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Vetevendosje against „euphoria and exaltation after the arrest of suspected for terrorism“ (Koha)

Vetevendosje through a press release has expressed their views in connection with the latest developments in Kosovo. In this statement among others it says that Vetevendosje considers as damaging the euphoria and exaltation that are being built in a form of a campaign, especially from few media of the regime, in the occasion of the arrest of 40 citizens of Kosovo suspected for terrorism and war crimes in Syria. Prosecution, justice, police and Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA), as well as Kosovo government are remarkable for scandals, irresponsibility and corruption. Therefore, we should not rush applauding  a process which is not known well from the beginning and let alone the end of it. If it turns out that police have arrested these 40 people more for their beliefs and their way how they look, then these arrests easily could turn to be counterproductive in the future.
