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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 28, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Lajcak indicates more meetings, “many political questions remain unanswered” (media)
  • Ismaili: We didn’t negotiate regulation; it is in force and does not change (Koha)
  • CBK says new regulation was not contested (media)
  • Agreement reached a year ago not implemented, EU considers both parties responsible (Koha)
  • Osmani: We remain united in our support for Ukraine (RTK)
  • Sarrazin and Ahmeti discuss Kosovo's membership in CoE (media)
  • Krasniqi and Abdixhiku meet German emissary, make requests and promises (Kallxo)
  • Britain requests from Kosovo and Serbia to implement agreements (Koha)
  • KFOR: Bondsteel, main pillar of mission throughout Kosovo (media)
  • EU to present soon mandatory roadmap for implementation of Basic Agreement as condition for integration of Kosovo and Serbia (Albanian Post)
  • RTK publishes video showing Radoicic punching Serb (media)
  • Kamberi: No peace in Balkans without Kosovo-Serbia normalization (Kosovapress)
  • Janjic says CBK regulation is legal (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic: Belgrade demonstrated full commitment, solution at political level a must (Tanjug)
  • Lajcak: Many political questions remain unanswered, additional meetings needed (Tanjug, media)
  • Milivojevic: Results in Brussels expected, Pristina is not for progress in dialogue (Kosovo Online, RTV)
  • Serbian politicians from north meets Sarrazin, criticize attitude of Kurti towards Serbs, demand reaction from international community (KoSSev)
  • Poll: One year after EU agreement, majority of respondents say things have changed for worse (KoSSev)
  • Stano: Kosovo and Serbia will not progress towards EU unless they implement agreements (Kosovo Online, RFE)
  • Dacic receives his Central African Republic's counterpart Baipo-Temon (media)
  • Serbia Against Violence refuses consultations with President Vucic (N1)
  • Vucic to attend Ukraine-SEE summit in Tirana (Tanjug)

Albanian Language Media

Lajcak indicates more meetings, “many political questions remain unanswered” (media)

EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, said after meetings in Brussels on the regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo, that he welcomed “the commitment of the Parties to finding a sustainable solution for the communities affected by the recent CBK regulation. Today’s Dialogue meeting was an important first step, but many political questions remain unanswered. Additional meetings will be needed.”

Ismaili: We didn’t negotiate regulation; it is in force and does not change (Koha)

Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK), Ahmet Ismaili, said in Brussels on Tuesday that during the bilateral and tripartite meetings they shared information about the opportunities provided by the new regulation of the CBK for the transfer of funds from other countries to Kosovo, and that the regulation remains in force and will not be changed.

Ismaili said technical modalities were discussed on how to continue “the financing of Serb citizens from Serbia, through legal and transparent channels in the bank accounts of beneficiaries in Euros, based on the proposal that the CBK sent to the National Bank of Serbia”. “There is nothing else and we did not accept other discussions. The regulation is in force and it will not be changed,” he said.

Ismaili said “the discussion focused on the proposal we sent to the National Bank of Serbia, where we expressed readiness to facilitate one of the existing solutions for the transfer of funds. No one from the EU has questioned the mandate or the authority of the CBK to regulate this issue or the way it was regulated, but there were concerns about the impact on a certain community”.

Ismaili said that following the instructions of the EU “we also met the technical delegation from Serbia. There was no political presence at the meeting. We gave our contribution so that the European Union can clearly understand the issue. Technical solutions are also possible and can be implemented without changing any legal regulative. There is a possibility for the Serb citizens to receive the aid from Serbia if the latter decides to transfer them”.

Ismaili said the issue of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo was not a topic of discussion, and that the regulation in its entirety was discussed. He added that the CBK does not negotiate with any external or internal party about its monetary and financial regulation.

“The solution exists, and it functions, through a technical solution, which implies the transfer of funds between two countries, namely the transfer of funds from Serbia to Kosovo through official channels. The meeting was held more because of the need to explain the issue. We expected that the National Bank of Serbia would be present [at the meeting], but it seems that their delegation through the Ministry of Finances covered this issue. We, the CBK, have completed our part and now it is up to the authority that sends the funds to choose which legitimate option they will use,” he said.

CBK says new regulation was not contested (media)

The Central Bank of Kosovo has announced that the new regulation of this institution was not discussed at the meeting in Brussels, but that some concerns were raised about the impact it may have on Serbian citizens, regarding the way money is transferred.

“A high-level delegation of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CBK) participated in a meeting with representatives of the European Union in Brussels, chaired by Mr. Miroslav Lajčák.

During this meeting, the CBK delegation presented and explained the arguments related to the Regulation on Cash Operations.

The constitutional and legal authority of the CBK and the regulation imposed by the CBK was not questioned or contested by the EU, however some concerns have been raised about the potential impact on our citizens of the Serbian community. Therefore, participation was deemed necessary to provide appropriate clarifications regarding these concerns and to discuss the legal and technical possibilities for fund transfers.

Furthermore, the CBK has elaborated on detailed technical solutions for transferring funds through transparent banking channels, aiming to facilitate the selection of the most convenient option for transferring funds to beneficiaries' accounts (in Euro), in accordance with current legal regulations.

Following this meeting, the CBK delegation, at the coordination of the EU, also met with the technical delegation of the Ministry of Finance of Serbia. Within its mandate, the CBK presented and discussed the options it proposed, arguing the possibility and ease of their practical realization if such willingness exists from the sending party, without any alteration to the current legal framework,” reads the CBK press relase.

Agreement reached a year ago not implemented, EU considers both parties responsible (Koha)

It has been exactly one year since Kosovo and Serbia reached the Basic Agreement, which in Pristina was interpreted as de-facto recognition by the northern neighbor. But, 12 months later, in Brussels they said that both parties are equally responsible for lack of implementation. Those familiar with political developments assessed that to change the situation, more active involvement of the USA is needed.

In a written response, spokesman Peter Stano expressed disappointment at insufficient progress and warned the parties of consequences on the path to membership in the bloc.

"The Agreement on the Road to Normalization - agreed in Brussels on February 27 last year - is a historic agreement that sets the dialogue on a clear forward-looking trajectory. One year later, the EU regrets the limited progress so far in the implementation of the Agreement, which can be fully attributed to the two parties. Without progress in the implementation of the Agreement on the Road to Normalization, as well as all other agreements of the Dialogue, the parties will not be able to fulfill their European paths".

However, the authorities in Kosovo said that it is Serbia that refuses to sign and implement the agreement, which, according to them, constitutes de-facto recognition of statehood. Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi accused this country of violating eight articles of the agreement and also of destructive approach and escalation of the situation on the ground.

"In just one year, all these acts and behaviors proved that Serbia is strongly hindering the advancement on the road to the full normalization of relations and mutual recognition. Kosovo, for its part, remains constructive and engaged in this journey, in the full, fair and unconditional implementation of the Basic Agreement and the Implementing Annex, through a balanced sequencing plan between the parties. The Brussels Agreement and its Implementing Annex must be implemented as soon as possible. The region needs development and prosperity, harmony and good neighborly relations between all the states of the region".

Experts in political affairs say that the implementation of the agreement can be pushed forward by the more active involvement of the U.S. administration.

"I think that with this behavior of Serbia and this lack of coordination of Kosovo, the likelihood of a normalization of relations necessarily requires a new methodology, not only of the EU as a mediator, but mainly of the USA, to use instruments of other forms of pressure on the parties in order to force them to move faster towards the fulfillment of obligations and full normalization", said the expert on political developments, Arben Fetoshi.

"Without the American administration, it seems to me that the European community is limited. The influence on Belgrade by the American administration is very successful. For the last 20 years, the Euro-Atlantic groups have had a problem with official Belgrade, now that Belgrade is under control, the internationals have a problem with our prime minister, which means we are at a corner and at a dead end," said expert Branislav Krstic.

A year ago, Kosovo and Serbia officially accepted the French-German plan, which was then called the Basic Agreement. After February 27, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia met again in Ohrid on March 18, where they agreed on the second document, known as the implementation annex.

Although the agreement was not signed, the EU issued a statement, according to which its implementation is a condition for Kosovo and Serbia's path to membership in the bloc.

Osmani: We remain united in our support for Ukraine (RTK) 

The Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom posted on X platform the 11 partner countries stand as one to support Ukraine in the training of recruits.

"Interflex, based in the UK, has trained over 34,000 Ukrainian recruits with the help of our partners, including the newest member Kosovo," said the post of the UK Ministry of Defense on the 'X' platform.

Kosovo president Vjosa Osmani has commented on the post saying ‘Through Operation Interflex in the UK, of which Kosovo is a proud member, 34,000 Ukrainian recruits have now been trained.’ 

“Standing shoulder to shoulder with our allies, we remain united in our support for Ukraine, as well as for lasting peace and security on our continent,” Osmani wrote.

Sarrazin and Ahmeti discuss Kosovo's membership in CoE (media)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Kreshnik Ahmeti, met on Tuesday with the Special Representative of Germany for the countries of the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin.

As the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced, in this meeting Kosovo's membership in international organizations, especially in the Council of Europe, was discussed.

"Deputy Minister Ahmeti welcomed him and informed Mr. Sarrazin with current activities related to Kosovo's membership in international organizations, with special emphasis on the Council of Europe. Also, the two talked about the European path of the Republic of Kosovo as well as regional cooperation", the announcement states.

Krasniqi and Abdixhiku meet German emissary, make requests and promises (Kallxo)

The German emissary for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, met separately with the leaders of the two opposition parties in Kosovo, Memli Krasniq of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Lumir Abdixiku of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). According to the announcements of the parties, the political situation and their positions towards developments in Kosovo were the main topics discussed on 27.02.2024. Both parties have expressed their readiness to cooperate in the interest of Kosovo. 

Through his announcement on Facebook, Krasniqi said that he requested the removal of EU sanctions against Kosovo, from which he says that the citizens are suffering the most. "PDK, as always, with cooperation and responsibility, will commit to protect the interest of the state, of the citizens and its European perspective" - Memli Krasniqi wrote. 

On †he other hand, LDK has announced that Abdixhiku has thanked Sarrazin for the support that Germany has given to Kosovo in all processes, especially for the liberalization of visas. "Leader Abdixiku also reiterated that LDK remains committed and always ready for cooperation with international allies in the important processes of Kosovo" - wrote LDK on Facebook.

Britain requests from Kosovo and Serbia to implement agreements (Koha)

Great Britain has requested from Kosovo and Serbia to implement the obligations deriving from the agreement of February 27 last year in Brussels. In an answer to the news website, the British Embassy in Pristina said that they fully support the dialogue mediated by the EU and the ambition to normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

"The facilitators have been clear that they consider the agreements reached in Ohrid and Brussels last year to be binding and both parties must fully implement these obligations," the British embassy replied.

KFOR: Bondsteel, main pillar of mission throughout Kosovo (media)

The NATO mission in Kosovo, KFOR, has held the ceremony of changing the regional command in the east, namely in the Bondsteel camp, led by the United States of America. The delivery of the NATO flag was made between the outgoing commander, Colonel Kenneth Walker, and Colonel Jason Baker, the future commander, KFOR announced in a communique.

Commander Oezkan Ulutash expressed his appreciation to Colonel Walker for his services and leadership.

"Your integration, cooperation and coordination with all counterparts in the area of responsibility have been exceptional to support KFOR's extensive efforts towards sustainable security," he said.

The KFOR commander wished Colonel Baker a successful mandate, stressing his belief in the ability of the "new American personnel to continue to make the Eastern Regional Command a main pillar of the KFOR mission throughout Kosovo".

Civil and military authorities participated in the ceremony, including the ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier.

EU to present soon mandatory roadmap for implementation of Basic Agreement as condition for integration of Kosovo and Serbia (Albanian Post)

Albanian Post Director Baton Haxhiu writes in an article that the EU is very soon expected to announce a roadmap with several points for the implementation of the Basic Agreement and the Implementation Annex. Through the document the EU will clarify in concrete terms what it will consider a satisfactory implementation of the Basic Agreement and the Implementation Annex. The EU is also expected to make clear to both parties that without the implementation of the roadmap there can be no progress on the respective European paths or access to the development funds for the Western Balkans. The EU will present a list of what needs to be done and will close any possibility of discussion. Kosovo and Serbia will be assessed separately for the implementation of the roadmap.

RTK publishes video showing Radoicic punching Serb (media)

Most news websites covered a video published by RTK showing Milan Radoicic, the former deputy leader of the Serbian List and the self-proclaimed leader of the armed group that carried out the attack in Banjska in September last year, punching Aleksandar Spiric. The latter is referred to in the video as “the former illegal mayor of Mitrovica North”. According to unnamed sources, the incident happened at a hotel in Kopaonik, Serbia, which is owned by Radoicic. See video at: 

Kamberi: No peace in Balkans without Kosovo-Serbia normalization (Kosovapress)

Shaip Kamberi, the only Albanian member of the Serbian Parliament, said in an interview with the news agency on Tuesday that for peace in the Balkans there needs to be a normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. “If you look at various examples that happened throughout the world, with the reconciliation of nations that had disputes or even in war, reconciliation is possible. If it happened in South Africa, it is possible in the Balkans too. Perhaps what happened the reconciliation process in South Africa is the fact that all those people that were involved in serious violations of human rights … admitted their guilt, perhaps were not tried, but it was enough that they publicly admitted the guilty and spoke publicly about it,” he said.

Kamberi argued that the dialogue for normalization must bring essential changes to relations between Kosovo and Serbia, “and with this the stability of the whole Western Balkans”.

Janjic says CBK regulation is legal (media)

Dusan Janjic from the Forum for Ethnic Relations, said that Kosovo's move to cancel the dinar is legal and both QUINT and Belgrade were informed about this issue in December. He assessed that there were no objective conditions for Tuesday's discussion in Brussels about the dinar in the Kosovo payment system, at the invitation of the EU's special envoy for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak.

"It is not possible to do it on a technical level, it requires political dialogue, as we know everything that had to happen in the political dialogue, it ended in 2023, the European elections are coming, the change of facilitators. The role of today's meeting is to buy time and create a political platform on the basis of which the National Bank of Serbia and the Central Bank of Kosovo will agree on some alternative solutions for the transfer of money," Janjic told N1.

Serbian Language Media 

Petkovic: Belgrade demonstrated full commitment, solution at political level a must (Tanjug)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said in Brussels that Belgrade's delegation during Tuesday's round of dialogue with Pristina had demonstrated full commitment to solve problems and that a solution must be found to ensure dinar payments to Serbs in Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reported.

Speaking to reporters following the meetings, Petkovic said discussions had shown that a decision on a regulation by Kosovo Central Bank which has effectively banned Serbian dinar implied a solution at political level. He said that, unlike Pristina's chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi, Belgrade had demonstrated commitment to solve problems through dialogue, while Prime Minister Albin Kurti was taking escalatory measures aimed at expelling Serbs from Kosovo.

"The meeting showed that the decision by the so-called Kosovo central bank implies a solution at a political level. That is why I was here, unlike Bislimi. The consequences of such a decision are political. It is true the dinar had never been discussed in the dialogue until now, but since the decision by the so-called Kosovo central bank is directly impacting the Serbs, of course it will be discussed in Brussels", Petkovic said.

"During the discussion, representatives of the so-called Kosovo central bank said that Commercial Bank (Komercijalna banka) has more accounts, which is not true as there are 55,000 accounts at the Postal Savings Bank (Postanska stedionica). That clearly shows there is no real reason for the regulations by the so-called Kosovo central bank and that they do not even know all the details about payment transactions but that this is a purely political decision", Petkovic said. He also said the Postal Savings Bank must continue to operate in Kosovo alongside the Post of Serbia to ensure payments could be made to Serbs living "both south and north of the Ibar River".

Lajcak: Many political questions remain unanswered, additional meetings needed (Tanjug, media)

The EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Tuesday, after the series of Brussels meetings following a decision of Kosovo Central Bank to ban Serbian dinar in payment transactions, that many political questions remained unanswered, Tanjug news agency reported.

"I welcome the commitment of the Parties to finding a sustainable solution for the communities affected by the recent CBK regulation. Today’s Dialogue meeting was an important first step, but many political questions remain unanswered. Additional meetings will be needed", Lajcak wrote in a post on his official account on X social platform. 

Milivojevic: Results in Brussels expected, Pristina is not for progress in dialogue (Kosovo Online, RTV)

Former Serbian high ranking diplomat Zoran Milivojevic told Radio Television of Vojvodina (RTV) the result of Brussels meetings yesterday did not come as surprise, adding that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and his deputy Besnik Bislimi were making statements ahead of the talks clearly showing there will be no progress in the dialogue, because Pristina does not give up on its maximalist demands.

He also warned there is possibility of not having progress also when it comes to the situation on the ground, if reactions on the Central Bank of Kosovo decision to abolish dinar does not come from the West.

“I am afraid there will be no progress on the ground either, unless there is some serious intervention by the Western centers of power, who are the only ones capable of cutting this thing short and prevent the worst possible scenario which is looming”, Milivojevic said.

Serbian politicians from north meets Sarrazin, criticize attitude of Kurti towards Serbs, demand reaction from international community (KoSSev)

After visiting Belgrade, German Special Envoy for Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin also visited Mitrovica North and met Serbian political representatives there, KoSSev portal reported. He visited Pritina and met with leaders of opposition parties and deputy foreign minister there. .

Serban List: More than ever measures are needed, not press releases and statements

The Serbian List delegation headed by Zlatan Elek informed Sarrazin in detail about “anti-Serbian actions of the Albin Kurti-lead government since it was established, violation of all signed agreements but also of all rights of the Serbian people”, reads the statement published by the party. They also warned that the decision of Kosovo Central Bank to abolish dinar with all previously mentioned problems will result in expulsion of the Serbian people from Kosovo. They also requested the international community to urgently react and prevent exodus of the Serbs, adding that more than ever measures are needed, and not press releases and statements.

Serbian Democracy: Situation worsening

Serbian Democracy, whose members also met Sarrazin, said the meeting was constructive. "Serbian Democracy made it clear to German representatives that the situation on the ground is worsening due to the unilateral measures of Mr. (Albin) Kurti and his government", the party said in a statement. They also asked the German government and European institutions to put stronger pressure on Kosovo authorities in order to improve the situation to the benefit of the Serbian community. They presented all problems Serbian people in Kosovo are facing, emphasizing that they must be solved as soon as possible, the portal added. 

Poll: One year after EU agreement, majority of respondents say things have changed for worse (KoSSev)

Exactly one year ago, Belgrade and Pristina, that is, President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Albin Kurti, accepted the Agreement on the path towards the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, at the proposal of the European Union, and the suggestion of France and Germany. Since then, the situation on the ground has been marked by the biggest crisis since 2004, KoSSev portal reported.

This agreement was supposed to resolve all open issues between Pristina and Belgrade, such as good neighborly relations, strict preservation of peace, resolution of disputes and conflicts exclusively by peaceful means, refraining from the threat or use of force, recognition of Kosovo symbols, diplomas, greater rights for Kosovo Serbs via the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities, the portal added.

The poll KoSSev published on its social networks revealed that the majority of respondents felt changes “for the worse“ in the last year and believed that the agreement was being implemented.

Read more at:

Stano: Kosovo and Serbia will not progress towards EU unless they implement agreements (Kosovo Online, RFE)

EU spokesperson Peter Stano stated Kosovo and Serbia could not progress on the European path unless there was progress in implementing last year's Agreement on the Normalization of Relations, as well as all other agreements reached within the dialogue, Kosovo Online portal reports citing RFE.

"The European Union regrets the limited progress so far in the implementation of the agreements, which can be entirely attributed to both parties", Stano said in response to Radio Free Europe.

The Agreement on the Path to Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia was reached a year ago, on February 27, 2023, and less than a month later, on March 18, an Annex on its implementation was agreed upon in Ohrid. The agreement consists of 11 items, including one stipulating that Serbia will not oppose Kosovo membership in any international organization, as well as one concerning the provision of an appropriate level of self-governance for the Serbian community in Kosovo, including the possibility of financial support from Serbia.

Dacic receives his Central African Republic's counterpart Baipo-Temon (media)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received the Foreign Minister of the Central African Republic (CAR) Sylvie Baipo-Temon on Tuesday to discuss bilateral cooperation, Serbian media reported. Dacic said renewing friendships with traditional friends in Africa was important and that Serbia and the CAR would next year mark the 65th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. He also said that Serbia had not devoted sufficient attention to traditional friends after the 1990s and that many of its embassies - including in the CAR - had been shut down.

"They had no contact with Serbia, they were unfamiliar with the details of the breakup of Yugoslavia, national problems, the position of the Serbs, the Kosovo and Metohija issue", Dacic said, adding that, on the other hand, Pristina had sent its representatives everywhere. Dacic noted that Kosovo claimed it had been recognised by the CAR in 2011.

"I visited the CAR in March 2018 and I spoke with the president. We were interested in CAR's position on the Kosovo issue... ...He (the president) told me they had no papers about that (a recognition of Kosovo). That is why, to avoid a debate on whether it recognised it or not, the CAR adopted in July 2019 a note recognising the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia", he said.

Baipo-Temon said the CAR’s president would meet with Vucic in Belgrade on Thursday, February 29. She said the meeting with Dacic had addressed topics of mutual interest and noted that her country had a long history of friendship with Serbia that was also marked by friendship between former heads of state. She also said the CAR stood by the principle of respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia because it, too, faced the same problems.

Serbia Against Violence refuses consultations with President Vucic (N1)

The opposition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s invitation for consultations on prime minister nomination and formation of new government “are nothing but a farce”, N1 reports. “We have nothing to consult on with a man who has usurped power, rigged the elections and brutally altered the will of the people”, the coalition added.

“(…) We believe that we should wait for an independent European mission that will give a final judgment on the held elections, as well as that the formation of a government based on election fraud would only further deepen the crisis we are in”, Serbia Against Violence coalition said in a press release.

Vucic began on Monday post-election consultations with political parties on a candidate for prime minister and new government.

Vucic to attend Ukraine-SEE summit in Tirana (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will be visiting Tirana on Wednesday and Thursday, during which time he will attend a Ukraine-Southeast Europe summit. 

Vucic will also take part in a regional summit on an EU growth plan and EU convergence, the presidential press office has announced in a statement.