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Isufi: Coalition agreement will not be revisited (Radio Free Europe)

Deputy leader of the Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ahmet Isufi, said in an interview that the agreement with Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje will not be reviewed and that the coalition is stable. Isufi said it is unfortunate that the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, has not been more engaged and firm in her positions. “At the same time, I believe it is final time for the president to ask for explanations of the item 127 which is ambiguous”, he said. “The Constitutional Court, in its decision, has left space for various interpretations but it needs to clearly explain it because it is not about political issues but procedural and constitutional actions”.

He said the right to form new institutions of Kosovo is with the parliamentary majority. “We have had instances when parliamentary groups were formed in the same way. Why were there no reactions and problems then”, asked Isufi. He criticized the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) for, as he said, blocking the process of forming the new government and stressed that new elections should be seen as the last resort at solving the situation because they are only waste of time.