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Ramadani: Thaci and PDK turned Kosovo into a valley of extremisms (Gazeta Express)

In an interview for Express, Burim Ramadani, Secretary General of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), recalls that the previous government had promised to turn Kosovo into Silicon Valley, "but PDK leader Hashim Thaci and his party have instead turned the country into a valley of extremisms". Ramadani says the AAK has received threats with regards to its position against radical Islam, “but such threats never stopped us from carrying out our national duties … It is not easy or simple to fight extremist movements … Kosovo institutions need to have a comprehensive and coordinated approach in the fight against all kinds of extremisms. The next government has a clear vision on how to establish inter-institutional cooperation on this matter. We are confident that the government and the Islamic Community of Kosovo (BIK) must be inseparable partners in apprehending extremist phenomena in Kosovo. We are aware of the situation in BIK and the need for efficient functioning. We know there needs to be a law on religious communities in Kosovo. We know BIK needs regular funding. We also know there must be oversight on funds coming from abroad. Above all, religious preachers and practitioners must not be politicized. We will address all these matters together with BIK, as a serious partner in the fight against extremist individuals and groups”. Ramadani said it was understandable that the PDK wants to stop what he called the capital change. “They want to continue the practice of seizing the state. But this is not going to happen. Kosovo needs change. The people want this change and have great expectations from the new government. They expect the fight against corruption, organized crime, economic development, qualitative education, proper healthcare, agricultural developments, electricity and foreign and local investments. They want more jobs and a better life. This cannot be achieved with the current practice of governance. This is why there will not be a government with the PDK,” Ramadani added.