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Kosovo towards a technical government, Blerim Shala prime minister? (Indeksonline)

Kosovo needs to change its Constitution by September to enable the establishment of the Special Court. This is expected to lead the international community insisting that a new Kosovo government is formed as quickly as possible and be comprehensive.

A government between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) with a technical prime minister is seen as a solution that would provide stability, Indeksonline quotes what it says are local and international sources.

“While talks are underway on how to resolve the stalemate, internationals have suggested to us that a technical PDK-LDK-AAK government would ‘save’ the country”, a senior official from the Kosovo Government said.

In these local-international consultations, the person mentioned as an acceptable candidate for the post of prime minister is AAK’s deputy leader, Blerim Shala. His political past and closeness to the three parties make him a suitable candidate for internationals also.