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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 19, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti and Osmani meet Moller talk about Germany's support in the field of defense (media)
  • Osmani meets Abdixhiku, discuss security and Association (RFE) 
  • PDK’s Krasniqi turns down Osmani’s invitation for meeting (Nacionale) 
  • LDK: Association's draft statute gives Serbs autonomous and territorial regulation (media)
  • Specialist Chambers extend detention for Thaci and Veseli (Indeksonline) 
  • Kurti meets representatives of Montenegrin community in Kosovo (media) 
  • Albania to assume presidency of Adriatic Charter: Kosovo's membership, priority (Reporteri)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: Peace, law and order will regain in Serbia, citizens should not worry (Tanjug, RTS, Kosovo Online)
  • Serbia Against Violence coalition holds protest rally in Belgrade (N1)
  • Brnabic: Opposition creates chaos and mistreats RIK (Radio KIM, social media)
  • Dimitrijevic: RZZS director and several members of commission attacked, RIK is not body to implement Belgrade elections (RTS)
  • International observers on elections, irregularities (N1)
  • Vucic: Good and open discussion with von Cramon (Tanjug)
  • State Department on cooperation with Serbia on strengthening democracy following elections (KoSSev)
  • Serbian List officials on elections (Kosovo Online)
  • Majority of Kosovo Serbs voted for Vucic’s list, Pec locals went for SPS (KoSSev)
  • Dimitrijevic: These elections will seal fate of Kosovo Serbs (KoSSev)

International Media:

  • Vaccine-Sceptic Doctor Becomes Kingmaker in Belgrade After Polls (Balkan Insight)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti and Osmani meet Moller talk about Germany's support in the field of defense (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met with the Parliamentary Secretary of the State in the Federal Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Germany, Siemtje Moller and German Ambassador Jorn Rohde. He discussed Germany's continued support, especially in the defense sector, where, as Kurti stated, the contingent of German KFOR continues to be the largest in Kosovo.

The press release issued by the Prime Minister’s Office informs that Kurti spoke about the attention that has been given to defense. Nevertheless, he emphasized the importance of cooperation with Germany and the continuous support of KFOR in order to guarantee security and peace in Kosovo and the region.

During the meeting, the relations between Kosovo and Serbia, the process mediated by the European Union and the Brussels agreement and the Ohrid annex were discussed. 

Earlier on Monday, Moller met with Kosovo’s president Vjosa Osmani. Among other issues, they discussed Kosovo's integration into international institutions, including the Council of Europe, as well as NATO membership, therefore the influence and very important role of the Federal Republic of Germany in these institutions was emphasized.

Osmani meets Abdixhiku, discuss security and Association (RFE) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met on Monday with Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Lumir Abdixhiku and discussed the security situation in Kosovo and the draft statute of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. “The President thanked all opposition parties for their support for the security institutions in dealing with Serbia’s aggression,” a press release issued by Osmani’s office noted. On the Association, Osmani said that “the Constitutional Court is the institution that needs to assess the constitutionality, based on the principle of independence and professionalism”. 

Abdixhiku informed Osmani “about the LDK’s concerns regarding the content of the draft statute, and the possibilities for dealing with these concerns were discussed in order not to allow ambiguities that could damage the internal functioning of the Republic of Kosovo.” 

The press release notes that Osmani will meet with other opposition parties too. “As part of the year-end consultations, in addition to the meetings with heads of institutions and political parties, President Osmani will also hold meetings with representatives of non-majority communities in the Assembly, with civil society and the media,” the press release notes. 

PDK’s Krasniqi turns down Osmani’s invitation for meeting (Nacionale) 

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Memli Krasniqi said on Monday that he will not attend the consultative meetings that President Vjosa Osmani has announced to discuss concerns about the draft statute of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities. Krasniqi argued that the meetings are only “a courtesy” and produce no results. “The Prime Minister of Kosovo has the constitutional prerogative and legal responsibility to move forward in terms of the dialogue, including the Association; this also means accepting, refusing, or making an alternative proposal. This is in the hands of the Prime Minister,” he said. “Therefore, the meetings that we may hold and are called consultative are only meetings for analysis. I cannot take on the role of an analyst and meet the President and express certain opinions, which don’t produce anything”. 

LDK: Association's draft statute gives Serbs autonomous and territorial regulation (media)

The new leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), in its first meeting after the internal elections, discussed the work plan, the organizational plan of the party, as well as the main political issues of Kosovo, the media office of the LDK announced.

With regards to the dialogue process, the leadership assesses that the draft statute of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority, submitted to the government of Kosovo, clearly constitutes an autonomous political and territorial arrangement of the Kosovo Serbs and as such turns into an urgent issue for constitutional treatment.

"This document, which originates from the Brussels Agreement and the Ohrid Annex, is based on UN Resolution 1244, creates new power in the territory of Kosovo and replaces the Constitutional Court with an arbitration system," the announcement states.

The LDK has emphasized that it cannot support any product ‘that is outside the constitutional framework of the Republic of Kosovo, outside the unitary system of our state, as well as outside its territorial regulation.’

"The LDK assesses that the role of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo is necessary and decisive and expects that this court will act in accordance with the constitutional norm, whenever it deals with this document".

"The LDK considers that this document is a consequence of the wrong policies of the Prime Minister, the government and other leading institutions of the country, as well as the lack of coordination with our allies in the most critical phases for the country".

"The LDK firmly believes that the timely coordination of actions with our allies, in particular with the USA, is vital for the functioning and future of our country. The LDK continues to remain loyal to the initial idea that the dialogue with Serbia should be done for mutual recognition, that the Association of Municipalities is our obligation and that this international obligation must be realized in full compliance with the constitutional order of Kosovo", the communique concludes.

Specialist Chambers extend detention for Thaci and Veseli (Indeksonline) 

The Specialist Chambers of Kosovo, based in the Hague, have extended the detention measures for former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli, the news website reported on Monday. The trial panel cited the risk of obstruction of justice.  

Osmani meets Moeller, discuss Kosovo’s integration in international organizations (media) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani hosted on Monday the Parliamentary State Secretary in the German Ministry of Defence Siemtie Moeller, and discussed recent developments in the region, the EU-facilitated dialogue and Kosovo’s integration in international organizations, including the Council of Europe and NATO. 

Kurti meets representatives of Montenegrin community in Kosovo (media) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Monday with representatives of the Montenegrin community in Kosovo, including Deputy Minister of Agriculture Lazar Radulovic, Denis Ivic from the Advisory Council for Communities at the President’s Office, and Montenegrin Ambassador to Kosovo Bernard Cobaj. The meeting focused on support for the Montenegrin community this year, including additional grants worth €3 million allocated by the Ministry for Communities and Returns, and positive changes in the implementation of the Law on the use of languages, and the construction of roads that link Kosovo and Montenegro. 

Albania to assume presidency of Adriatic Charter: Kosovo's membership, priority (Reporteri)

From January 1, 2024, Albania is to assume the one-year presidency of the US-Adriatic Charter Partnership Commission (A-5).

During the A-5 ministerial held in Skopje, North Macedonia, Albania’s Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, emphasized that the blocking of Kosovo's membership in the A-5 must end.

"Kosovo's membership is very late. We have fully and traditionally supported the membership of Kosovo in our initiative and we are very sorry that this membership continues to be blocked. During our presidency, we will prioritize resolving this issue as soon as possible", he said.

Serbian Language Media 

Vucic: Peace, law and order will regain in Serbia, citizens should not worry (Tanjug, RTS, Kosovo Online)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said last night Serbia is a serious country and that peace, order and law will regain, adding citizens should not worry because of, as he said, irresponsible behavior of individuals on the political scene.

He told Serbian public broadcaster RTS Serbia had fair elections and that unfortunately it is now less spoken in the media about those who won almost two million votes, than about those who received much smaller voters’ support.

“It is perhaps the environment in which we live and that is not the problem. I want to say to people in Serbia they should not worry. Not to worry too much about the irresponsible behavior of individuals on the political scene - Serbia is a serious country, and peace, order and laws will regain in Serbia", Vucic said. He also said election results are the result of the campaign, but also of the previous work and what you offered to the citizens.

Speaking of the Kosovo issue, he said he expects lots of troubles and problems in this regard, but that the new government will fight and will never allow membership of Kosovo in UN and specialized agencies of this world organization. 

Serbia Against Violence coalition holds protest rally in Belgrade (N1)

People assembled on Monday evening in downtown Belgrade at a protest called by the Serbia Against Violence coalition. Following speeches delivered outside the Belgrade City Assembly building, the protesters marched to the Republic Election Commission (RIK) to present, as they said, proof of electoral irregularities in Belgrade, N1 reports.

Miroslav Aleksic and Marinika Tepic of the Serbia Against Violence coalition said they are going on a hunger strike until the Belgrade local elections are annulled.

“We do not want to and must not recognize the Belgrade elections because, in violation of the law, they were abused by people from other countries”, said Tepic, stressing that the Serbia Against Violence coalition has ample evidence.

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Brnabic: Opposition creates chaos and mistreats RIK (Radio KIM, social media)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said in a post on X social network that the opposition creates chaos and mistreats the Republic Election Commission (RIK), without reason, Radio KIM reports.

"The series of genius acts and clear plans of (Dragan) Djilas’s opposition continues. The latest - they will enter the RIK with the desire and intention to stay there! Why, how - it doesn't matter, the important thing is that they create chaos and harass someone. So, everything regularly, as always and as we clearly said at the beginning of the campaign", she wrote in a post.

Representatives of the Serbia Against Violence list and people gathering in Belgrade last evening demanded new elections in Belgrade and claimed election theft was "obvious" at December 17 elections, Radio KIM recalled. 

Dimitrijevic: RZZS director and several members of commission attacked, RIK is not body to implement Belgrade elections (RTS)

Late last night an extraordinary press conference was held in Belgrade at which director of the Serbian Republic Election Commission (RIK) Vladimir Dimitrijevic said that during the protest in front of this institution director of the Republic Bureau for Statistics (RZSS), Miladin Kovacevic and several RIK members were injured. He also said an attempt was made to bring inside the RIK’s premises “knives, sticks, poles and similar items”. He pointed out that the RIK is not a body for conducting Belgrade elections, but rather the City Election Commission (GIK) of the city of Belgrade.

"Protests in front of RIK, no matter how scandalous and inadmissible they are in a democratic society, turned into violence that has not been recorded until now, when it comes to the work of RIK and all other bodies for the implementation of elections", Dimitrijevic said. 

International observers on elections, irregularities (N1)

The December 17 early elections in Serbia were dominated by the decisive involvement of the President which, together with the ruling party’s systemic advantages, created unjust conditions, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) election observation mission told a media conference on Monday, N1 reports.

The election campaign was marred by harsh rhetoric, bias in the media, pressure on public sector employees and misuse of public resources, the ODIHR mission said. The media oversight bodies were inefficient during the election campaign period and the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) maintained a notably “passive” approach to regulating media conduct during the campaign, it added.

The mission noted that, while the elections were technically well-organized, they unfolded in the midst of a socially and politically divided landscape.

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Vucic: Good and open discussion with von Cramon (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received MEP Viola von Cramon on Monday, and said they had had a good and open discussion, Tanjug news agency reports.

"We discussed the Serbian elections, regional topics and Serbia's European path", Vucic wrote in a post on his official Instagram account.

State Department on cooperation with Serbia on strengthening democracy following elections (KoSSev)

The United States of America expects continuation of cooperation with Serbia on strengthening democracy and rule of law, reads reaction of the State Department following elections held on December 17, KoSSev portal reports.

“We look forward to continuing cooperation with the next Serbian Government on strengthening democratic governance and the rule of law and advancing regional stability, continuing economic growth and accelerating Serbia's path to the EU", State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

As the portal further reported he did not wish to comment on the election irregularities previously reported by international observers, namely the OSCE. He said these were preliminary conclusions, and that the comment will follow after the final report.

The portal also reported about the reaction of the German Foreign Ministry which said that “it was unacceptable for a country with candidate status for European Union membership”. “Serbia voted, but OSCE/ODIHR reported about misuse of public resources, intimidation of voters and cases of vote buying”, it said in a post on X, formerly Twitter. 

Serbian List officials on elections (Kosovo Online)

Serbian List Vice President and former Gracanica mayor Srdjan Popovic told Kosovo Online portal Serbs from Kosovo at December 17 parliamentary elections showed that “they do not succumb to the pressures of Pristina and believe that policy of Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, is the one leading to peace and stability”.

Serbian List official and former Zvecan mayor Dragisa Milovic told the portal  Serbs in Kosovo showed they are for continuation of the current rule of Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). He thanked citizens for the large turnout, despite obstacles placed by Pristina. He also said Serbs in Kosovo showed they want a politically stable state of Serbia, economically strong, that should continue started projects, launch new projects and create employment opportunities for young people.

Serbian List President Zlatan Elek said he was pleased with the results of elections, adding that Serbs in Kosovo showed unity and supported the Serbia Must Not Stop SNS list.  

Majority of Kosovo Serbs voted for Vucic’s list, Pec locals went for SPS (KoSSev)

Data from the Republic Election Commission, based on numbers processed from all polling stations in Serbia proper designated for voters from Kosovo, shows that the majority of Kosovo Serbs, as many as 17,087 or 71.56%, voted for the “Aleksandar Vučić – Serbia Must Not Stop“ list in December 17 parliamentary elections, KoSSev portal reports.

These elections were marked by all-day lines and hours-long delays at the crossings, and the actual situation on the ground differed from the official data of Kosovo Interior Ministry, the portal added.

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Dimitrijevic: These elections will seal fate of Kosovo Serbs (KoSSev)

“These elections will finally seal the fate of Kosovo Serbs because after each newly formed government in Serbia, the people here found themselves in an increasingly worse political position“, the editor of Radio Gorazdevac, Darko Dimitrijevic, told KoSSev a day after the election process that forced voters from Kosovo to travel once again to Serbia proper in order to exercise their right to vote.

Dimitrijevic stated that the number of citizens from Kosovo who vote in Serbian elections is decreasing with each passing year. The number of Serbs living in Kosovo is also decreasing, he warned.

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International Media

Vaccine-Sceptic Doctor Becomes Kingmaker in Belgrade After Polls (Balkan Insight)

Doctor Branimir Nestorovic, a hero to anti-vaxxers who leads a right-wing populist party, holds the balance of power in Belgrade after elections that the liberal opposition insists were marred by fraud and should be re-run.

The results of Sunday’s elections in Belgrade offered a rare surprise amid a nationwide picture of political business as usual across Serbia, with the ruling parties – President Aleksandar Vucic’s Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia – winning the majority of the seats.

The Belgrade elections proved to be quite tight, however, with no clear conclusion as to who will form a majority.

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