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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 2, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Borrell: EU also benefits from liberalization of visas for Kosovo (Koha) 
  • Osmani congratulates Belgium on EC presidency: We will work for EU membership (Koha) 
  • Bislimi: Three processes have started today, we will take others throughout the year (RTK) 
  • Germany welcomes visa-free travel (RTK) 
  • French ambassador: EU proposal makes association less worrying for those who feared it was unconstitutional (Klan) 
  • Szunyog: EU is closely following debate on possibility of another attack in Kosovo (AP) 
  • From Monday, vehicles with RKS license plates can move freely in Serbia (RTK) 
  • Avdyli warns: Serbian extremists are asking Serbian drivers with RKS license plates to have a distinctive sign (Klan) 

Serbian Language Media:

  • Dacic: Pressure on Serbia over Kosovo expected to focus on February (Tanjug)
  • Free movement for vehicles from Kosovo took effect on Monday (media)
  • Citizens of Serbia in Kosovo the only ones denied the right to visa-free travel through Schengen (Danas, KoSSev)
  • Kosovo takes a step towards the EU with visa liberalization, parties to implement the agreement without preconditions, including the ASM (KoSSev)
  • SNV demands the arrest of a part of the Serbian state leadership along with Goran Rakic for "treason" (KoSSev)

International Media:

  • Serb Party Demands International Intervention Over New Disputes in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)
  • Serbia will take over the Presidency of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (Sarajevo Times)

Albanian Language Media

Borrell: EU also benefits from liberalization of visas for Kosovo (Koha) 

"A historic EU decision comes into force. From today, citizens of Kosovo can travel to the EU without visas. This brings important benefits for both Kosovo and the EU. The entire Western Balkans is already connected to the Schengen area through visa liberalization", he wrote. 

Osmani congratulates Belgium on EC presidency: We will work for EU membership (Koha) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani has congratulated Belgium on the occasion of assuming the presidency of the European Council. 

"We wish Belgium a successful presidency of the European Council! We expect that in the coming months we will work closely with our Belgian partners to advance the process of Kosovo's membership in the European Union and to fulfill our European goals", Osmani wrote on the X social network. 

Bislimi: Three processes have started today, we will take others throughout the year (RTK) 

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, through a status on Facebook, said that January 1, 2024 marks the beginning of important processes for Kosovo, and moreover, as he said, processes that are happening for the first time. 

Free movement without visas began, and according to him, citizens have begun to benefit from this hard-earned right. He said that it is important to remember that it should be used positively, and not misused, as there are rules within the freedom to travel which must be respected and treated responsibly.  

"From today, our citizens will be able to move without being discriminated by the Serbian authorities, with our official RKS license plates and without putting the stickers on the state symbols on the car license plates. This was our position from the beginning and this was realized after two years of unnecessary tension", Bislimi wrote. 

Also, he said that Elektrosever has started nominating the energy consumed in the four municipalities in the north, which means that KOSTT's deviations will also cease from today. 

"After more than 20 years, even in the north of our country, the same electricity will be paid as in the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo", said Bislimi. 

Furthermore, he said that 3 processes have started from today. “We will undertake and develop other processes throughout the year, always in the service of the interests of all our citizens.” Bislimi wrote. 

Germany welcomes visa-free travel (RTK) 

The Foreign Ministry of Germany has welcomed the visa-free travel of Kosovo citizens to Europe, describing it as an important step that brings people closer to Europe. Through a post on the X platform, the German ministry said that the liberalization enables Kosovo citizens to travel without visas for short-term stays in the EU.  

"Another important step that brings people closer to Europe: The liberalization of visas for Kosovo finally enables all Kosovar citizens to travel without visas for short stays in the EU/Schengen area", says the reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.  

French ambassador: EU proposal makes association less worrying for those who feared it was unconstitutional (Klan)  

The French ambassador to Kosovo, Olivier Guerot, said that part of his work is related to the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, in which France plays a significant supporting role. Guerot, among other things, in an interview with emphasized that they expect an agreement to be reached as soon as possible. 

"As soon as possible! It is in the interest of Kosovo. The EU has made a proposal for a statute of the Association. We expect it to be implemented soon. The two countries, Kosovo and Serbia, made commitments during last February/March, especially towards the EU", stated Guerot. 

The French diplomat assessed his work as ambassador in Kosovo with dramatic moments, mentioning also the attack in Banjska of Zvecan. He also talked about the security aspect, saying that there are many risks for new tensions in Kosovo. 

"This proposal makes the perspective of the Association both very concrete and much less worrying for those who feared that the Association could be unconstitutional. Also, the license plate issue is being resolved and I notice that Serbian citizens are using the opportunity to request a vote for the revocation of the mayors of the municipalities elected on April 23. The results of these elections were certainly legal, but they do not provide a long-term political solution. It is positive that citizens are using this procedure offered by the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo to improve the situation. So in general, 15 very busy months, with many contrasts, much remains to be done, with many risks for new tensions, but also concrete positive achievements and these are what I want to keep in mind", emphasized French Ambassador Olivier Guerot.  

Szunyog: EU is closely following debate on possibility of another attack in Kosovo (AP) 

The head of the EU Office in Pristina, Tomas Szunyog, said in an interview with Albanian Post on the eve of the end of a year that the institutions of the European Union (EU), but also the member states, are closely following the public debate and the statements of the institutional officials about the possibility of another attack against Kosovo, after the violent Serbian paramilitary incursion on September 24, 2023 in Banjska ofZvecan. 

"I am fully aware that the violent attack in Banjska has raised the alarm given that the scale of this operation was unprecedented and the amount of ammunition and weapons confiscated was massive. In fact, this attack turned all eyes towards Kosovo and increased the concerns of the international community about the security situation in the north of Kosovo", Szunyog said. 

From Monday, vehicles with RKS license plates can move freely in Serbia (RTK) 

The government of Serbia has decided to allow free movement for all vehicles with RKS license plates. This decision enters into force for implementation from Monday (January 1, 2024). 

The director of the Office for Kosovo in the government of Serbia, Petar Petkovic, has emphasized that allowing all vehicles from Kosovo to participate in road traffic is done for practical reasons, in order to ease the position of individuals and enable the freedom of their movement. 

"This decision was actually our obligation from the 2011 agreement on freedom of movement signed by Borko Stefanovic, which refers to RKS license plates and Kosovo identity cards, the permission of Kosovo's driver's license", Petkovic said. 

The European Union has welcomed Serbia's decision to officially recognize the license plates of Kosovo (RKS). 

According to the spokesperson of the EU, Peter Stano, it is a positive step in the implementation of the Agreement on the road to normalization, as well as the earlier obligations of the dialogue regarding the freedom of movement. 

"This shows that it is possible to achieve progress in the process of normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia. This decision also constitutes a step in the right direction towards a better regional and European integration of the Western Balkans, which ultimately benefits the citizens of the region", Stano underlined in a written response. 

According to Stano, this decision paves the way for the complete removal of the sticker regime. The European Union, asserts Stano, now expects Kosovo to act in the same way.  

Avdyli warns: Serbian extremists are asking Serbian drivers with RKS license plates to have a distinctive sign (Klan)  

The MP of Kosovo from the Guxo List, Haxhi Avdyli has appealed for caution to the citizens of Kosovo who plan to drive on the roads of Serbia with RKS license plates. Avdyli emphasized that Serbian extremist groups have appealed to Serbian drivers with RKS license plates to put up distinctive signs. 

"Attention: Through Serbian social networks, Serbian extremist groups, outraged that the cars that will enter Serbia are with signs of the state of Kosovo, have begun to appeal to Kosovar drivers with Serbian affiliation to put distinctive signs on their cars, such as Serbian flags, crosses or icons to distinguish themselves as Serbs", Avdyli wrote. 

"It seems that their dark purpose is to attack cars with RKS license plates. Therefore, I APPEAL to the citizens of Kosovo who plan to drive on the roads of Serbia with RKS license plates, to be extra careful". 

"Not to stop in places where there are gatherings of people, not to stop cars when they are stopped by civilians, and not to stop cars if they are attacked by groups of extremists on the side of roads or stops near highways. Something is brewing among the Serbian extremist psychopaths, that's why attention is needed." 

Serbian Language Media 

Dacic: Pressure on Serbia over Kosovo expected to focus on February (Tanjug)

Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said the pressure on Serbia over Kosovo could be expected to focus on February, reported Tanjug. 

In an interview for Tanjug, Dacic said the Serbian bureau coordinating security services had recently concluded the security situation in the country was stable despite demonstrations during which opposition supporters had tried to force their way into a state institution - the Belgrade City Hall.

The bureau's main message was one of peace and that all problems needed to be addressed within institutions, he said. He said the demonstrations were globally detrimental to Serbia and could affect investments, tourism, and all other preconditions for further development.

When asked if the Serbia Against Violence protests over alleged electoral fraud had to do only with the Belgrade local elections or also with Kosovo, in view of reports of evidence of involvement by some foreign intelligence agencies, Dacic said the bureau's session had also addressed the foreign factor, which he noted had certain interests in Serbia.

"Above all, that interest is aimed at introducing as much instability as possible, because if a country is not stable, it is not strong either," Dacic noted.

There are those who would like the Serbian leadership to be unstable and not strong so that it cannot respond firmly to various ultimatums coming from the international community, above all, when it comes to Kosovo, Dacic said.

There are countries that would like Serbia to take certain steps in February or March that would be important for enabling them to "bring the Ukraine story to a conclusion," Dacic said.

He explained the pressure over Kosovo was expected to increase in February as the European Commission and the EU bodies were expected to stop working by March ahead of the upcoming European elections.

President Vucic day before told TV Prva he expected great pressure regarding Kosovo in January and February because, as he said, the bottom line was that the international community must resolve the Kosovo problem before entering talks regarding Ukraine, reported RTS. He also said that Ana Brnabic has become a resource for the country, but that "she will hardly be prime minister".

Free movement for vehicles from Kosovo took effect on Monday (media)

The first passenger car with "RKS" licence plates without stickers crossed into central Serbia at the Jarinje administrative crossing on Monday morning following the January 1 entry into force of a Serbian government decision to allow free movement for all vehicles from the territory of Kosovo, Kosovo Online reported.

A disclaimer on abolition of licence plate stickers in the territory of central Serbia was displayed at all administrative crossings on Sunday night, Most TV said.

"Allowing participation in road traffic by all vehicles registered by the Pristina interim self-government institutions is exclusively for practical reasons and aimed at facilitating the position of individuals and allowing them freedom of movement, and cannot be interpreted as recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo, does not prejudge the determination of the final status and cannot be interpreted as Belgrade's consent to deviations from the rights guaranteed under UNSCR 1244," the disclaimer reads.

Citizens of Serbia in Kosovo the only ones denied the right to visa-free travel through Schengen (Danas, KoSSev)

As of January 1, 2024, Serbian citizens residing in Kosovo are the only ones who are denied the right to visa-free travel in Schengen countries, wrote Dragisa Mijacic, Coordinator of the National Convention for the European Union working group, as reported by KoSSev.

Mijacic added that since 2009, the authorities of the Republic of Serbia have been violating the Constitution through the discriminatory practice of issuing special passports for some of their citizens.

“For the sake of clarification, this discriminatory practice of issuing special passports does not apply only to citizens of Serbia who currently live in Kosovo, but also to those who live anywhere else, including abroad. Hence, this decision also affects people who went abroad from Kosovo 30 or 40 years ago.

In November 2023, the European Commission proposed to the European Parliament and the Council to amend the existing regulations to enable free travel to the holders of these passports from January 1, 2024, but that initiative was stopped by lobbying by part of the Kosovo civil society and the Government of Kosovo,“ reported Danas. 

“Civil society organizations working in majority-Serb areas in Kosovo and a couple of organizations from Belgrade immediately reacted to lobbying from Pristina, but they failed to prevent the decision of certain EU countries to wait until March 2024 at the earliest to change the regulations.

Apart from the Ministry for European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, other Serbian state bodies were not actively involved in this matter. Serbia's lobbying in the European Parliament and in the parliaments of the member countries is an imaginary noun, which is scandalous for a country that wants EU membership. Or is this yet another proof of how serious we are?

According to the Constitution, Serbia should be the country of all its citizens. In practice, the state authorities of Serbia discriminate against their citizens (Serbs, Albanians, Bosniaks, Gorani, Roma), while other segments of society are mostly silent. In the Serbian media, you can only hear about the discrimination of the Government of Kosovo, but not about the actions of the Government of Serbia.

There is too much hatred in these areas and the life of a small person is irrelevant to those who control our destinies. In the hope that at least a little will change in the New Year, I would like less discrimination and more understanding and agility in solving problems that are of vital importance to people, Mijacic concluded,” reported Danas.

Kosovo takes a step towards the EU with visa liberalization, parties to implement the agreement without preconditions, including the ASM (KoSSev)

By Tomáš Szunyog, Head of EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative

Reflecting on the achievements of 2023 and making resolutions for 2024, I am proud that the first thing to celebrate this New Year is the long-awaited visa liberalisation for Kosovo. As of today, the holders of Kosovo passports will be able to travel to the Schengen area for short-term stays without having to apply for a visa.

I am very happy to celebrate this significant milestone together with you. It is the result of years of joint hard work between Kosovo’s institutions, governments, EU institutions, EU Member States, civil society, media, and others. This visa liberalisation decision shows that Kosovo has the capacity to enjoy this right and to take the responsibility for it.

This decision is truly important.

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SNV demands the arrest of a part of the Serbian state leadership along with Goran Rakic for "treason" (KoSSev)

The Presidency of the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija (SNV) launched an initiative to file a criminal complaint against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Acting Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic and former President of the Serbian List Goran Rakic, and against Supreme Prosecutor Zagorka Dolovac. However, they did not provide details on how this initiative was launched, reported portal KoSSev. 

They accused the four of "criminal activity" and of acting "contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, the content of Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council and the corresponding laws in force within the constitutional and legal order of the Republic of Serbia", while Dolovac for "not taking legal measures within her competence to prevent anti-state and anti-constitutional action".

"Thus, she enabled and helped them to continuously commit the criminal act of recognizing capitulation or occupation from Art. 306 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with the criminal offense of endangering the territorial unit from Art. 307 of the Criminal Law in assisting in connection with Art. 35 of the Criminal Law of the Republic of Serbia", they announced at the end of 2023.

Moreover, they demanded from the public prosecutors of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office, in a public address, to "immediately order the arrest" of Vucic, Brnabic, Petkovic, Rakic because of "open treason".

International Media

Serb Party Demands International Intervention Over New Disputes in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

Belgrade-backed party seeks urgent meeting with international community over latest dispute with Kosovo government, concerning decision to give municipality land for building a police station.

Srpska Lista, the Belgrade-backed Kosovo Serb Party, on Friday said it will seek a meeting with the international community, especially the ambassadors of the so-called Quint countries and the EU, over a decision to allocate 27,400 square meters of land in the municipality of North Mitrovica to the Ministry of Interior.

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Serbia will take over the Presidency of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (Sarajevo Times)

Starting today, Serbia will take over the presidency of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), said Nenad Đurđević, adviser to the president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

Đurđević pointed out that CEFTA is Serbia’s largest export market, with which this country has a large volume of exchange where it realizes a surplus.

“Until November of the current year, the total turnover is 5.4 billion euros, of which 3.9 billion are exports, and 1.4 billion are imports. So, two and a half billion is a surplus,” Đurđević told RTS.

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