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Krasniqi: It is the last moment to interrupt discussions with Serbia (Gazeta Express)

Former Kosovo Assembly Speaker and current head of national council of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Jakup Krasniqi, reacted against the statements of Belgrade senior officials who claimed that Belgrade will not give up Gazivoda Lake. He wrote on his Facebook profile that “according to Serbian media, Vucic told Isa Mustafa in front of the EU officials that “there is no chance to accept your requests. We do not give up Gazivoda.”
The national consensus to continue the discussions with Vucic (Serbia)
From Jakup Krasniqi
This is what Vucic said in Brussels, however we still do not know what was the response of the Prime Minister of Kosovo. Judging from the fact that Mr. Mustafa avoided the journalists in Brussels, he was not capable to give an adequate response to Vucic.
It is the right moment for the Prime Minister of Kosovo and every other official engaged in the discussions to tell Vucic’s Serbia, in front of the Europeans that: not only that Serbia does not have any properties in Kosovo, but Kosovo should be claiming its properties in Serbia. Kosovo should be requesting compensation of war damages and all other looting committed by Serbia in Kosovo during the last 87 years. Add to this the major human losses during those years and during the last war, Vucic’s Serbia is drowned in debts to Kosovo and Albanians, up to its throat.
This behavior of Serb officials, this imprudence and lack of readiness to feel regret for the genocide exercised by Serbian government, part of which was Vucic, is sufficient for the Kosovo party not to sit around the table of discussions with criminals who tend to return to the crime scene, never stopping with a range of requests and conditions to continue the discussions in Brussels.
It is the last moment for the government of Kosovo to interrupt the discussions as soon as possible and to reach a national consensus at national level, on how and when these discussions could continue.
This inferiority of our government officials during these discussions should stop urgently!” Krasniqi wrote.