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Le Monde: Mass grave in Serbia might be the biggest in Serbia (gazetaexpress)

Work on finding the bodies of the missing persons from Kosovo war has started in April in south-western Serbia. So far, 21 bodies of the missing Albanians have been found. Only yesterday, 17 bodies were found. According to the French daily, Le Monde, DNA tests for four bodies are still in process.

There are many chances that this mass grave carries 250 Kosovo Albanian victims. Exhumation started by the end of April, after the destruction of a building which was built after the war, at the place where the mass grave is suspected to be, and which was discovered in May of 2010.

According to Le Monde, if this mass grave is proved, then it would have been the biggest one ever discovered in Serbia, after Batajnica close to Belgrade, where mortal remains of more than 700 Albanians were found in 2001.

Le Monde adds further that the Serbian Prosecutor for war crimes, Vladimir Vukcevic, explained that the bodies were initially buried at three different places of Kosovo territory, then they were exhumed and transported to Rudnica in order to hide these crimes. A former Serbian deputy minister of interior, Vlastimir Djordjevic, sentenced by the International Court Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) with 18 years of prison for war crimes in Kosovo, is believed to have ordered transfer of the bodies.

In general, more than 800 bodies of Kosovo Albanians have been exhumed from the three mass graves in Serbia in 2001. The war in Kosovo caused around 13.000 victims, majority of them Kosovo Albanians. More than 1,700 people are missing; victims are mainly Albanian, concluded Le Monde.
