovo Police”.

Surroi writes that the idea behind the whole attack was to replicate the so-called “log revolution” which had started the war in Croatia in 1991. “Or as Nenad Canak would effectively describe: ‘a group of armed persons without insignia come to Serb settlements, cause fear, build barricades and distribute weapons. Locals, in fear, take up arms and go to the barricades, where there was already shooting, and fearing revenge, refuse to give up arms. Belgrade meanwhile undertakes a diplomatic movement about the revolt of ‘the local population against terror’ and insists on ‘their protection’. The international community starts to ‘facilitate’ and in essence protects the barricades as some de facto borders between the ‘waring parties’. ‘Endless’ negotiations begin, during which in the ‘liberated territories’ power is formed under the direct command of services from Belgrade (or Moscow?) which chases away all those who think differently from the area and creates a politically homogenous structure, which in the years to come lives off looting, crime and political donation from all sides, by capitalizing on its opportunity to provoke armed conflicts at any time. This was the plan’.”

Surroi criticizes the Serbian List for failing to react in condemnation of the attack and for declaring three days of mourning for the attackers that were killed. She argues that the SL “was well aware of what was being prepared”.

Surroi recalls that four months ago “civilian protesters” crippled KFOR soldiers “and in all that chaos, with all the wounding and injuries, the only thing coming from the EU was the request for de-escalation, namely the immediate withdrawal of Kosovo Police special units. This is what Serbia was requesting, and Lajcak and Borrell quickly joined the request”. “After last Sunday, it is clear that Kosovo made the right decision to keep the police forces there. And in a sovereign country, that’s how it should be. Regardless of the fact that it was criticized by everyone, especially by the internationals. The same internationals that should be remined that no one knows Vucic better than we do. A minister of Milosevic, a disciple of Seselj – cannot undergo a metamorphosis, cannot change radically, and therefore cannot become a peace-lover or peacemaker”.

International Media

Kosovo Demands Serbia Withdraw Forces From Border (RFE)

Kosovo has called on Serbia to withdraw troops from its border region, vowing it was ready to protect its territorial integrity.

Serbia's president, meanwhile, denied Western reports of a military buildup, and complained about a "campaign of lies" against Serbia.

The Kosovar government statement, issued late on September 30, came amid spiraling tensions between the two countries a week after Kosovo's police battled around 30 heavily armed Serbs who stormed a Serbian Orthodox monastery in northern Kosovo.

Three attackers and one police officer were killed. A prominent Kosovar Serb politician admitted to organizing the attack.

"We call on [Serbian] President [Aleksandar] Vucic and the institutions of Serbia to immediately withdraw all troops from the border with Kosovo," Kosovo's government said. "The deployment of Serbian troops along the border with Kosovo is the next step by Serbia to threaten the territorial integrity of our country."

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Kosovo PM Kurti calls for NATO to help fill security vacuum in northern territories (Euronews)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is calling for greater cooperation with NATO in order to better secure his country's Serbian-dominated northern territories.

Nearly a week after deadly clashes in Kosovo triggered one of the gravest escalations in the former breakaway province in years, the opportunity for reconciliation between ethnic Albanians and Serbs seemed as distant as ever.

The killing of a Kosovo police officer and an ensuing gun battle at a monastery brought years of distrust and bitterness to the surface - as a war of words between Serbia and Pristina's governments, competing days of mourning, and calls for sanctions marred already fractious relations.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is calling for greater cooperation with NATO in order to better secure his country's Serbian-dominated northern territories.

Kurti said he plans to change an earlier commitment that the Kosovo Security Forces refrain from entering the area. 

"This vacuum that is there must be filled, and for this, we are increasing the cooperation with our international allies, and those KFOR (NATO Kosovo peacekeeping) troops," Kurti said on Saturday. 

"Serbia must be punished internationally because every time it has not been punished, it has repeated the crimes."

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Serbia will not send military forces into Kosovo, Vučić insists (Financial Times)

Belgrade denies US claims of ‘unprecedented’ build-up of troops and arms on border.

Serbia’s president says he has no intention of ordering his country’s military forces to cross the border into Kosovo, despite US officials’ warnings of an “unprecedented” build-up by Belgrade. In a statement issued to the Financial Times on Saturday, Aleksandar Vučić said that he would draw down Serbia’s forces in the area because an escalation of the conflict would be counter-productive for Belgrade’s EU aspirations. “Why this would be beneficial for Belgrade?” Vučić said. “What would be the idea? To destroy our position, we have been building for a year? To destroy this in a day? Serbia does not want war.”

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Kosovo Serb Kingpin Radoicic Takes Responsibility for Weekend Shootout (BIRN)

Milan Radoicic said on Friday that he takes sole responsibility for the weekend shootout between Serb gunmen and Kosovo police officers that left one policeman dead in the northern Kosovo village of Banjska/Banjske.

In a statement read to media in Belgrade by his legal representative Goran Petonijevic, Radoicic said he organised what he called a “defence” operation against the Kosovo authorities himself, without the knowledge of his party, Srpska Lista, or the Serbian authorities in Belgrade.

“I inform all persecutors of the Serbian people, from [Kosovo Prime Minister Albin] Kurti to his many foreign helpers, that I personally made all the logistical preparations for the defence of our people from the occupiers, and this act of mine had no other character or intention and has nothing to do with my previous political engagement,” Radoicic said in the statement.

“I didn’t inform anyone from the government structures of the Republic of Serbia about this, nor from the local political structures from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, nor did I get any help from them, because we already had different views on the previous methods of resisting Kurti’s terror,” he added.

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Extremists vie with politicians to capitalise on rightward shift in Balkans (BIRN)

As elsewhere in the world, major right-of-centre parties have been adopting policies advocated by their rivals further to the right in order to peel away voter support for them.

In the politics of six non-EU Balkan states, this has largely meant more strident nationalist and anti-immigrant electioneering and voices within parliament, and more social conservatism, at the expense for example of measures to protect minorities such as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people.

But out on the far-right fringes, extremists are still trying to attract people to a range of beliefs such as ethnically pure states that grab territory from neighbours, anti-Semitism, the acceptance of violence, reverence for war criminals from the 1940s and 1990s, or unconditional allegiance to the nation, the leader or God.

To put the spotlight on such groups, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) has published a new database looking into extreme-right groups in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Many potential groups were considered but using strict criteria, demonstrably extreme-right outfits were found only in three of the states.

“The rise of grassroots far-right extremism in the Balkans has been a notable phenomenon in recent years, as fringe ideologies have increasingly gained mainstream attention and support,” concludes a methodology report accompanying the new project.

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