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Krasniqi warns coalition block: No party should mention Prime Minister’s post (gazetaexpress)

Jakup Krasniqi Chairman of the National Council of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA,) commented the ambitions of the Democratic League of Kosovo to take over the post of the Prime Minister. According to Krasniqi no one should mention the post of the Prime Minister, being that this post would belong to coalition block VLAN.

“We have united for a better governing,” wrote Krasniqi in his facebook page. “Representatives of the political parties of the post-election coalition should be careful with their statements, because no party should speak separately about Prime Minister of this or that party. The prime Minister will belong to the VLAN coalition and the country will be governed according to the agreed program.

We should all understand that the main goal is the joint project – different governing. Being that we have not united for the sake of an individual but for the sake of the public, do not become victims of primitive interests,” wrote Krasniqi.