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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 26, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • No agreement on dinar, next meeting on April 4 (media)
  • Lajcak: Important details were clarified, we will meet again next week (media)
  • Government: Content of CBK Regulation is not being discussed in Brussels (Koha)
  • Kurti remembers 25th anniversary of Serbian massacres in Gjakova and Rahovec (RTK)
  • Russia's proposal for an UNSC extraordinary session for Kosovo does not pass (RTK)
  • Gervalla: Security Council session, attempt at absurd parallels (media)
  • Konjufca on elections: It remains to decide whether summer or autumn is better (RTK)
  • Von Cramon to Brnabic: Agreements do not affect Kosovo's path to CoE (RTK)
  • Civil society against registration of portals in IMC, demands ownership and financial transparency (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic: Other side wants no solution, dialogue to continue on April 4 (Tanjug, media)
  • Lajcak: We will reconvene next week to find solution for cash operations (Tanjug, media)
  • Discussion on NATO bombing of Serbia not included on UN Security Council agenda (Tanjug, media)
  • Nebenzya: Shameful day for UN SC, those who bombed Yugoslavia did not wish to hear truth (Tanjug)
  • Ambassador Shuang on UNSC session and refusal to include 25th anniversary of NATO bombing of FRY in agenda (Kosovo Online)
  • Council of Europe session on Kosovo membership bid on Wednesday (Radio KIM)
  • Montenegrin DNP supports head of delegation to vote against Pristina admission to Council of Europe (RTS)  

International Media:

  • Council of Europe Rapporteur Backs Kosovo’s Membership Bid (Balkan Insight)
  • Cyberattacks and Ethnically-Fuelled Harassment Mark Start of Year (Balkan Insight)

Albanian Language Media

No agreement on dinar, next meeting on April 4 (media) 

The chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia, under the mediation of the European Union, have ended the meetings in Brussels on the issue of the Serbian dinar without any results. 

Kosovo chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi said after the meeting that there is a need for another meeting next week.  "It was seen that there is a big difference in the proposals of both parties and after several talks we agreed that there is a need for another meeting to see if there is a possibility to come closer to a solution or not," said Bislimi. 

According to Bislimi, Kosovar side has issued a very constructive proposal that enables the financial support for the final users without affecting at any moment the Regulation of the CBK and the legislation in force.

"We have commented on the other side's proposals to see to what extent they are within the frameworks we have agreed on and then we have each argued for each article of our proposal, but then during the bilateral meetings it was seen that there is still a need for alignment of positions, therefore it has been agreed to try another meeting during the next week", stated Bislimi. 

He said that the problem does not lie in the symbolism that Serbia says that the dinar is a symbol of Serbia's presence in Kosovo. "We are looking for a practical solution that has nothing symbolic but has the citizen in the main focus, but I wanted the negotiations not to be damaged by extracting details from the proposals of both parties", said Bislimi. 

He has said that he believes that if there is political will on both sides, a solution can be easily found at the next meeting. 

Serbia's chief negotiator, Petar Petkovic, has accused the Kosovar side of not showing "any political will" to reach an agreement. He said that there was a discussion with the Kosovar side for almost three and a half hours and then it was decided in a meeting with the mediators that the next round of discussions will be held on April 4. 

"It is sufficient to say that there was no effort from the other side for that letter to be called a proposal that goes towards a compromise agreement. And this is what worries me a lot. I don't know which direction the dialogue is going. I am worried about the future of the Serb people in Kosovo and M, when you see that the other side does not have the political will to reach a solution", said Petkovic.

He said that they will continue to discuss until "the last atom of energy" to reach an agreement.

"After three and a half hours of direct discussions with the Prishtina side, where we talked about the proposals, then there were also bilateral discussions with the EU, and the agreement is to continue talking in Brussels on April 4," said Petkovic. 

He said that "the EU is either unable or unwilling to find a solution".

Lajcak: Important details were clarified, we will meet again next week (media)

The EU emissary for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, said that the discussions in Brussels within the framework of the dialogue helped to clarify important details. According to him, the delegations of Kosovo and Serbia have agreed to meet again next week to find a solution. 

"Today, the Chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia presented proposals on a way forward for people affected by the CBK regulation on cash operations. Our long discussions helped to clarify important details. Next week we agreed to reconvene with the ambition to find a solution”, Lajcak wrote on X.

Government: Content of CBK Regulation is not being discussed in Brussels (Koha)

The Government of Kosovo in a press release has made a statement about the meetings that took place on Monday within the framework of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue in Brussels at the level of chief negotiators. In the communique, the Government reiterated that in these meetings the topic of discussion was "finding a solution for the form of sending financial support to the Serb community, within the Central Bank's regulations".

"The First Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue of the Republic of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, participated in the meetings within the dialogue process. The meetings took place in trilateral and bilateral format. The topic of the meetings was to find a solution for the form of sending financial support to the Serb community, within the regulations of the Central Bank", the communiqué states. 

According to the government, the content of the regulation was not discussed in these meetings.

"Our side submitted its proposals and ideas about the issue and presented and argued them in today's meetings. Our proposals are in line with the CBK regulation, for which we reiterate that the content of which is not being discussed", the communiqué states.

It is further emphasized that the facilitator of the process has pointed out that the proposals of the parties have not yet been aligned and the need for a potential meeting next week is presented.

Kurti remembers 25th anniversary of Serbian massacres in Gjakova and Rahovec (RTK) 

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, recalled the 25th anniversary of the Serbian massacres in Gjakove and Rahovec, where women and children were not spared. Through a post on Facebook, Kurti said that on March 25, 1999, 69 Albanians were killed in Fortese of Rahovec, among them children. 

"13 of those killed were children: Alma (18 months old), Alban (5 years old), Bledar (8 years old), Besart (10 years old), Altin (10 years old), Albulena (11 years old), Suzana (11 years old), Burbuqe (13 years old) from the Zeqiri family, Ramazan (8 years old), Mejreme (15 years old) and Gezim (17 years old) from the Salihu family, Bedrush Hasani (15 years old) and Alban Rexhepi (14 years old)".

"Ask for help from NATO now!", the policemen of Serbia told the group of 13 Albanians in Fortese (former Bellacerke) before they opened fire on them with automatic weapons. Kurti wrote among other things onFacebook. 

That same day, in the massacre in Brestoc of Rahovec, the Serbian armed forces killed 54 Albanians. 25 years ago, Serbia's cruel massacres of the civilian population left 46 dead in Ternje of Suhareka and 20 killed in Goden i Gjakova, whose bodies were then burned. In Randobrava, Prizren, Serbian forces killed 8 members of the Pajaziti family. Among them was a mother with her four children, aged between 7 and 2 years. A day before, the bombing campaign by NATO forces had started, with the aim of stopping the genocide that was being carried out by the state of Serbia against the Albanians in Kosovo. 

After the airstrikes began, the forces of the FRY and Serbia began their extensive and systematic campaign to kill and forcefully expel Kosovo Albanians.

NATO bombing stopped Serbia's project to exterminate Albanians. "With the help of NATO allied countries, we achieved the freedom of Kosovo, rooted in the blood of martyrs", Kurti wrote. "May the memory of all those who fell for the freedom that we enjoy be eternal!", Prime Minister Kurti concluded.

Russia's proposal for an UNSC extraordinary session for Kosovo does not pass (RTK)

The Security Council of the United Nations has not approved the temporary agenda, which was the request of the delegation of Russia to hold an extraordinary session for Kosovo in connection with the 25th anniversary of NATO bombings against Serbian targets. In a procedural vote, only three members voted in favor, and 12 others abstained in the procedural vote. 

The representatives of France and the USA insisted that Russia has not consulted at all with the members of the Security Council for this session. And the representative of Russia insisted that it had appeared on the agenda and was published in the calendar by the Japanese Presidency of the UN.

The U.S. representative to the UN, Robert Wood, said the U.S. vote was an abstention because of Russia's approach.

"It is unfortunate that the Russian Federation wasted the time of this Council. This is about the approach of the Russian Federation that it is either my way or not at all. That's not how the council works. The U.S. has nothing to hide in terms of its support for the NATO operations of 1999, the actions were necessary, legitimate, to stop ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. The U.S. voted this time to abstain because of Russia's intervention. However, we support meeting in the appropriate format, which addresses the issue of that year. We cannot support a session that blatantly instrumentalizes the events of a century ago. The fact that Russia expresses opposition to Kosovo's participation here today, shows its intentions. The meeting requested by Russia has nothing to do with the Council, it is an attempt by the Kremlin to undermine stability in the Balkans and to use the Council for its own propaganda," said Wood.

Gervalla: Security Council session, attempt at absurd parallels (media) 

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, said that the extraordinary session of the UN Security Council, called for Monday by Russia, tends to raise an absurd and unacceptable parallel between NATO's intervention in Kosovo, which stopped Serbia's genocidal campaign, and its aggressive war for the annexation of Ukrainian territory. 

"25 years ago in Krushe e Madhe of Rahovec and the surrounding villages, Serbia committed a terrible massacre against the civilian population of this area, killing 241 Albanian civilians. Serbia committed this genocidal crime one day after the start of the NATO bombing campaign on Serbian military targets," she wrote on Facebook.

According to her, the martyrs of Krusha e Madhe, Krusha e Vogel and other massacres of the Serbian genocidal state in Kosovo, the indescribable sacrifice of all the citizens of Kosovo are the foundation of freedom and statehood.

"It is never enough to remember and honor all those who gave their lives for the freedom of Kosovo. Their sacrifice is our sublime obligation to build and strengthen the Republic of Kosovo as a state of its citizens", she said.

Konjufca on elections: It remains to decide whether summer or autumn is better (RTK)

The Speaker of the Assembly, Glauk Konjufca, has said that he shares the same opinion with the opposition to send the country to elections, but requires an agreement with the political parties to find the appropriate time.

Speaker Konjufca said that there was no specific request from political parties. But, according to him, for the time to send the country to the elections, we need an agreement with the political parties.

"You know that I am for elections. I said that the best option is to go to the elections; everyone is saying that it is this year, but this year is still a few months old. I cannot tell you exactly what is the best time to go to the elections, but you have also heard the prime minister who said that he would support an initiative of the opposition regarding going to the elections. We just have to sit down with the political parties and specify which is the most suitable time, summer or autumn", stressed Konjufca.

Von Cramon to Brnabic: Agreements do not affect Kosovo's path to CoE (RTK) 

The MEP Viola von Cramon and the Speaker of the Assembly of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, exchanged opinions on the "X" platform. Cramon reminded Brnabic that the Brussels Agreements are not related to Kosovo's integration processes in international organizations.

"Of course, I am not against the Association of Municipalities with a Serb Majority (on the contrary, I am in favor), but the Brussels Agreements are not related to Kosovo's future membership in the Council of Europe. If you have a different opinion, that's up to you. Whether you want to leave the Council of Europe is also up to you, but I just don't think it's serious," Von Cramon wrote in "X".

The Speaker of the Assembly of Serbia Brnabic reacted to the statement of the EP rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon that "Serbia bluffed that it will leave the CoE if Kosovo joins that organization", saying “Well, you should know a thing or two about bluffing and lying - you didn't just bluff, you outright lied about the establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, which is a backbone of the Brussels Agreement. 

Brnabic accused the European Union of lack of credibility, saying that 11 years after the signing of the Brussels agreement, the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority has not yet been implemented.

“Finally - what speaks against Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe? Easy. Most importantly, the fact that, in accordance with international law, the UN Charter, and UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Kosovo and Metohija is an Autonomous Province of the Republic of Serbia, and not a "European State", said the former prime minister of Serbia.

"Serbia did not bluff and should not be a part of hypocrisy if Kosovo is admitted to the CoE".

Civil society against registration of portals in IMC, demands ownership and financial transparency (Koha) 

The civil society has expressed numerous remarks regarding the Draft Law on the Independent Media Commission, in the public hearing held on Monday. With this draft law, according to the civil society, the closing of small online media is at risk, but it also opens the door for the establishment of television stations by political parties and religious communities.

Serbian Language Media 

Petkovic: Other side wants no solution, dialogue to continue on April 4 (Tanjug, media)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said Monday Pristina lacked political will to find a solution for the use of the Serbian dinar in Kosovo, and announced that a new round of technical-level dialogue with Pristina would be held on April 4, Tanjug news agency reported.

Speaking to reporters after a trilateral and a bilateral meeting in Brussels, Petkovic said both sides had presented their proposed solutions and that Belgrade had a balanced approach and looked after Serbian interests while Pristina's proposal reflected no effort to find a solution.

"That is what worries me extremely, I do not know what direction the dialogue will be heading in. I am worried about the position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, especially when you see that there is no will on the other side to reach a solution. We will continue to negotiate..., we will do everything in our power to preserve peace and our people in Kosovo and Metohija, whose human rights are being violated and who cannot receive their salaries, pensions and social benefits because of (Albin) Kurti", Petkovic said.

"If you want a solution, you must put in effort. To me, it all looks as though the other side does not want to do that. Kurti will continue to persecute the Serbs", Petkovic said, adding it was clear the EU did not have or did not want a solution. He also said Belgrade was committed to dialogue and would do everything for a solution to be reached.

Lajcak: We will reconvene next week to find solution for cash operations (Tanjug, media)

The EU Special Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Monday in Brussels the chief negotiators in the dialogue had presented their proposals regarding a regulation by Kosovo Central Bank on payment transactions which banned Serbian dinar in Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reported.

"Today, the Chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia presented proposals on a way forward for people affected by the CBK regulation on cash operations. Our long discussions helped to clarify important details. Next week we agreed to reconvene with the ambition to find a solution", Lajcak wrote in a post on X social media platform.

Discussion on NATO bombing of Serbia not included on UN Security Council agenda (Tanjug, media)

United Nations Security Council member states did not vote today to include the initiative put forward by Russia to discuss NATO bombing of the-then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ) in 1999 into the session’s agenda, Tanjug news agency reported.

Three UN SC member states voted for the proposal to be included on the agenda – Russia, China and Algeria, no one voted against and 12 states abstained.

At the beginning of the session the French Permanent Representative opposed discussion on the NATO bombing, saying that this topic “will not contribute to the progress in any way”.

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister in technical mandate Ivica Dacic said Serbia is disappointed because it was prevented “to hear the truth of NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at the UN Security Council”.

“We came here at the invitation of UN SC. We believe the topic is extremely important for international legal order and that today, as the bombing of Serbia was carried out as a precedent, another precedent at procedural voting took place”, Dacic told the media. He also thanked Russia, China and Algeria for supporting the initiative to discuss the bombing of Serbia at the UN Security Council. 

Nebenzya: Shameful day for UN SC, those who bombed Yugoslavia did not wish to hear truth (Tanjug)

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya said yesterday was “a shameful day for the UN Security Council, because the member states that bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, did not want to speak about that”, Tanjug news agency reported.

“Our proposal was not rejected when we proposed holding the session. We learnt this topic would be put for procedural voting only today at 12.00. I consider this as yet another episode of diplomatic aggression by France in the Security Council”, Nebenzya told journalists in New York yesterday.

He also said this was a sad and shameful day for the UN SC because NATO members that bombed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, and as he said, caused horrible sufferings to the people in the country, did not want to speak about that. 

Ambassador Shuang on UNSC session and refusal to include 25th anniversary of NATO bombing of FRY in agenda (Kosovo Online)

Deputy Head of the Chinese Mission to the UN, Ambassador Geng Shuang said yesterday after the topic on 25th anniversary of NATO bombing of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) was not included in the agenda of the UNSC session, that China will never again allow to happen what happened to Serbia in 1999, Kosovo Online portal reported.

Shuang said China supported holding of the session and expressed regret that some other members had different opinions. Recalling that NATO, 25 years ago without approval of the UN SC attacked the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, he said he is disappointed with the outcome of the vote about agenda and refusal to include this topic in discussion.

“We are disappointed with the outcome of the voting...before we leave I must say that NATO bombing also caused very painful moment that Chinese people will never forget….on May 7, NATO headed by US launched several laser-guided missiles and bombed Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, causing death of three Chinese journalists and injuring more than 20 Chinese diplomatic representatives”, Shuang said. He added this represented a flagrant violation of the Chinese sovereignty and serious injury to the peoples feelings, as well as gross violation of the international law. He also said the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was a clear violation of international law.

Council of Europe session on Kosovo membership bid on Wednesday (Radio KIM)

A Session of the Committee of Political Affairs and Democracy of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly at which Kosovo membership bid will be discussed is scheduled on Wednesday, March 27, Radio KIM reports.

The draft agenda, Tanjug news agency had insight into, says that statutory opinion about this request, Pristina submitted on May 12, 2022, will be presented by rapporteur for Kosovo Dora Bakoyannis, and the session will commence at 14.30.

Head of the Serbian Assembly Permanent Delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Biljana Pantic-Pilja told Tanjug news agency at the end of last week that Bakoyannis recommended Kosovo to become a member of this political organization.  

Montenegrin DNP supports head of delegation to vote against Pristina admission to Council of Europe (RTS)  

The Main Board of the Montenegrin Democratic Peoples’ Party (DNP)  extended support to the head of the Montenegrin Permanent Delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly to vote against admission of Kosovo in the Council of Europe, Serbian public broadcaster RTS reported.

“In a session a full support was extended to the vice president Maja Vukicevic, head of the Montenegrin Delegation at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly to vote against admission of Kosovo to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The Main Board has also been informed about the party's activities on the anniversary of 25th NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SRJ)”, reads the statement, CDM reported. 

International Media 

Council of Europe Rapporteur Backs Kosovo’s Membership Bid (Balkan Insight)

Report by rapporteur Dora Bakoyannis advises positive response to Kosovo's Council of Europe membership bid, after it met key criterion when it granted disputed land to a Serbian Orthodox monastery last week.

The Council of Europe rapporteur Dora Bakoyannis recommended a “positive response” to Kosovo’s application to join the human rights organization in a March 22 report.

In the draft report that BIRN has seen, Bakoyannis wrote that Kosovo’s membership “would lead to the strengthening of human rights standards by ensuring access to the European Court of Human Rights to all those who are under Kosovo’s jurisdiction”.

“Welcoming Kosovo into the Council of Europe’s fold, however, is not the end but the beginning of a process,” Bakoyannis said. The report is expected to be debated among CoE members this week.

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Cyberattacks and Ethnically-Fuelled Harassment Mark Start of Year (Balkan Insight)

Public institutions in the region faced significant cyberattacks in late January. The Romanian National Directorate for Cyber Security’s website suffered a DDoS attack while hackers breached the Romanian Chamber of Deputies’ database, extracting personal and parliamentary data. A major ransomware attack targeted Romania Soft Company’s servers, affecting 25 hospitals.

In Albania, social media platforms became tools for endangering citizens' lives, with cases of stalking, blackmail and threats. In Hungary, pro-government media outlets attempted to cover up a scandal involving a pedophile pardon. In North Macedonia, misinformation about passport issuance escalated, causing chaos and public outrage.

Montenegro saw a surge in hate speech, particularly targeting ethnic minorities, while in Belgrade, Serbia, AI-generated pornographic content created a frenzy in schools. In Turkey, lawyer Feyza Altun faced harassment and legal action for her social media posts criticizing Sharia law, highlighting challenges to freedom of expression ahead of local elections.

In Kosovo, in February, online media continue spreading misinformation, ethnic tension was fuelled by inflammatory narratives and public figures face reputational damage due to false accusations and misrepresentations.

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