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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 16, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti on the eve of the Davos Forum: Kosovo's security is a priority (RTK) 
  • Lajcak meets Bislimi: Agreed that swift implementation of agreement is urgent (media)  
  • Kurti’s message on 25th anniversary of Recak massacre (media)  
  • Maqedonci: Danger from Serbia remains high, we are more prepared than ever (TeVe1) 
  • Svecla: If prosecution wasn’t late, attack in Banjska wouldn’t have happened (media)  
  • Explosion in Mitrovica North, two people injured, several cars damaged (media)
  • Haradinaj to Von Cramon: EU membership, imperative of the time (RTK) 
  • Serbian opposition politician Sandulovic released from detention (RFE)  

Serbian Language Media:

  • An explosion in Mitrovica North, two persons injured (KoSSev)
  • EC: Our proposal for Serbian passport holders from Kosovo being considered by EP and EU Council (Kosovo Online)
  • Von Cramon: Serbs feel as second-class citizens (RTS, Kosovo Online, Radio KIM)
  • Romano: NATO has nothing to do with sale of armament to Kosovo, does not support KSF (Tanjug, media)
  • Property of Miodrag Kostic from Plemetina robbed (RTS)
  • EP puts post-election situation in Serbia on agenda (Tanjug)
  • Former member of Verification Mission, Schifanelli: In Racak, there was KLA stronghold (Kosovo Online)

International Media:

  • Kosovo Commemorates Massacre That Catalysed NATO Intervention (BIRN)
  • Kosovo Unplugged: End To Free Electricity After 25 Years (RFE)
  • Kosovo remembers 45 people killed in 1999 and denounces Serbia for not apologizing (AP)
  • Kosovo residents gather to remember 45 people killed by Serb forces in 1999 massacre (Fox News)

Albanian Language Media

Kurti on the eve of the Davos Forum: Kosovo's security is a priority (RTK) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, on the eve of the start of the World Economic Forum in Davos, in an exclusive interview with RTK, has emphasized that the priority of the bilateral meetings will be the security of Kosovo and the non-violation of agreements by Serbia. 

"Obviously, the priority for us is the security of Kosovo and its borders. The normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations comes first from the implementation of non-violation of the basic agreement and secondly through legal certainty that this agreement will not be violated and I believe that the guarantee for this is precisely its signature,” Kurti told RTK. 

Further, he has confirmed that he will have a meeting with the senior official from the U.S. State Department, James O'Brain. 

"There is a possibility that I will be on a panel with the president of Serbia, while tomorrow I will have a meeting with the senior official from the U.S. State Department, James O'Brain, who has known Kosovo for three decades", he said. 

Kurti said that they will also use the World Economic Forum as an opportunity to invite investors in Kosovo. 

"Not all the participants have been confirmed yet, I will have some bilateral meetings, some interviews for foreign media and at the same time I will have some meetings with heads of corporations to invite them to come and invest in Kosovo, especially in the field of renewable energy", Kurti said. 

Lajcak meets Bislimi: Agreed that swift implementation of agreement is urgent (media)  

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, met on Monday with Kosovo’s First Deputy Prime Minister and chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi. Lajcak wrote in a post on X after the meeting: “Ahead of Davos, I met First DPM Besnik Bislimi to discuss a wide range of Dialogue-topics and expectations on advancing the normalization of relations with Serbia in the coming period. We agreed that swift implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation is urgent.”  

Bislimi also informed on platform X about the meeting. 

“Met today in Vienna with EUSR Lajcak to discuss dialogue related issues. Talked about the need for full and swift implementation of the energy roadmap and issues regarding freedom of movement, to Belgrade's letter of withdrawal from the agreement. 

Other issues related to the urgency for full and unconditional implementation of the Basic Agreement were raised. Emphasized that pushing forward the proposal for recognition of illegal KU passports issued by Serbia, impacts negatively the integration process and damages severely the dialogue”, Bislimi wrote. 

Kurti’s message on 25th anniversary of Recak massacre (media)  

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Monday on the 25th anniversary of the Recak massacre that “it is a day that prompts us to question humanity—or the lack thereof—that would perceive the life of a child as a threat”. “Today, we honor the victims of unspeakable horrors & those who fought to keep the truth alive:  journalists, envoys, forensic investigators, prosecutors, activists & more. Above all, we honor the village of Recak for emerging from this tragedy & reminding us all to never forget,” Kurti said.  

Maqedonci: Danger from Serbia remains high, we are more prepared than ever (TeVe1) 

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, said that the risk of an attack on Kosovo by Serbia remains great. But according to the minister, Kosovo is more ready than ever to face such threats. 

"Undoubtedly, the risk remains great as long as there is an aggressive approach, as long as there is a hegemonic approach, as long as we do not see the government of Serbia distancing from the groups that carried out terrorist acts in Kosovo, as long as individuals from these groups move freely around Serbia, they even develop activities there. Then we see such a threat in relation to our country possible, but we are always more ready than ever. Today, more than ever, the Kosovo Police is combing the terrain in the northern part of our country, we are more prepared than ever to face such threats", Maqedonci said. 

As far as coordination with KFOR is concerned, Macedonci said that the institutions of Kosovo have a prudence and continuous cooperation with NATO and the international factor in Kosovo, and that according to him, no action will be taken without synchronization with them. 

"We have reiterated several times to all state structures that we will respect the commitment of 2013 not to engage in the northern municipalities of the country without prior coordination with KFOR. And I appreciate that in our institutions there is a prudence and a constant coordination and synchronization with NATO and the international factor in Kosovo, and that all actions will be done in consultation with them. President Vjosa Osmani has the mandate to order the engagement of the Kosovo Security Force and the Kosovo Security Force is ready to operate in any part of the territory of our country to perform its duties", he said. 

Maqedonci added that "the United States of America and the United Kingdom are really determined that Kosovo is a sovereign country, an independent state and has its own territory". 

Svecla: If prosecution wasn’t late, attack in Banjska wouldn’t have happened (media)  

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said on Monday that the failure of the prosecution to react properly and in time over the kidnapping of three Kosovo police officers encouraged the attack in Banjska in the north of Kosovo in September last year. He said at the meeting of the Kosovo Assembly Committee for Security that “the terrorists, and Serbia itself, would have been more reserved with their attacks against Kosovo” if the reaction had come in time. “Our delays and tolerance by some others encouraged them to get to the Banjska case. We can agree that it won’t be the last case. Anything is expected from Serbia. It is very important to take all necessary measures to bring these terrorists to justice. We don’t have much time left. We have evidence and successes, but we don’t have infinite time to look for the perfection that no security agency in the world has. If someone wants to do that or is willing to release criminals, despite the evidence from the police, then this has to do with separate powers,” he argued.  

Svecla also said that the investigation process into Banjska is now in the hands of the prosecution and that he believes that the prosecution will soon start filing indictments and submitting a final report about the attack. “Being that security is linked to other segments of work of the institutions, especially in diplomacy, our international partners must be officially informed about what happened in the Banjska attack, what was discovered, what was the intention of the terrorist group, and all other elements as to who supported them financially, with training and with equipment. The objective of the group was the annexation of one part of the north of Kosovo,” he said.  

Explosion in North Mitrovica, two people injured, several cars damaged (media)

The Deputy Director of Police for the North, Veton Elshani, has said that seven cars were damaged by the explosion and two people were injured, one of them with more serious injuries, but out of danger for life.

He said that the Police are at the scene. "Around 11:50 p.m., a hand grenade allegedly exploded at the Bisevac hotel in North Mitrovica. As a result of the explosion, 7 cars were damaged and two people were injured, one of them has more serious injuries, but not life-threatening. The relevant police units are at the scene and are dealing with the case", Elshani told RTKlive.

Haradinaj to Von Cramon: EU membership, imperative of the time (RTK) 

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, welcomed the rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon, at the meeting. He emphasized the need for full membership of Kosovo in the EU. 

"I expressed our positive assessment of the liberalization of visas, while I emphasized the need for NATO membership and that Kosovo's journey towards full membership in the EU, is an imperative of the time," Haradinaj said. 

According to him, the removal of EU sanctions for Kosovo is necessary because of the negative impact they have on the lives of Kosovo's citizens. 

Serbian opposition politician Sandulovic released from detention (RFE)  

Serbian opposition politician, Nikola Sandulovic, was released from detention on Monday, his attorney Cedomir Stojkovic said, adding that the decision was made after “increased pressure” from western countries. “Nikola Sandulovic has just been released … to defend himself from accusations of placing flowers near the grave of an Albanian girl,” Stojkovic wrote in a post on X.  

The news website notes that the former head of the Serbian Agency for Security and Intelligence, Aleksandar Vulin, said on January 6 that he had given the order to arrest Sandulovic after the latter had placed a wreath of flowers in the village of Prekaz in Kosovo where Serbian forces had attacked the houses of the Jashari family killing over 50 members of this family during the war in Kosovo in 1998.   

Serbian Language Media 

An explosion in Mitrovica North, two persons injured (KoSSev)

Last night before midnight an explosive device, most probably a hand grenade, was thrown in Mitrovica North, near one of the restaurants across the Technical Faculty, KoSSev portal reports.

Kosovo police deputy commander for the North region, Veton Elsahni told the KoSSev portal that as suspected “(…) a hand grenade exploded in Knjaz Milos Street in Mitrovica North. Seven vehicles were damaged in the explosion and two persons were injured. One person sustained serious injuries but is out of life danger. Responsible police units are on the spot and deal with the case”.

EULEX and KFOR members also arrived on the spot, the portal said, adding that the explosion disturbed citizens in this part of the town. 

EC: Our proposal for Serbian passport holders from Kosovo being considered by EP and EU Council (Kosovo Online)

European Commission (EC) for internal affairs spokeswoman, Anita Hiper said last night that EC proposal to enable Serbs from Kosovo, holders of the Serbian MIA Coordination Directorate issued passports to travel to the EU without visas “will complement the entry into force of visa-free regime for holders of Kosovo passports”, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“This will enable all citizens of the Western Balkans to travel to the EU without visas. The proposal is submitted and is now being considered at the Parliament and the Council”, she told Tanjug news agency.

She recalled that the EC on November 16 last year, adopted a proposal to enable holders of the Serbian MIA Coordination Directorate issued passports to travel to the EU without visas. “The European Commission is looking forward to European legislators approving this proposal”, she added.  

Von Cramon: Serbs feel as second-class citizens (RTS, Kosovo Online, Radio KIM)

EP member and rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon appealed to Kosovo government to “change approach towards its citizens” referring to the position of Serbs in Kosovo, who told her that they feel as second-class citizens, RTS reports.

“We heard many voices that Serbs are mainly excluded and that they can be called second-class citizens. I think this must be seriously taken into consideration. I visited Gracanica and met with Serb representatives and SOC Bishop. He gave me several examples of discrimination including public services, use of languages, and pressure, that are not in line with democratic standards that we should see here. That is why I call upon the government to truly show more willingness and change its approach towards its own citizens” von Cramon said.

She also pointed out a case of arrest and a procedure against Dragisa Milenkovic from Kisnica, who was accused of allegedly committing war crimes in a prison in Lipljan. “As I was told, in this case there are not many witnesses. The guy is kept in detention without proper legal procedure and that is why I brought it up. What I heard is that this is a bit of critical case, because if you live for 23 years after the war in a community and after 23 years of living in this society, without a lot of witnesses, but I have heard only one witness is accusing somebody of a war crime, and then there is not a proper legal procedure, but somebody is kept in detention, that does not really look like rule of law procedure. That is why I mentioned the case”, she said.

Romano: NATO has nothing to do with sale of armament to Kosovo, does not support KSF (Tanjug, media)

The head of NATO’s Liaison Office in Belgrade Brigadier General Giampiero Romano said on Monday that the Alliance has nothing to do with the sale of Javelin missiles to Kosovo, adding that Alliance does not support Kosovo Security Forces (KSF), Tanjug news agency reports.

Answering journalist’s question on how and in what manner Kosovo can arm itself given that it does not have its own army and NATO Secretary General Jans Stoltenberg said in Belgrade two months ago that NATO does not support KSF and its transition into the army, Romano underlined that he supports the stance of the SG Stoltenberg and that Alliance has nothing to do with the announced sale of anti-tank missiles Javelin by United States to Kosovo.

On the other hand, he added it should be emphasized that KFOR in the territory of Kosovo sticks to its mandate based on UNSC Resolution 1244 and maintains impartial attitude. 

Property of Miodrag Kostic from Plemetina robbed (RTS)

Family property of Miodrag Kostic from Plemetina village in Obilic municipality was targeted by thieves over the weekend who broke into his garage and stole valuable equipment he kept there, Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement, RTS reports.

The Office also said the incident caused anxiety among the local residents in this village, fearing for their safety and that of their properties. The Office also warned that series of attacks on Serb properties and Serbian Orthodox Church continues in the new year as well noting that few days ago two returnees’ houses in the village of Ljubozda in Istok municipality were robbed and one day ago the Serbian Orthodox Church in the village of Zupce in Zubin Potok.

“This practise of intimidating Serbs is in particular dominant since (Albin) Kurti took power and since then we are recording numerous incidents aiming at jeopardizing survival of the Serbian people in the province”, the Office for KiM added in a statement.

EP puts post-election situation in Serbia on agenda (Tanjug)

The European Parliament (EP) decided on Monday to put a debate on the post-election situation in Serbia on Wednesday's agenda of its plenary session, which ends on January 18. Passing a resolution on the Serbian elections was also included in the agenda, Tanjug news agency reported. 

EP President Roberta Metsola said the Socialists, Renew Europe, the Greens and the Left had requested that the situation in Serbia be discussed after a debate on rule of law and media freedoms in Greece.

Former member of Verification Mission, Schifanelli: In Racak, there was KLA stronghold (Kosovo Online)

Former member of the US special forces and member of OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo, Marc Schifanelli, told Kosovo Online portal that the events in Racak were never fully clarified. He mentions that there were solid pieces of evidence in 1998 and 1999 that Racak was a strong KLA stronghold where at least 20-25 captured Albanians, previously kidnapped by the KLA, were held.

Schifanelli worked from October 1998 to March 1999 at the Logistic Center (Fusion Center) of the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM) in Pristina, where he, along with several colleagues, daily analyzed all the data collected by verifiers from all parts of Kosovo. They compiled daily and weekly reports based on that information.

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International Media

Kosovo Commemorates Massacre That Catalysed NATO Intervention (BIRN) 

Hundreds of people paid their respects on the 25th anniversary of the killing of 45 Kosovo Albanian civilians by Serbian forces in Recak/Racak - a massacre that helped spark NATO’s military action against Yugoslavia. 

Monday morning found Maliq Bilalli at the memorial to the Kosovo Albanian civilians who were killed in a massacre in the village of Recak/Racak during the war 25 years ago. 

Forty-four victims were laid to rest here at the memorial site; the body of the 45th has never been found. 

“The memories are fresh, as if it was 25 years ago,” Bilalli told BIRN as he walked through the hillside memorial. 

“We have pain, but also pride. We have freedom thanks to their sacrifice,” Bilalli said, referring to the victims. 

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Kosovo Unplugged: End To Free Electricity After 25 Years (RFE) 

Residents of northern Kosovo, an ethnic Serb-majority area, will finally be forced to pay electricity bills under an agreement years in the making. The billing plan will end 25 years of free power for four municipalities -- and is likely to put the bite on energy-intensive cryptocurrency "mining" in the region bordering Serbia. Northern Kosovo electricity users benefited for decades from unresolved disputes between Kosovo and Serbian energy suppliers following the end of the war between the two countries in 1999. 

See more here: 

Kosovo remembers 45 people killed in 1999 and denounces Serbia for not apologizing (AP) 

Hundreds of people have gathered in a village in southern Kosovo to commemorate the 25th anniversary of a mass killing of 45 ethnic Albanians by Serb forces 

Hundreds of Kosovars gathered in a southern village on Monday to commemorate the 25th anniversary of a mass killing of 45 ethnic Albanians by Serb forces, an event that helped spark international intervention to end a 1998-99 war in Kosovo. 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Parliament Speaker Glauk Konjufca joined citizens at a cemetery in Recak, 32 kilometers (20 miles) south of the capital, Pristina, for the commemoration ceremony. 

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Kosovo residents gather to remember 45 people killed by Serb forces in 1999 massacre (Fox News) 

Hundreds of Kosovars gathered in a southern village Monday to commemorate the 25th anniversary of a mass killing of 45 ethnic Albanians by Serb forces, an event that helped spark international intervention to end a 1998-99 war in Kosovo. 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Parliament Speaker Glauk Konjufca joined citizens at a cemetery in Recak, 20 miles south of the capital, Pristina, for the commemoration ceremony. 

Former U.S. diplomat William Walker, 88, who led an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe mission tasked with overseeing a cease-fire agreement, also was present. Walker's use of the term "massacre" to describe the killings in Recak paved the way for a 78-day NATO bombing campaign of Serb forces that ultimately ended the war. He is revered as a hero in Kosovo. 

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